Chapter Fourteen

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 I was gobsmacked over what Jay Dee did to d'Artagnan. It was brilliant, but what was even more amazing about it was the fact that she showed absolutely no fear, took on a bloody vampire by herself, and didn't fall for his bollocks routine. Obviously she cared about me much more than I realized, and because of that apparent dedication, I didn't decline her invitation to dine with her family as I was going to do when I picked her up, feigning a scheduling conflict.

d'Artagnan was going to be pissed when he finally got his ring back. I asked Steffen to keep an eye on him to make sure that he didn't destroy anything or get a body count; Steffen was one of the few who can put my lovely brother in his place.

To my surprise, Mrs. Lightfoot said yes to me coming for dinner, Mr. Lightfoot apparently had no say to the matter, however, Jay Dee didn't feel that meatloaf would be very appealing for someone like me, thus she wanted something slightly fancier. That was most agreeable; I hated meatloaf.

Jay Dee and I bickered the entire time at the grocery store; she tried to shop cheap and I didn't do cheap. After twenty minutes of putting everything she tossed in the cart back, replacing it with what I saw fit, she pouted as she softly growled under her breath at me.

It was turning me on, strangely enough.

Sadly, her defiance didn't stop there and she proceeded to argue with me about paying when we reached the register. No longer in the mood for her unusual form of torture, I threw her over my shoulder and paid, earning a hard smack on my ass for it in return.

While Jay Dee showered, I made dinner. I refused to let her cook after she commented we may have to order pizza...again. Jarvis sat on the counter, taking up precious workspace, and watched me. And their mother, Sky, hovered in the kitchen the entire time with her son, which filled the tiny space to near capacity.

Sky wasn't rude, that was surprising considering I was a vampire with an open invitation to her home, she simply wasn't talkative. She was vigilant, which I didn't blame her for; having a vampire in the house could be rather offsetting, especially if you were once their immortal enemy.

Jay Dee laughed when I bought a large bouquet of flowers for her mum. I had to remind her of the century in which I was born, and explain to her the rules for properly courting someone, which she snorted and laughed for over ten minutes straight. In all fairness, I did break the number one rule of courtship by sneaking through her bedroom window and kissing, not to mention, staying the night. But old habits die hard, not that I had ever properly courted anyone before.

Eventually, Jarvis couldn't take it anymore and huffed. "Okay, Count Suckula, what's the deal?"

I looked up at him while blindly chopping vegetables. "What do you mean, mongrel...I mean, Mr. Jarvis?" I asked.

"Ruff ruff," he growled before laughing. "Obviously you're not going anywhere. I was hoping that the weather would keep you away, but somehow you're beating the sun."

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