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i listened to oceans by coasts while trying to figure out what to write for the first few chapters so if you wanna listen to it go for it my loves xx


june 1st 2018

dear journal,

alright so this is my first entry, see i bought you when i was at the craft store as i was looking around for some room decor. why you ask? well i got accepted into the university of california-los angeles. i still remember the day i got that acceptance letter back in the middle of my senior year. my dad was so incredibly happy and proud of me that he took me out for a celebration dinner. although i applied to other schools too, ucla was my top selection. my mother attended the university, so it's always been a dream of mine—

"honey are you ready?" i hear my dad call out from downstairs.

"yeah ill be right there!" i yell back.

ill write in here as soon as i get settled in my dorm in california, but as of right now, goodbye.
                               all the love, violet.

i close my dark blue journal and close the black pen. standing up i take one more look at my room, well now soon to be old. my dad is keeping the bed, drawers and other things where they are so that when i come and visit i can stay in my own bedroom.

i smile as i remember all the memories that took place in this room. i look over at the white vanity, there's still nail polish and a few makeup stains on it from when stacey and i played makeover in 3rd grade.

i quickly check my phone to see the time; 2:28pm. crap im supposed to be at the airport by 2:45.

i put the journal and pen inside my purse along with my phone. i run downstairs and meet my dad as he's already at the front door waiting for me.

"took you long enough" he whines.

"sorry dad, i was just looking at my bedroom one last time"

"it's alright sweetie im just teasing you" he laughs. im gonna miss his laugh.

   "where's riley?" i ask looking around the living room.

      "he's in the car already come on let's go" he puts his arm around my shoulder and leads us out the door.

           as we walk closer to the car i see that riley is in the back seat. usually we would fight about who gets shotgun, but since im leaving, he decided to let me have it.

      me and my dad enter the car and he drives off to the airport. the ride was short but i tried to look at everything possible to remember what chicago looks like so i won't miss it too much.


it's a short chapter i know but bare with meeee, this book is going to be hella good, i can feel it. well I hope you guys enjoyed it!! please don't forget to vote & comment it would mean the absolute world to me, thank youu

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