Chapter Thirteen

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Why was it that when you wanted the day to drag ass, it raced by faster than you could remember?

It honestly was as if I blinked on the way to school, and then I was suddenly driving away from it, heading to work with Tanis tapping his fingers on the steering wheel; it was annoying the hell out of me. He was distracted all day. When we arrived to creative writing, he pulled my seat out for me, the one next to the window, and joined me once I sat, and he absently caressed the side of my thigh with the backs of his fingers. I was rather confident he knew he was turning me on...hell, the werewolves in the front row even knew, but he appeared completely oblivious to it. During gym, he wouldn't leave my side and his eyes were constantly roaming, as if he was looking for danger.

I wasn't entirely sure if I liked his sudden possessiveness, but at the same time, I found myself doing that with him; I growled more than once at the bitches that got too close to him. I mean, it could have been my imagination, but I was pretty damn sure that it wasn't; something was on his mind, I just didn't know what.

"Did you want to go on a murderous rampage with me tonight and suck an orphanage dry while I dance naked in the moonlight bathed in the blood of the innocent?" I asked conversationally while watching the speeding scenery pass by.

Tanis absently nodded. "Whatever tickles your fancy, Duckie."

"I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die," I sang—everyone loved Johnny Cash.

"That is brilliant, Duckie."

I punched him in the arm.

"Ow, what in bloody hell was that for?" he complained, rubbing his arm.

"Dude, seriously? You've been spacing off since you picked me up this morning. I'm used to being ignored, but I was hoping that you were different," I pouted.

He shook his head. "Draining an orphanage, not something I am in support of, however I am in full support, in every meaning of the term, of watching you dance naked in the moon light...being bathed in blood is not necessary. Johnny Cash is one of my favorites, he was a good lad that I had the great pleasure of getting pissed with more than once in the nineteen-fifties and sixties." He looked over at me and I fought the urge to smack him simply because of the smug look on his face. "I assure you, Duckie, you are not being ignored. I hear everything you say and all of the silent words that are so very clearly heard when I gaze into your beautiful eyes."

That was hot as hell.

"Okay then, what's up?" I asked; my face felt as if it was on fire from embarrassment.

He looked at me curiously, then laughed at the expression on my face. "My apologies for appearing distracted, I assure you it was not my intention. I heard everything you have said since picking you up this morning. I am mentally preoccupied matters," he struggled to explain.

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