Chapter Eight

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Breakfast consisted of another cuppa, and a few croissants and cheese Danishes. Jay Dee didn't want to stay in the area, too many eyes she said, so we took the ferry to Lummi Island—it was an agreeable suggestion; I wasn't about to share her. Standing on the bow of the ferry next to her, watching the whales jump and surface in the distance, the eagles soaring overhead, and the way the fog hung midway up the tree line, creating a mysterious ambiance to the morning, was the picturesque way to spend the day.

Once docked, we explored the secluded coves. Occasionally she'd break the silence by mentioning a point of interest we were passing, the local wildlife that crossed our path, or a tale of the people she called hers.

"The Coyote liked to take out his eyeballs and juggle them to impress the girls," Jay Dee absently said as she skipped a rock across the rolling tide. "One day when he was juggling them, he threw one so high that it stuck in the sky and is now known as Arcturus. It's the brightest star of Constellation Boötes, forming the left foot of the Great Bear of the northern hemisphere known as the constellation Ursa Major...I did a science project on it in fifth grade," she said with a shrug.

Absently I nodded; there was something almost spiritual about watching her, listening to her, just being in her presence. I liked it much more than was appropriate.

I was gobsmacked by how undeterred Jay Dee was about me being a vampire. Most people, hell, anyone other than her, would have been worried about being alone with a vampire, or would have worn a neckbrace as a reminder not to bite. But no, not Jay Dee. Without question, or concern for her well-being, she chose to hang around with me, alone, in the middle of nowhere where no one could hear her scream.

Last night, after Steffen left to tell Romeo the bad news, and Mum popped her head in to check on me, and willing the numbers on the clock failed, I fell asleep and dreamt of Jay Dee. It wasn't a perverse dream, but I did get a kiss goodnight. I woke much earlier than needed, anxious to see the young woman who was quickly consuming me. But like a coward, I sat in front of her house for an hour waiting for her to exit, struggling to ignore the Res Whore comments her infantile brother was making about her from inside—I had to turn the stereo on in order to drown him out otherwise I would have addressed it with him personally. I should have knocked on the door, it would have been the human thing to do, but I was nervous to see her again, not to mention, was extremely narked at her brother for disrespecting his beautiful sister like that.

However, all the questions I was prepared to throw at Jay Dee during our short morning drive, one which I had mapped out with help from the GPS in order to take the longest route possible so not to miss a moment with her, were quickly forgotten when she looked at me with pained eyes.

Was it possible for a narked vampire's heart to break?

I didn't think so, but hearing her words, feelings, and the pain and guilt she was consumed with, which had been plaguing her for years, in her hour of ranting, it killed me inside. Each tear that rolled from her beautiful eyes drove me mad with anger. I wanted to kill every person in that bloody tribe, every person who had treated her badly, made a rude comment, fantasized about her, even breathed on her. If she wasn't so gutted, so in need of a friend and a shoulder to cry on, I would have done it and not thought twice about it.

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