Chapter 34

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Picture: Gracie-Lynn
"Well, I thought this would be at least a little bit more eventful." Demetri chuckles nervously as we stood in the elevator, which was currently stopped. I believe we are on the floor where Michael wants us to be...but the doors haven't opened. So here we sat, silently waiting.

   "He's probably building up suspense. My brother is a lot of things; strategic included. If you wanted to weaken a group of people, it makes sense to hold them in a small space together. Chances are at least one of us has claustrophobia and someone is holding something back that they don't want to tell the rest of the group. Then you add in the stress and suspense of our situation and bam, someone snaps."

   "Good God Lorne, I do not want to think of anything snapping right now! Who know how much weight this elevator could hold? The cables could snap and we could plummet to our deaths right now." Brynn shrieked.

   "Calm down, we wouldn't die, we would probably crack a little at most, depending on what floor we've reached." Felix said reassuringly. "Although, it would beat getting mauled to death by whatever's on the other side of the door."

   "Felix, don't you think that's a bit morbid?" Jane asked, discreetly pointing a finger at Caleb, who sat on the floor, rocking himself back and forth; mumbling the same words over and over.

"A battle ground stained in red for fear of things that should not be said. Turn back before you see thee, the monster that could kill me."

"It's realistic. I don't think he can hear any of us right now anyway. He's too far into whatever trance he's in to come out."

"Well can we snap him out of it? This kid is starting to freak me out." Pauley shuttered and jumped into Lorne's side. Lorne groaned and flicked his shoulder, causing him to move closer to Alucard.

"Do we really have to wait? We can see the room right in front of us since the door have so many holes in them from god knows what. Can't we pry them open and go fight what's on the other side? We are wasting time!"

   "You still don't get it do you?" Lorne questioned Alucard. "If we don't do exactly what Michael says, one person here dies and our chances of getting to Jayden, Gracie, and Kat diminish. If we act before he wants us to, someone dies. If we step out of line, someone dies. It might be you, it might be me, hell it might even be Adeline, or Brynn, or Fred, or George, or anyone else he wants dead! He is in control here! My brother is psychotic and has no control. He'll do what he wants to do and none of us have a say about it! I won't let him hurt anyone else."

   "He's right, we need to wait. As much as it kills me to do so, we need to. I can't let anyone else get hurt." I told him.

   Oh, how I wish I could break open those door and kill every last one of his experiments just so I could get to Katerina! Through our bond, I can feel her slowly slipping away. I don't have any clue as to what he did to her, but it wasn't good. I could feel her pain as if it were my own and I hoped it didn't weaken me when we finally went into battle. But nevertheless I will fight, for her. Everything that I do here is for her. And I refuse to lose what matters most to me.

   "Alec this isn't your fault, you better not think that for a minute. You have done everything you could to keep everyone safe. The situation got taken out of our hands."

   "Lorne don't fool yourself, the situation was never in our hands. It was always in Old Man Morgynstein's." Demetri shrugged. "We just played pawns in his sick game. That's all we ever were."

   "Look, Alucard was right about wasting time, but since we are stuck in here because Michael won't let us do shit, why don't we plan what we are going to do about when the doors open?" Andi questioned.

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