Picture: Felix Volturi
Alright, maybe I'm overreacting and exaggerating a little here, but what happened once we entered Aro's study was pretty intense.
Jayden "woke up" once we entered which didn't help us any. Felix, Demetri, and Jane were standing in front of Aro's desk. Jane was an emotional wreck, and no one seemed to know why. Everyone fell silent when we walked in. I don't know why Aro told us to come in in the first place, we could hear the hysteria from three halls down.
"Jayden, did you have fun with Gracie-Lynn?" He asked his son.
"Yeah! We watched television and played a couple of games! It was really fun!"
"That's good to hear. And I'm assuming that visiting your Uncle went well?" This time he addressed Katerina.
"It did. He also offered me a job as well. I would preform on Fridays and work the bar a little as well, so Uncle Lorne can keep an eye on my future. It wouldn't really hurt anything if he did, two eyes on the future is better than one. It also gives Caleb a break so he can focus on more definite details without having to worry about me. I know he was pretty stressed out about having too much to watch."
"That's very considerate of you." He paused for a moment. "I'll allow it. But I am more interested in your specializing test. What were the results?" He leaned forward and rested his face on his hands as if he were ready to listen to good gossip. Katerina looked at me with nervous eyes.
"She specialized in all the elements. She is just weaker in some areas and stronger in others." I told him. "She will need a lot more training now that we know why she has such a hard time with control her gifts." Jane scoffed.
"Is there an issue Jane?" Aro asked her, the smile on his face grew creepier as it stretched across his face.
"No, there isn't a problem with her getting extra training for her gifts, just like there isn't a problem with her getting the lead on a mission just days after she's arrived. I'm just worried that the poor girl is going to get over worked."
"Bullshit..." Katerina murmured. Felix and Demetri chuckled.
"Did you say something Katerina, I didn't quite catch that?" Jane questioned, raising her eyebrows. Katerina growled and placed her bag down in one of the chairs.
"You know exactly what I said Jane! You don't like me, I get that. What I don't get is why you have to persist on attempting to make my life a living hell? What did I do to you? Nothing! Jane, we barely talk. And I didn't ask for this so if you think I did, then you need a serious reality check!"
Just then a loud "meow" filled our ears. We looked down on the chair to find a small, all black kitten standing on top of Katerina's bag. The cat's fur looked very raggedy and his big eyes were wide with fear. He had one yellow eye, and one green eye. Katerina scooped the kitten up into her arms and hugged it to her chest.
"What is that, a cat?!" Demetri asked.
"What do you think it is genius, a dog?" Felix replied, coping Demetri's alarmed tone.
"His name is Houdini. I used to feed him and the other strays that would wander back behind Uncle Lorne's bar. He was the runt of his litter and all of the other cats use him as target practice. He's really shy though and cries so much in the night. I used to hear him all of the time when I went to sleep. Eventually I would go outside and bring him inside to sleep with me so that he would be quiet. After that, he wouldn't stop following me around. And I couldn't just leave him there! They other cats would kill him and who knows what animals would find him if he wandered in the woods!" Aro sighed.
"Katerina, I have been very lenient with you; but letting you keep an animal..."
"His name is Houdini!"
"Alright, but having an animal is a big responsibility and you have a lot of those right now. Houdini can stay at a nice animal shelter somewhere and..."
"You don't get it." Katerina told him in a quiet voice. "Uncle Lorne said Houdini chose me." Aro raised his eyebrow at that and gave her an incredulous look.
"Cats have a very good relationship with the fae. When a cat finds a fae that they happen to like more than others, the cat often sticks close to that fae. Separating them would be hard on both of them." Felix informed Aro. He straightened up a bit, but still looked confused.
"And I already have all of cat stuff in my room. From food, to a litter box, and I even have some toys for him."
"If I let you keep the cat, will you keep it..."
"Him. The cat is just as much of a person as you and me." I could barely control my laughter at that. Aro looked very agitated at her persistence. This animal must really mean something to her.
"Will you keep him in your room? We don't need animals running around here all Willy nilly." We heard a laugh come from next to Aro. Jayden stood there, trying to control his laughter.
"Father I don't think that Willy Nilly is an actual saying." Aro smiled.
"It is now. And speaking of now, isn't it passed your curfew right now young man?"
"It will be as long as you let Kat keep Houdini." Aro raised an eyebrow and smiled.
"Are you trying to persuade me?"
"No, I'm simply negotiating a deal."
"You are in no position to be negotiating anything."
