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june 1st 2018

      so i got bored and now im writing to you on the plane. it was really hard saying goodbye to my dad and riley. i hugged them both a bunch of times before my flight boarded. i think i might have saw riley cry a little, but who could blame him, his only sister is moving to another state. but ill be visiting them on my breaks and stuff so it'll be okay. i just hope that the sorority girls are nice and friendly.—

     "we will be arriving in lax in approximately 10 minutes, everyone please go back to your seats and buckle you're seat belts because it's going to be a bumpy landing thank you" the flight attendant says over the speaker.

     im landing soon, write you later journal!! 
                   all the love, violet.

      the pilots landed the plane terribly, luckily we got off safely though.

once i got my bags from the baggage claim i saw a tall man holding an iPad with my last name written on it.

          "im violet avery" i say shyly. the man looks at me with a smile, he has beautiful white teeth.

           "hello mrs. violet avery, i am james, ill be your chauffeur for the day, well actually ill be driving you to kappa kappa zeta" he states.

         "hello james" i smile. he takes my bags and i follow him to his car.

"after you mrs. avery" he says opening the passenger door for me.

"thank you" i reply.

in the twenty minutes that it took james to drive me to the campus i looked at all the palm trees and little shops that we passed by. the town was so cute i was in love with it already.

"here we are" james said as he pulled up the driveway to a white house, or should I say mansion. we both get out of the car and im in awe of the place.

"this is kappa kappa zeta?" i spoke.

i look over to james and he's getting my luggage down and nods his head in response to my question.

on the outside of the house, there is a water fountain and so many trees and bushes. this place is a goldmine. i thought to myself.

james and i walk up to the front door and he leaves my bags right next to me.

"thank you for dropping me off" i smile.

"no problem mrs. avery! it was my pleasure" he replies. "if you ever need a ride anywhere heres my card, id be glad to drive you" he hands me his business card and i thank him once more before knocking on the door, and waving goodbye to james as he drives off.

the door swings open after about two minutes of patiently waiting in the heat.

       a girl with long blonde hair is standing at the doorway. she looks me up and down before talking to me.

         "can i help you?" she says.

        "uh yeah actually im violet—" before i could finish introducing myself, i was cut off by a dark brown haired girl screaming and running to the door.

            "heidi! that's the new girl!," she pushes the blonde girl out of the way and pulls me into an unexpected hug.

    "hi! im kc, you must be violet! im so glad you're here, how was your flight?" she said rather quickly. she seemed really nice and enthusiastic. i liked her better than heidi.

      "it was great thank you" i smiled.

    "we'll come on in, let's get you settled in" she grabs one of my luggage, while i grab the other one and she leads me up the long flight of stairs. we walk down a long narrow hallway. there's so many doors, i wonder how many girls are living here.

     "here we are!" she stops in front of a room that had a dry erase board hanging on it with just a nail, in black marker it said KC.

      "you and i will be sharing a room together," no wonder she was so ecstatic. she opened the door to reveal what was inside.

           the room was huge, on one side of the room there was a bed with a blue duvet. her's was neatly made and everything was in its place. i noticed pictures hanging on the wall, probably of her and her friends.

     i looked to the other side and there was a bed already made for me, it was all white. i was pretty content because I could probably hang my gray tapestry right next to it on the wall and it would look good with the white layout.

        there were about 4 windows in the room, it was giving in so much light I was pretty happy. it took four hours on the plane to get here so it was 4 pm here and the sun was shining so bright it was beautiful. i walked to one of the windows and took in the maginficent view. i was speechless, there was a beach not too far from the house. i could also see a boardwalk and a pier.

      "like what you see?" kc said snapping me out of my thoughts, i almost forgot she was still in the room.

          "yes it's so pretty" i turned around to give her a smile.

     "that's wonderful!! well ill leave you here to get settled in, the closest bathroom is down the hall, second door to your right, once you're done come back down stairs so that i can introduce you to the rest of the girls" i nodded, she smiled and hugged me once more before leaving the room to myself.


ahhhh!! I'm so happy how the way this story is coming out, so far you've guys met two of her new roommates in the house, heidi & kc. I hope you guys are enjoying it so far!! don't forget to vote & comment it would mean the absolute world to meeee lots of love xx

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