Chapter 5- Am I lost?

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Chapter 5- Am I lost?

I waited for a total of five minutes before a stranger opened the door.

It may have been a stranger but he was definitely good looking. Jet black hair styled but messy, he must of been a couple years older than me fifteen maybe?

I heard him chuckle then I realised I was staring at him. I felt my face go red.

“Sorry” I muttered under my breath.

“It’s fine, so you are?”He asked in such a manly voice, it was strong but had a silky ring to it. I did feel embarrassed that he saw me looking at him and that he heard me talking. But I got to play it cool.

“Depends...Makala here?” I said trying to look around his perfectly shaped body.

“She is, but isn’t it a bit late for u to be out?”

“Ha ha funny... So can I see her?”

“Yes but after I get your name.” I looked up at him and into his beautiful yellow and green eyes. I took a step closer to him so there was only about half a centimetre between us. I leaned to his ear; I could almost touch them and whispered “My name? Well you have to earn it.” I then walked straight passed him into the house to Makala’s room where I knew she would be.

 “Charlotte!? What you doing here?”

“Nice to see you too Makala, I’m...Whoa what’s all this then?  I said walking into her room where candles book and spices (I think) were set out.

“It’s just mine and umm... Erik’s project for something outside of school, nothing much.”

“Erik ahhhh that’s his name is it?”

“You’ve met him?”

“Yeah he let me in. Is that a problem?”

“No no not at all...ERIK!” Wow never heard her yell before.

“Makala?” Erik walked in. He looked at me then the stuff on the floor. “Oh”

“Yes oh, now we have to do start the experiment I mean project again.” She said looking at me. It’s not really hard to know when you’re not wanted.

“I’ve got to go now, my mum wants me back” I tried to sound convincing, but I never have been a good liar.

“I’ll see you tomorrow them?” Makala said

“Yeah, sure” I said still trying to sound happy

“It’s dark though” Erik said concerned

“That’s Britain for you” I said walking down stairs and outside.  I felt the sharp cold breeze on my face. I didn’t think it was this dark.

I heard a twig snap and trees russle, probably a squirrel or other things like that. The only light there was, was a gloomy glow from the street lights.  I thought I saw a shadow but dismissed it. I then heard footsteps quiet but I knew they were there.

My breathing got heaving and fast. I could my heart in my ears. I tried to calm myself but the foot steps were still there. I carried on walking. A bit faster now. The footsteps too got faster. I found myself running. But I heard the footsteps running now. I wanted to scream but I couldn’t. I wanted to curl up in my bed under my covers.

I hadn’t realised but I stopped. I wish I hadn’t. I could now feel heavy breathing on the back of my neck. I slowly turned around. Now facing me was black eyes and a hooded face.

“Charlotte” the creature croaked. “Charlotte” He put its hand on my shoulder; the hand did not seem to have skin but pure black bone. I kicked the dark thing hard in the face. This did nothing but make him angry. I went for another hit. But he intercepted it and now held my wrist. He started twisting it so I tried to kick it. He grabbed my hair and pulled me with him.

Then as quickly as he grabbed me he was lying on the floor. I looked up again but I saw a familiar face. Erik? I know I may have only just met him but I still ran and hugged him.

“Thank-you” I whispered

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