Alternate Chapter 6

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~ Michael's P.O.V~

"Get your shit and get the hell out of my house." My heart dropped as those words left her mouth I could feel my heart break. It seems like every time I finally have her, I lose her.

"Ryder please, I'm begging you don't do this" My eyes began to fill with tears

"Eliana begged you to let her go but you didn't, you killed her. How could you live with yourself?" How could I live with myself? Truth be told I treated Eliana's murder like everyone elses, I buried it at the bottom of a bottle. That's how I deal with everything, I just drink until I can't remember.

"I know you might think I'm a terrible person but.... " I can't even finish my sentence before I was cut off

"Think? I know you're a terrible person." Ryder practically yelled

"Don't act like you're fucking innocent and as if you cared. You didn't even want to be around her. She's been dead for a little over a year and you haven't even noticed, if anyone is a terrible person it's you. She was suppose to be your best friend, your sister but you didn't even realize she was gone. You didn't even try to contact her. So don't try to act like you cared when you didn't." The words slipped out of my mouth before I could control them. I could tell I Fucked up by the way everyone's eyes began to widen and Ryder pulled away from Calum and walked towards me "I didn't mean it, I'm so sorr..." I didn't realize Ryder hit me until my cheek started burning.

"Fuck your apology, if you're not out by tonight I will see to it that you have the same ending as Eliana." The tone of her voice made it clear that she was a few seconds away from killing me but she let out an angry sigh before turning her back to me and walking away.

"I'm sorry." I whispered before turning around and making my way to me and Ryder's room.

~Ryder's P.O.V~

I just finished wiping my tears and covering my blotchy red skin with makeup. I can't believe Michael could do that. Part of me knew that he could but no part of me thought that he actually would. What if one day he ends up doing the same to me? Or the guys or one of the kids for that matter? None of us are safe as long as he's around.

I walked to my closet and pulled out a tight black dress and my heels. I don't know why but I always resort to this, every time I'm upset I always put on my most expensive shoes and my tightest dress and go to the closest club. Maybe that's why I'm so Fucked up, I never deal with my problems I just run away from them. It's all I've ever been good at.

I pulled the dress up my body and put the heels on my feet before walking out of the room and into the living room. The guys all looked at me with bloodshot eyes and pure shock.

"Where are you going?" Liam asked wiping his eyes

"Out" I grabbed my keys off the counter and walled out the front door and climbed into my car and began to drive.

If I don't think about it, it never happened. She's still alive, we're just not talking. I can see her any time I want, I just don't want to see her right now. Part of me wants to believe those words but that's all they are, words and they will never be true. She's dead and she's not coming back. What a true friend I am, I'm going to a bar to get drink as my friend is buried in the woods. Maybe I truly didn't care about her. Maybe I just pretended to.

I pulled up to a club called 'Fantasy' I quickly parked my car and walked to the club. I pushed my way in with the crowd and quickly made my way over to the bar.

"Hey can I buy you a drink?" I turned to see a guy standing beside me with greasy hair and a disgusting smirk.

"No, go away." I simply said turning my back to him and order 6 shots. I quickly downed the shots before making my way to the dance for and swaying to the sound of the music. It didn't take long before I felt arms wrap around my waist and a stiff chest on my back as the person swayed with me.

"What's your name beautiful?" The guy whispered in my ear before nibbling on it.

"Ryder." I felt the guy stiffen behind me causing me to get confused. "What's your name?" I asked slightly turning my head to get a glimpse of the guys.

His brown eyes burned into mine as he licked his lips before speaking.

"You'll have to find that out on your own, love." This guys is playing too many games, I'm about to walk away. Just as the thought crossed my mind the guy kissed my neck and began to trail his hands down my body. "Lets go somewhere a little more private."

~ Michael's P.O.V ~

I was almost done packing when my phone buzzed. I quickly grabbed it to see a text from the last person I wanted to talk to. I opened the message to see a picture of Ryder laying in an unknown bed completely naked.

'Trouble at home?'



Sorry for the short updates but I hope you all like this chapter ❤❤❤