Chapter Twenty-Seven

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James Spottedhorse took the lead and stopped just outside of the parking lot.

"Keep going," I said, noting movement from the corner of my eye. "There are too many witnesses. You know the penalty for phasing in front of humans. The last two I know of had their throats ripped out," I informed him in a conversational tone.

"Shut up, bitch," James snarled.

"It's your throat," I sang.

"Why are you antagonizing him?" Tanis whispered.

I slammed my elbow into his stomach and he grunted. "This is werewolf business, keep your mouth shut and hands to yourself," I warned under my breath, giving him a look, trying to explain that we aren't alone and that we should, in theory, be okay.

Tanis glared at me, of course.

It didn't take a werewolf with heightened senses to track the four vampires flanking us, or to smell the werewolves shadowing each of our movements. Either these three were exceptionally unobservant or they were suffering from atonement induced tunnel vision.

"Bjørnen sover, bjørnen sover, i sitt lune hi," I mumbled under my breath as we went; I didn't know where it came from, but the way the words flowed and the softness of the voice singing them in my head, made them appropriate for some reason. "Den er ikke farlig, bare vi går varlig. Men man kan jo, men man kan jo, aldri være trygg."

Tanis looked at me curiously. "Kan du snakke norsk?" he mumbled under his breath, his eyes moving around the area.

I shrugged. "I don't know what you just said, but what I do know is, it was hot," I said with a smile.

He gave me a look.

"What?" I asked then giggled.

"That's enough!" James snarled and spun around, his fist connecting to the side of my face, knocking me into Tanis.

I was barely able to pull the irate vampire back before his fist broke through James' skull.

"Nice," I mumbled and moved my jaw back and forth to pop it back into place. "Ouch."

James leveled the gun at my head. "We should have done this years ago, you abomination."

And that was the wrong thing to say.

"You really shouldn't have said that," I snarled, and in a blur of movement, my hand was suddenly around his throat; I effortlessly hoisted him off his feet and into the air, and the gun fell from his grasp.

That wasn't entirely normal.

His dark complexion started to blanch and his eyes were wide in fear.

"It is one thing to insult me and call me an abomination," I snarled. "That I can deal with because you aren't the first to run their mouth, and I'm pretty damn sure you won't be the last. I can even overlook and pardon your actions in coming on our land and threatening the princess of the Lhaq'temish...I will pardon you for those particular indiscretions. However, what I cannot and will not overlook and show leniency on is your attempt on the life of the prince of the Lhaq'temish...on my brother."

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