Chapter Thirty-One

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Mom looked as if she was going to cry while ripping someone's throat out, and Dad didn't look much better.

I eventually joined them once I finished packing, and sat between them on the edge of my bed. "I have never been more murderously irate than I am at the Aslak," I whispered. "And I'm livid at Toran for keeping it from me...from us. But I can't hate him because his actions gave me the greatest parents a girl could ever hope for, and a brother who I love, and for some reason he loves me just as much. I couldn't imagine having a better life," I assured them and they both started crying. I took their hands in mine and reassuringly squeezed them. "It may be harsh of me to say, but the greatest parents in the world weren't the ones to who I was born, they are the ones who raised me. A day hasn't gone by when I haven't felt endlessly loved, even that first day...which is funny because out of everything that I can't remember, and wish that I didn't now, I have always remembered the first day so vividly. I woke in my mom's arms, in your arms," I said, squeezing Mom's hand. "You had me wrapped in that beautiful quilt that your mother made you, and I remember thinking that it smelled like home, it felt like home in your arms.

"While the elders argued around me in a language that I couldn't understand, a golden-eyed boy stood in front of us, his long jet black hair was peculiar to me because it was the opposite of mine," I said with a chuckle and a tear rolled down my cheek. "Jarvis just stood there looking at me in his mother's arms. One would think that he'd be jealous, and he was, he later told me, but not of sharing his mother, he wanted to hug me, too. Even on that first day he was so protective of me, and caring and kind. For the first time that I could remember, even though I couldn't remember anything at the time, but I do now and I stand by my statement, I felt loved and I knew I was home," I informed them.

"I am a strong believer in Fate," I continued, trying to keep from completely losing it but I was sniveling as much as Mom was. "Fate brought the enemy to my doorstep, Fate put me in Toran's arms, Fate delivered me from the sea to my family, and Fate brought me to Tanis. I feel horrible that all those werewolves and people had to die, even the ones that Georgiana killed which forced part of their coven to move to Lummi, but I will not apologize for it. I will not apologize for loving him, and I will not apologize for feeling the way I do. You two are my parents and will always be my parents, the tribe is my tribe, and the pack will forever be my pack, but where I feel I should be is in Tanis' arms and by his side for all of eternity...I love him."

They both nodded their understanding at what I was silently trying to express but was too cowardly to actually say the words aloud.

"Sweetheart," Mom whispered, "your dad and need to know why we took you in, because it will explain why we will fight to protect you and your heart. We love you very much and we've only wanted good things for you. Initially, you were only supposed to be placed with us on a temporary basis, but after I held you, I knew that I couldn't give you back," she whispered and brought our joined hands to her lips and tenderly kissed them. "In the nineteen-sixties, your dad and I had a child, a daughter...she is the one in the black and white photograph on the wall that your dad can't look at. She was our little girl. I was told that I was infertile so we never thought a child would be possible, and we felt that the Gods were blessing us when Raven was born. However, on her nineteenth birthday, we discovered that she had cancer and that it was terminal. Her condition deteriorated quickly, and she died less than nine months after her diagnosis. When Raven died, I never thought that I could love a child again. Then when Jarvis was born, we were both so scared that we'd lose him too, but he was strong and nothing like Raven, who was delicate and fragile from birth."

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