Chapter 2 - Tutor time!

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 Chapter 2

The bell went just as we were walking in the door, Miss Smith still had to get here so Makala, Melody, Jess and I had enough time to put our bags down and find a seat.

A few minutes later miss walked in the room. With a wide grin on her face.

‘’Good morning everybody! I hope we all had a good holiday?’’ She said walking in and taking a seat at her over crowded desk. Even though it was the first day back her desk was already over flowing with lesson plans and other pieces of paper. 

‘’Okay everyone, here is the seating plan for tutor.’’ She said ‘’Megan front left, Josh next to her...’’ I hate seating plans we always find a way to talk to friends anyway.

Execept I do like being placed next to hot guys. That's when seating plans are good. I remember this one year I got placed next to Liam. Liam is gorgeous. His face, his eyes and wow his abs...

‘’ Charlotte! ’’

‘’Oh sorry miss, what did you say? ’’

‘’ I said you will be back row next to Poppy. ’’ I tried to look happy and not annoyed). I walked over slouched into my seat and chucked my bag under the desk.

Poppy and I went to the same primary school. I’m not quite sure how we’d gotten into the same tutor. I'm sure she really is lovely but she just isn't my type of person. Poppy is just one of those people that think they know it all and like to kiss up to the teachers. She had red-ish brown hair about to her chin. She had a lot of freckles on her face, and had just recently got braces so she talks a bit funny. 

‘’I like your bag Charlotte it’s so cool, where did you get it from?’’ she asked

‘’Umm, I don’t really know my mum got it for me.’’ That wasn’t true I just didn’t want her to get the same bag as me. We bought it in a shop up north though so doubt she could get it. The bag was a light brown over shoulder vintage bag. It hung just about on my hip, I wore it over one shoulder instead of across the chest.

 ‘’Oh well its nice any way’’ I get she was just trying to make conversation, and I didn’t mean to be rude. But she is probably the last person I wanted to talk to.

‘’pssst, pssst’’ I looked around to see Jess waving at me. Yes she is on the table next to me I can cope with that. But where is Makala?... Oh she is at the front. That is going to be hard to talk to her.

‘’ Right I have your planners and time tables here, I will hand out the time tables and you can hand these out.’’ Miss said handing a boy, sat at the front, the planners. ‘’ One for each person please,... what’s your name?’’

‘’Tom’’ The boy replied handing a planner to Makala.

‘’ Charlotte Reeds? ’’ Miss shouted, above the rising noise of the class.

‘’ Yes miss here’’ I shouted back, standing up and giving her a slight wave.

‘’ Here you go Charlotte.’’ She said putting a piece of paper in front of me. Okay, so today I have: Drama, History, Break, French, Lunch, English and ICT. That’s not too bad.


“Huh” I looked around me to see Makala waving with her timetable in her hand. We compared timetable and yes we have all the same lessons together. We then compared them with Jess and Melody they also have the same-ish lessons. This is going to be a good year. 

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