Parts 3+4

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Part 3

The next morning Kimberley woke up being greeted by a sleeping Cheryl kim brought her hand up from under the covers and gently stroked Cheryl’s face starting with her hair line then her cheek bone across her nose and then her lips slowing outlining them with her thumb she felt Cheryl kiss her thumb

“Morning princess” Kim said

“Morning beautiful” Cheryl replied

Cheryl slowing opened her eyes revelling her deep chocolate brown orbs to Kimberley, Kim stared  into her eyes feeling like she was being absorbed she could see and feel the love Cheryl felt for her in her eyes she felt so lucky to have such a beautiful and understanding girlfriend she leaned forward till their lips met  Cheryl opened her mouth allowing Kim’s tongue  to enter and explore her mouth.

“We have to get up baby you have a doctor appointment and I have to meet the girls” Kim said

“No I just wanna snuggle up in bed with you all day” Cheryl replied with a dimpled grin

“Aww sweetie I wish we could to but we have stuff to do” kim smiled

But Cheryl was not gonna give up she showed off her most adoring puppy dog eyes that she Kimberley couldn’t refuse.

“Oh go on then another half hour” Kim said happily she knew she wasn’t going to win so she held Cheryl tightly around her waist and gave her a kiss on the top of her head and then on her lips.

Half hour later both girls were dressed and ready in the kitchen to go their separate ways

“promise me you will tell me how it goes at the doctors” Kim said

“I promise baby I will text you straight after I’m done at the doctors” Cheryl smiled

As they went to the front door Cheryl pulled Kim into a breath taking kiss as for when they went outside they couldn’t show that much affection as the press didn’t know about their relationship to the press they just looked like two single best friends living together.

“I love you kimba” Cheryl said quietly

“I love you too baby” replied Kim with a smile she quickly kiss Cheryl on the lips and then opened the front door to get to their cars

Cheryl opened the door on of doctors and went to the front desk

“I have an appointment for Cheryl tweedy” Cheryl said to the woman behind the desk

“Okay I will tell the doctors please take a seat and then doctor will be out soon” replied the young girl

“Thank you”

Cheryl went to the nearest seat in the waiting area she sat down as she started thinking about the love of her life she thought she was the luckiest girl alive to be with Kimberley she loved Kim with every fibre in her bones and she would never do anything to hurt her she knows what it is like to hurt by the one you loved like she was when she was dating footballer Ashley Cole she dumped him after she found out he had been sleeping with other women behind her back and she run to the first person she knew that would care for her ,her kimba , Kimberley had welcomed her with open arms let her cry on her shoulder for hours and said soothing words to her throughout the night.

Cheryl broke out of her train of memories as the doctor called her into his office

“What seems to be the problem miss tweedy” the doctor asked

“Well I've been being sick and feeling tired a lot and I don’t know if it was because I had travelled a lot or I have a bug or something” Replied Cheryl   

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