Alternate Chapter 2

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~ Michael'a P.O.V ~

I tugged at my hair in frustration as I read over the note for the hundredth time. How in the hell did this little shit find out where I live. How dare he try to threaten me, I will murder him before he could even think of stealing my family away from me. I Refuse to lose what I worked so hard for. My train of thought was cut off by my phone ringing. I quickly answered it careless as to who was calling.

"What?" I snapped

"You have 24 hours to have my money, if you don't I might have to have a little conversation with your wife. I'm sure she'd love to hear that her husband has been lying to her for months." I could hear his sickening chuckle ring through the phone.

"I already fucking paid you." I practically spat

"I want more, it seems only fair seeing as I'm keeping suck a big secret that could easily ruin your life." I could practically hear the smug in his voice.

"Listen here you little shit...." I was cut off by him speaking

"Twenty-four hours Clifford, that's it." The line went dead causing me to throw my phone against the wall before resting my head in my hands. This is going to be one of the hardest things I think I ever had to do. I don't know how I'm going to tell her. Why is it that every time I think I can be happy and everything is going great that some one has to ruin everything for me. Why can't people leave me alone and just let me live my life and be happy. My train of thought was interrupted by my princess walking through the front door with a box with a big purple bow on top and a tag saying from Mommy to London . I immediately jumped to my feet and ran over to her and spun her around as I kissed her cheeks causing her to giggle but push me away.

"You're going to make me drop London's present." I placed a soft kiss on her lips before pulling away and backing up to see Calum standing behind her with a huge cake in his hands that was decorated with a princess in the middle and the words 'happy birthday princess' written across it with what I assume to be edible glitter sprinkled around the cake. I smiled at how adorable it was.

"London is going to love that cake" I Said taking it out of Calum's hands and walking it into the dining room and placing it on the table. I let out a sigh as I thought about the fact that tonight might be the last happy night I have with my family.

~ Ryder's P.O.V ~ (A few hours later)

"Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you." We all sung along to my baby girl who had the biggest smile on her face as she blew out the candles. I smiled as I watched Calum kiss one of her cheeks as Zayn kissed her other cheek then Michael kissed her forehead causing her to giggle and pull them into a group hug. I smiled as I watched the people who became my family laugh and smile at each other. Louis grabbed a knife and cut everyone a piece of cake before handing London her cake and kissing her nose.

"Our baby girl is growing up so fast, it feels like only yesterday she was running around in her diaper and giggling over everything." Calum said pulling me into a hug and kissing my temple causing me to smile before kissing his cheek.

"I know, soon she's going to start dating and I'm not sure I'm ready for that." I chuckled

"No boys are allowed around my baby girl. I Refuse to let some stupid boy break her little heart." Calum's face was so serious it caused my to laugh.

"Awww someone's being an over protective daddy." I playfully poked his cheek. Calum gave me a smirk before leaning down so his lips were right against my ear

"Call me daddy again and I might have to take you over my knee." Calum's hand came down on my ass causing me to bite my lip to contain a moan. I pulled away from Calum my cheeks now pink from how much I was blushing. I looked around to see if any one saw us but the only one who was paying attention to us was Mali who had the biggest smirk on her face. I quickly looked away from her. Mali has been trying to get Calum and I back together for the longest, she doesn't care that I'm with Michael she wants me to leave him and get back together with Calum.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I Said quickly making my way out of the room and to the bathroom.

"Look I just need more time." I stopped in my tracks as I heard Michael's voice come from our bedroom. Who is he talking to? He's been acting really strange since this morning but he won't tell me why. I lightly pushed open the door to see Michael pacing around the room with his hand tugging at his hair and his phone pressed to his ear.

"It's my daughter's birthday, I can't just leave" The tone of his voice was so firm it almost scaring me. I was scared by the sound of someone banging on the front door causing me to let out a small gasp and Michael to look over at me. I quickly backed away from the door and walked over to the front door.

~ Michael's P.O.V ~

I hung up my phone and slammed it on the table. I can't believe Ryder heard me. Should I run after her and try to explain or should I just let her process what she heard. I don't even know how much she heard. I let out a sigh as I grabbed my drink off the dresser and took a swig from it. A bone chilling scream came from the living room causing me to drop my beer and run out the room and into the living room

"Ryder what happened?" I heard Calum ask. Ryder's back was turned to us so I couldn't see her face. I slowly approached her, trying not to scare her. The closer I got the more I was able to hear the words that were coming out of her mouth

"Who could do this to her? She didn't deserve this, who could do this?" The more she talked the more worried I got.

"Ryder?" I slowly turned her around to face me. My eyes widened when I saw her hands covered in blood. "Oh my gosh baby are you okay? Did you get hurt?" I asked looking around her body but not seeing any cuts

"Who could do this to her?" She asked as her eyes began to tear up.

"Who?" I asked confuses as to who she was talking about. Her bloody hand pointed towards a cardboard box that was sitting on the table. I pulled away from Ryder and made my way over to the box. My eyes widened when I saw a head sitting in the box surrounded by blood and a note.

This is your last warning,
Next it will be your wife's head in this box

~ Jonah


Thank you all for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a happy holidays. I am probably going to just continue with the alternate chapters instead of the original ones because I feel like I have a better idea for this plot. Thanks for reading and please vote and comment