Alternate chapter 4

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~ Ryder's P.O.V ~

"what do you mean? He killed who?" Calum asked pulling my trembling body to his chest.

"Eliana." The room felt as if it was spinning around me as my throat began to close up.

"Ryder are you okay, can you hear me?" But I couldn't hear him, the only thing I could hear was the last words I ever said to her. 'I will never forgive you, don't call me and don't come around. As far as I'm concerned we're not friends, we're not family, we are nothing.' The words played over and over as if to torture me and for a moment my world stood still. No more crying, no more screaming just mind numbing silence. I could feel myself begin to stand but it was as if I wasn't doing it, as if i was a puppet with an unknown force controlling me.

I started to walk towards the door and to my car. I could hear people calling my name but it was as of they were a million miles away. I climbed into my car and began to drive. How could I let my anger get the best of me? Why was I able to accept Calum's apology but not hers? She was my best friend and I dropped her as if she meant nothing to me. How could Michael do this to her? When did he do this? How could I not have noticed? The voices in my head grew silent as I pulled up to Luke's house.

My shaky hands turned off the engine before I climbed out the car. I slowly approached his door and knocked. It didn't take long for luke to open the door holding Austin in his arms. He smiled at me but his smile quickly dropped when he saw tears running down my face. He placed austin on his feet Before speaking.

"Go play with your brother, me and auntie Ry need to talk." Austin took off running and once he got to the stairs Luke pulled me into a hug as I cried on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." My voice was raspy and almost unrecognizable

"For what?" Luke pulled away looking into my eyes and wiping away my tears.

"Eliana is dead, Michael killed her." Luke's face became completely blank as he held me arms distance away.

"When?" His voice so low that it almost went unheard.

"I don't know, please don't hate me." I cried running my hands through my hair.

"Did you have anything to do with it?" He asked as if he was fearing the answer

"No, I didn't even know it happened until today when Michael told me." Luke rocked me back and forth as he held in his own tears.

"Than I could never hate you. Michael is his own person and does his own thing, as long as you weren't involved with it I don't hate you." He said resting his chin on top of my head

"Why did he do it?" Luke asked, his voice cracking half way through the sentence.

"I don't know, he said he wanted to explain but what could he possible say to make what he did okay." Luke rubbed my arm before speaking

"Text him and ask him why, I need to know." I pulled my phone out my pocket before scrolling through my contacts and finding Michael's name and clicking on it

Me- why did you do it?

Michael- Oh my gosh baby you got me so worried, where are you?

Me- Don't worry about where I am just tell me what I want to know

Michael- Because I only want what's best for you

Me- How is murdering eli what's best for me?

Michael- Please baby just come home and I'll explain everything, all you have to do is just promise to listen

Me- I don't think I should. What you did was unforgivable

Michael- Please just give me a chance to explain

Me- I'm on my way

Michael- okay, I love you

I ignored Michael's last text as I stood to me feet. Luke gave me a confused look but also stood

"Do you want to come with Me back to my house? Michael's going to explain everything to me" he gave me a stiff nod before calling the kids and telling them to get in the car.

It wasn't long before we pulled up to the house. I know once Michael tells me the story nothing will ever be the same. I can no longer pretend that me and Eliana will make up and become friends again, I'll have to face the fact that she's gone and all chances I had to make amends left with her. I could feel myself begin to shake but I couldn't stop, I hate myself for how I treated her. I jumped at the feeling of Luke's hand on mine.

"Just breathe and try not to over think." I gave him a nod before unbuckling my seatbelt and climbing out the car.

"Stay in the car." Luke said to the kids slamming his door behind him.

I quickly approached the door and pushed it open. I was surprised to see so many sets of eyes looking at me. Mali, Ed, Zayn, Niall, Harry, Liam, Louis, Ashton, Calum and Michael were all staring at me. Michael ran up to me and tried to hug me but I pushed him away.

"I didn't come back for you to hug me, I came back for you to tell me what happened." I stated more harshly then intended. Michael slightly frowned before nodding

"Okay, it all started a few months ago..."


Sorry for not updating in so long, I have been extremely busy. Thank you all for all your votes and comments and I hope you continue to enjoy this story❤