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"you know him?" i asked them.

"we'll tell you later, now let's get to the beach!!!" she screamed with excitement.

the sun was no where in sight, instead the moon replaced its spot in the sky.

     we got into bridgets car and drove to the small beach near the pier.

      it was like 8:36pm, there was still a lot of people on shore, mostly adults, not a lot of kids.

      "wanna jump in?" bridget asked. is this girl crazy, we don't have our swimsuits on or towels.

     "we don't have the right clothing dumbass" kc spoke up, bless her soul.

     bridget rolled her eyes and we just walked along the shore, talking.

       "so are you gonna tell me how you know that guy?" i said, changing the subject of what our majors are. typical me, always wanna know about boys rather than school.

     "he's no good" kc said. "don't talk to him, he'll just wanna get into your panties"

       "oh" was all I could say.

              "he did it to kc and i, basically everyone in the house, so id stay away from him if i were you violet" bridget told me.

      i nodded my head with my eyebrows furrowed, not that i was mad or anything, i was just thinking....a lot.

     once we got back to the house, i went up to me and kcs' room. the erase board on the door now said KC & VIOLET.

     i entered the room, and began finishing my unpacking.


"my lip gloss! it's gone!" the screaming of one of the girls, woke me up the next morning.

    "where's my mascara?! i had it right here!" another girl exclaimed.

       i ran to where the yelling was coming, the bathroom.

        "what's going on?" i asked, obviously tired from all the screaming.

   "our things! they're missing" heidi shouted.

      everyone in the bathroom was looking for their hair brushes, mascara, headphones, iphones, lipgloss/stick, and more.

     "im sorry, that's really weird" i spoke. it's really interesting how everyone's things disappeared all at once.

i walk back to the room and find kc sitting on my bed like she's waiting for me to say/do something.

"kc?" i began, "what are you doing?"

i checked my phone for the time and it was 9 in the morning.

"don't you remember? im showing you around your classes today silly" she stated.

"why so early though?" i asked.

she took out a piece of paper, "well it says here, your first class starts at 10:30am so you better hit the shower girlfriend" i rolled my eyes and grabbed underwear, bra, toothbrush and hairbrush with me to the bathroom.

as soon as i was out, i dried my self off, put on my bra and underwear. then wrapped the towel back around me. i brushed my teeth, quickly blow dried my dark brown shoulder length hair and brushed it out. then i headed to my room.

kc wasn't in the room anymore. she was probably downstairs waiting for me. i quickly changed into ripped shorts, and plain maroon t shirt. I put on a little bit of foundation, filled in my eyebrows and did my mascara, grabbed my black flip flops, gray wristlet, black sunglasses and my phone before i exited the room.

i walked down the stairs and kc was sitting on the couch.

i realized i was hearing a lot of chatter through the walls of the house.

"where is everyone?" i asked her.

"oh they're all in the big bathroom getting ready for a party, we'll catch up with them later tonight! now come on let's go" she pulled my hand and we both left the house.


"now this is the english hallways, you have that as your fourth class" kc tells me.

"cool" is the only thing ive been saying everytime she shows me where my class is located.

"your last class is.....intro to health, that's in the medical building." she walks out of the english hallway and through a door that leads us outside in the campus. we walk into a building right next to the one we came out of and there's a sign in the front that says Medical Building. she leads me down a long hallway.

"this is your last class of the day, the rest of your classes are in the building we came out of, okay remember that."

i nod my head in understandment.

kc checks her phone, "it's almost 1:30, wanna go get something to eat?" she asks.

"sure" i smile.

we walk out of the campus, and stop by in-n-out burger. yumz.

      once we got our food and sat down we started to eat. We were sitting in a booth, with me facing the entrance and her back facing it.

      i saw 2 boys come in, I recognized the blonde one from the pier yesterday.

      my eyes widened once i realized they were walking towards us.

        "kc?" he said.

"oh god, what are you doing here?" she said rolling her eyes.

       "uhh i came to eat with my buddy liam? why else would we be here haha" he laughed. his laugh was cute.

      now i know the guy next to him is named liam, but what about his name? all i know is horan, is it his last name? who knows.

     "anyway are you guys coming to my party tonight?" he said.

       "yeah" kc replied.

            "cool cool, ill see you girls there" he smiled and winked as they both walked off to stand in line and order their food.

alright, I'm really enjoying writing this book I'm so happy a lot of you are giving me good feedback, it means so much that everyone's enjoying it as much as I am. I already have 200 reads!!! That's insane!! I dedicate this chapter to.........

nialtruism because she's a gr8 friend and I love her so much, make sure to follow her and read her stories, thank you!!!

I'll be dedicating more people don't worry my pals, anyway well thank you guys so much for all your support, don't forget to keep voting and commenting love you all so much xx

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