Chapter Two

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"I do not want to go to school...especially with mangy mutts!" Georgiana whined for the hundredth time that morning. "This is bloody ridiculous. I am over three-hundred-bloody-years-old! I do not need to go to bloody high school!"

That was it.

"Sod off!" I yelled. "If it was not for you falling off the wagon, as these disgusting Yanks would say, we would not have had to leave Paris. Do you think that any of us wants to be stuck here in the stupid Pacific Northwest? Hello, it rains non-stop, you pillock bitch! No one wants to live here. And now, because of your clanger, we have to hide out in Washington with werewolves! Suck it up, because we are going to be late for school." I glared at the fuming redhead as I exited the parlor.

"Tanis," Toran called out, following me, "you need to cut your sister some slack."

"I shall do no such thing," I snarled through clenched teeth. "That spoiled little princess of headache and disaster needs to grow up and get over herself. If you had let me stake her a month ago, as I wanted to, I would be surfing Saint Jean de Luz right now. Not starting high school," I gagged on the term, "in some out-of-the-way shithole with a population of less than two-thousand with a werewolf problem." I fought to keep from cringing when he cocked an eyebrow because of my tone regarding werewolves.

Thankfully, Toran let it go and shook his head in disappointment. "Georgiana is your blood and we are a coven, thus we stand by each other regardless of our mistakes. Since her life was in danger in Paris, we all had to make sacrifices in order to protect her, thus protecting the coven. There are many werewolves at the school so I expect you to mind your tongue and do not get into any fights with them or anyone else," he said, raising a warning eyebrow and I suddenly felt like a young lad. "Keep your temper in check and remember we are guests of the pack. Friday we will break bread with them at a birthday celebration even."

I scoffed, "I do not recall agreeing to that."

"You do not have a choice, we are all going," he said in a clipped tone and I nodded once. "You are going to be late. Have fun at school and try not to bite anyone," he teased.

"Give those words of wisdom to that git sister of mine," I mumbled under my breath, slamming the front door behind me.

While I impatiently waited in the car, I laid on the horn, warning the git bitch that I'd leave her ass behind and make her walk in the impending rain. Steffen and Abigail were in the backseat laughing hysterically; they always found amusement in my discomfort when it pertained to my siblings.

"Cousin, you need to cut her some slack," Romeo said, closing the passenger side door behind him. "Remember, there are only three things that women are good for: fighting, biting, and screwing."

Steffen laughed so Abigail smacked him in the chest, and I shook my head.

Romeo's name didn't fit the classic perception one might have due to Shakespeare when they heard the name. Romeo was a self-righteous asshole who goes through women like bog roll. He used his charm to seduce the ever-willing and left a wake of crying, heartbroken women wherever he went.

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