Chapter 1 [Edited]

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"GOOD MORNING KINGDOM OF CHARLES!" I screamed and greeted gleefully through the window.


And then a pillow hit me.

"What was that for?!" I yelled at the 'suspect'

"Miss Cherryline Antoinette Montefilla! Have you no shame?! It's only 6:30AM!" She yelled at me.

And yes, I am Cherryline Antoinette Montefilla and that girl was Tiffany Clarkson.

"It doesn't matter as long as no one will complain." I retorted as I saw my bestfriend Maureen Louise Faller woke up and yawned.

"You're such a loudmouth Cherry! You're disturbing my beauty sleep ya know!" I frowned as Carla Clarkson, Tiffany's younger twin scolded me.

"Calm down guys." All of us turned our attention to our most calm and quiet friend Katherine Sharmaine "Kate" Aileron

"It's good that she woke us up. So we can stroll around town today, or rather do you want to go and take a look our university? We could avail our uniform and stuffs." She was Autumn Marie Fiore, one of our friends too.

Five of them, they're my band of sisters.

And starting today we're going to be exchange students here in Charles Kingdom a few months from now. But we planned to go here early to get accustomed in the culture and habits here.

Charles is a monarchy ruled by the Levaincois Family as far as I know their family heir is the only son of the King and Queen and he was around the same age as us or maybe older since all of us were 21.

Setting that aside, it's our first day here in Charles and I'm so excited!


"Yesterday at the airport was the worst!" Tiffany frowned remembering an incident at Charles Airport. We were eating our breakfast in our apartment rented by our parents.

"What happened?" Maureen asked her.

"Some guy in a SUPER FANCY ATTIRE bumped into me! And he was SOOOOOOOOOO arrogant! He didn't even say sorry, !" Her forehead creased in annoyance.

"Calm down Tiff, we're eating." Kate groaned.

"Yeah, it wasn't that bad sis." Carla said. I just smiled at the early conversation remembering an incident that happened to me too in the airport.

"Hey! There's something fishy about someone's smile." Maureen pointed out.

"Oh right! She talked to a super handsome guy yesterday!" Autumn added.

"OMG! Really?" The twins eyes widened.

"Err... Yeah." I answered.

"SPILL!" They demanded.



I was carrying my luggage, a pack and bags of sweets and candies that my mother gave us while I was walking in the airport. We just arrived here at Charles.

Loving a Prince (BMP Fanfiction) [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now