Chapter 1

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    Aro has lost his mind. I have thought this many time before but this time, I was nearly sure of it! He wants to create newborns that have potential as humans, and wants to have Jane, Demetri, Felix, and myself train them in combat as well as controlling their gifts. We have to do all of that in the span of a year but that's not even the best (ha, more like worst)  part. No, of course not. The best part is that Aro wants of all people to lead this mission and get a successful outcome.
Not that I think I would do an awful job, I think I will do fine. But why me? Why not Jane? Jane has been leading our missions since we were newborns. My sister is very good at ordering people around. I'm used to following her lead. I am certain that this will not end well.
"Alec? Are you alright?" Aro asked me. That was enough to snap me out of my thoughts. It took me a second to realize that I was still in Aro's study; standing in front of his desk with my hands together behind my back. I nodded. He held his hands out; a simple gesture that I am far too used to. He wants to read my thoughts. I took one of my hands and offered it out to him. He grabbed it and closed his eyes. He laughed.
"That is precisely why I am putting you in charge. It is nice to have a switch in power once in a while, don't you think?" I shrugged as he let go of my hand.
"As long as it switches back." I replied. He picked up on my hint and sighed.
"Aleczander, you need to have a little more faith in yourself. You have more skills than you give yourself credit for. I would not put you in a position like this if I didn't think you were not ready for it."
"Yes, master." I replied. He gave a small smile.
"You may go now, I would like you to inform the others of our plan. You all will have a couple weeks to prepare while we collect the humans for changing." I quickly nodded and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind me. Jane was not going to believe this.
    I began my walk through the long halls trying to find the three of them so that I could tell them the plan. It was really easy to get lost here if you couldn't decipher which hallways lead to which area. It was like a complicated maze that had multiple twists and turns. After a little while of wandering, I found Demetri and Felix goofing around in the lounge area for the elite guard members.
   "No no no Demetri I am not doing that, she'll kill me!" Felix protested.
   "Yes, but it would only be for a moment, she wouldn't use her gift on you for that long."
  "Oh no, remember the last time you dared me to annoy Jane, that did not end well for me!"
  "But it was an entertaining show for the rest of us."
  "I am going to stop you both right there." I said. They both looked at me.
  "Last time I checked you found that show entertaining as well Alec." Demetri teased. I rolled my eyes.
    "That's not why  I'm here, Aro has a mission for us. I'm supposed to tell you about the plan. Where's Jane?"
   "Probably in her room hurting some poor soul with her gift." Felix began to walk down to the end of the hall. He yelled "Jane!" Then ran back and sat back down on the couch. He smiled.
   "You're welcome." He said smugly.
    "What the hell do you want Felix?!" Jane screeched as she stormed down the corridor.
  " TOLD ME TO!" Felix told her pointing to me. I do feel kind of bad for the guy. She does take her anger out on him a lot. Her attention snapped to me. Her expression softened but still remained intimidating. 
  "What is it brother?" She hissed.
  "Aro has a mission for us." I told her. Then I began filling them in on what Aro told me. When I told them that he put me in charge of this mission I could tell Jane was jealous even though she wouldn't let anyone else see it. I could; I always could.
     Ever since we were human I have been able to see what she wishes to hide from the rest of the world. I don't know if it is because we are twins or if I am just good at reading people but I can tell. It was easy. Her eyes squinted slightly and her nose twitched while she attempted to smile but the flickers of anger in her eyes told another story.
  "Hey congrats dude, it's about damn time Aro put you in charge." Felix said holding his hand up. I sighed.
    "You know how I feel about those Felix." He brought his hand closer.
   "High fives are great encouragement dude!"
   "Dude? Are you attempting to act like an American again?" Demetri asked.
   "Hell yeah I am!" I rolled my eyes and put my hand up. He hit it and laughed.
    "That's the spirit Alec!"
     Yeah, that's the spirit alright. I just hope that the spirit can hold up for the next year. It will be a task in itself trying to keep these three in line let alone dealing with how many ever newborns Aro turns. After Felix and Demetri asked a couple more question we went our separate  ways.
       I began to follow Jane. After a couple of moments, she turned around; I could tell she was going to lash out at any moment. It's interesting what a simple twitch of the left side of her nose and the coldness in her eyes can tell a person. Her dark red eyes were as cold as icicles now. I know I should probably turn around and walk in the other direction; and sensible person would. However I can't seem to stop myself from talking.
   "Are you angry?" I asked, trying to play it cool for now. She scoffed. 
  "Why would I be?" She walked towards me and her plump lips turned up into a smile but the rest of her face didn't follow.
   "So you are jealous then?" She laughed.
  "I don't have anything to be jealous of brother." I raised an eyebrow.
  "Really?" I questioned. "You know, you are good at many things, but hiding your emotions from me is not one of them.
    "Fine then Alec, what am I jealous of? Since I can't think of it, maybe you will know."
   "You are upset that Aro wants me to lead the mission. Jane do you think I asked for this? I didn't want to. But that's what Aro ordered so that's what will happen." She sighed.
"I'm sorry Alec, I just have to get used to taking orders from my little brother." She teased.
"I'm only younger by ten minutes sister. I think I can handle it."
"I am happy for you Alec. But if this all crashes down, it's on your head."
"Hey, I know that. There is no need to tell me twice!" She laughed.
"Alright. Don't say I didn't warn you. Good luck little brother."
Yeah, good luck to me. If there's a God, he knows I'm going to need it.

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