Chapter 1

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What would Sully do if he saw this comic...? First; scream because him and Liu are older than Jeff, not the way in the comic. Second; go on a rampage and kill everyone. Welp. Enjoy! ❤ 😶😐🌹🔪

Liu woke up, extreme pain in his leg. "Fuck..." He groaned, trying to sit up. Eyeless Jack rushed over and put a hand on his shoulder and one on his chest, pushing him down softly. "Don't move. Not yet, anyways. You snapped your ankle pretty bad, Liu." He said. Dr. Smiley walked over, "Are you feeling any pain right now...?" Liu nodded, "A lot..." He said weakly. Dr. Smiley waved Nurse Ann over and she began to give him a bright blue painkiller. (↓)

"Holy shit..." The two personalities spoke as suddenly, all the pain washed away and Liu felt amazing. Sully, on the other hand...not so much. The way E.J had touched him had him jealous. Like, really jealous. He wanted to snap his wrist. Liu was so drugged up right now, Sully could easily take over. Only thing was, if he took over, he'd be the drugged up one. Sully had it rough...he was madly in love with his other personality. Of course, Liu didn't (and never would) know about that. That would be just awkward!

Liu had fallen asleep due to the strong pain meds. Liu and Sully could now dream peacefully.


Liu heard the room door open and peeled his eyes open to see who had disturbed him. "Ugh, it's you." Sully spat tiredly, laughing as Liu scolded him. "Well. Good morning to you too, Sunshine." Jeff said with a laugh, "How are you?" Liu smiled, "Numb...tired. Oh, I'm hungry. Can you-" Before he finished Jeff set a plate on his lap, "We all had dinner, Slenderp told me to bring you yours." He said. Liu smiled, "Thanks little bro..." He said, yawning and carefully sitting up. Jeff smiled, "Anytime, bro. Alright, I'm going to head back down. BEN and I are going to play some video games. If you need anything, text." Jeff said, handing Liu his phone and leaving. Liu sighed happily, digging right in to his food.

Sully was having a conversation with Liu while eating, "Why is Jeff being so nice?" He asked out loud. "Well, he's probably worried. I mean, I am his older brother..." Liu said, making Sully scoff. "If he cared so much, why did he try to kill you?" He asked rhetorically. Liu sighed, "Oh, Sully...he didn't know what he was doing." He defended. "Sure, whatever, Liu." Liu grabbed his phone and started playing music, needing some sort of noise that wasn't the television. "Hey, Liu?" "Yeah?" Liu asked, leaning back after setting his plate on the nightstand. "Can we go to bed? I'm exhausted." Sully asked. Liu nodded, sticking his phone on the charger and falling asleep to Green Day.

A/N: I updated this with my mother in the same room...

I Love Me (I Mean You) ((Sully x Homicidal Liu))Where stories live. Discover now