Chapter 6 [Edited]

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Miss Maureen Louise Faller,

The Casiraghi's household would like to hire you as a nanny for Prince Alan within 3months. A car will be assigned to fetch you on tuesday 9:00AM if you'll accept the job. If not we would most likely want for you to contact us through these details ... 284912***234

A nanny's allowance will be 20,000 cruz per month and would be given an allowance of 3,000 cruz per week.

- Butler Yu,

Butler of the Casiraghi Household, Oriens Kingdom.

Maureen looked again at the letter in her hands. She just arrived at Charles Airport, the letter has a airplane ticket attached for a flight to Oriens. She accepted the job offer to be Alan's nanny/babysitter.

She was kind of worried because Sharmaine will be left all alone at Charles but, there's nothing she can do. Kate agreed with her decision because all of them were aiming to have temporary jobs while they were waiting for the school term to start.

After an hour the plane arrived at Oriens Airport, she was walking outside when her eyes spotted Glenn's butler Yu. He really looks like Yuyu...

"Miss Faller," Yu called out to her.

"Hello there Mister Yu," She greeted him with a smile.

At Yu's back she spotted again a black limousine. Which was their ride to the Oriens Palace.


"Princess Louise!"

"Prince Alan!" He came running and gave me a warm embrace.

"Welcome to the Oriens Palace Miss Faller," Yu again, greeted me from behind.

"Uhm, can I pay respect's to Prince Glenn?" I asked.

"Absolutely Miss Faller, let me guide you to his office."

"I'll go with you too Princess!" Prince Alan held my hand.

Here I am, at Oriens Palace. Will I ever met you again? My beloved...


"Prince Joshua, how can I do this?"

"Oh, just keep your balance. Let me fix that for you," Prince Joshua fix the almost falling books from her head.

"Thank you, your Highness." Carla carefully curtsied giving her thanks to Prince Joshua.

 It was about 3 to 4 days since I've started to stay here at the Dres Van Manor.

Rumors about the party started to lie down after a few press conferences. But unfortunately, Carla thought that after the rumors would fade she would be going home to Charles, the King grow very fond of her to the point that the King wanted her to stay at the Manor the whole upcoming months before the school starts. Which she really can't decline because it was a request by the King after all. She was asked to have etiquette class inside the castle. It was quite weird for the King of Dres Van to act this way because, Dres Van is a strict country with strict rules after all. Maybe he was just nice.

"Psh, don't push your luck." He just walked away from her.

Prince Joshua was really distant in a standoffish kind of way.

"Miss Clarkson,"

"Oh Sir Jan, what brings you here?" Jan is Prince Joshua's butler.

"Lunch is served Miss Clarkson, please allow me to guide you to the garden."

Loving a Prince (BMP Fanfiction) [EDITED]Where stories live. Discover now