"Neither are you. Kat has done more for you in the past three months with the Morgynstein case than you have done when it was open. And after all she went through, the least you could do is let her have a cat and a job she enjoys."
Holy shit! I have no idea where that came from. Jayden is normally as quiet as a mouse but I think that was the most I've ever heard him say at once. But the boy did make a good point. I couldn't help but agree with him.
"Fine. But make sure you know where the cat is at all times." Jayden hugged his father.
"Your welcome. But I did as you said, so go get ready for bed."
"I thought you said I couldn't go anywhere without an escort."
"I'll take him." I offered. Honestly I just wanted to leave at this point.
"Do you mind if I go too?" Katerina asked. "I'm pretty tired after that specializing test and Houdini is falling asleep."
"That is fine." Before any of us could move, Houdini jumped out of Katerina's arms on to Aro's desk. He trotted over to Jayden and rubbed his face against his hand, and then did the same to Aro. I think it was his way of saying thank you. Houdini ran back over to Katerina who scooped him back up. As we turned to leave Katerina spoke to Aro.
"Thank you so much for this. I really appreciate it a lot."
"Don't worry about it. I'm glad the cat chose such a caring owner." She smiled as we walked out.
"Thanks for that Jayden." Katerina said once the door to Aro's study closed.
"No problem. I figured it would be fun to have a cat around, especially a cat as cute as this one." He scratched Houdini's head and he started to purr loudly. "Why is he named Houdini?" She laughed.
"Well, when he first showed up behind Uncle Lorne's bar, he would stand right by the back door. I'd run in to get his food; I had it behind the bar so I could get it quickly; and when I would go back outside to give it to him, he would be gone. So I would look around for a couple of minutes, but he wouldn't be anywhere. When I would start to leave, I would feel a tap on my ankle, and when I turned around, he was there. Lorne named him after the escape artist Houdini because he would always do that right before I gave him his food, kind of like an escape artist."
"Aw, that's so cute!" Jayden exclaimed.
"What's cute?" Andi asked as she walked up to us.
"Houdini." Katerina said, holding up the cat. Houdini sniffed Andi's hand rubbed his face against it. Andi laughed.
"So this is the cat you were talking about! He's adorable!"
"You knew about the cat?" I questioned. She smiled enthusiastically.
"Yep! I've been helping her set up for him for weeks." Katerina elbowed her. "Oh, I wasn't supposed to say that?" She groaned.
"You've been planning to get this cat for weeks?" I asked her with a tight smile.
"Not weeks, just a week and a couple of days. That's why I have all of the cat toys, and food, and the litter box."
"Anywho, I need to steal one of you." Andi said.
"Why?" Jayden asked.
"Because we have to talk about some things that we just found." Andi told him, shooting me a wink. It was about what the others found from the old building that Michael abandoned.
"I'll go." Katerina told her. She turned to me. "You can bring Jayden to...wherever it is you need to bring him, and just meet us after."
"Yes ma'am." She smacked my chest lightly.
"Goodnight." Katerina began to drag Andi away. Andi was laughing like a maniac.
"Goodnight." Jayden called after them as the two of us continued on our way. After a couple moments of silence, he spoke again. "So...you and Kat..."
"Don't." I told him.
"Well you guys are bonded and stuff. There isn't anything going on between the two of you?"
"Nothing you need to worry about."
"So there is something!"
"Have you asked her out yet?"
"Because I'm waiting for the right time."
"You're being a chicken. We all see you gawking at her and her gawking at you. Just make out and get it over with. But make sure I'm not there, that's gross." I laughed.
"Really, well I'm sure that Gracie would love to hear that." He glared at me, causing me to laugh more.
"It's different with Kat. She's like...a woman. Gracie's younger so I don't have to worry about that stuff for a while."
"You plan on worrying about that stuff with Gracie?" He was silent for a second.
"I didn't say that."
"But you implied it."
"Okay Alec, we are talking about you, not me. Just quit being shy and do something because if you don't, someone else will. I can count guys on both hands that would love to get a piece of her." I scoffed.
"Oh yeah, like who?"
"I heard some of the lower guard talking...nearly everyone is interested in her. I mean she's a Morgynstein, and another one of his experiments. Everyone is either curious about her or scared that she's going to turn on us. Either way, those people either want to dance with danger or see what she's really all about."
"You think?"
"Oh I don't think, I know. But those are just the people who don't know her very well. The rest of us think she's the sweetest thing."
"Yeah, she's sweet. But that will probably change. Jane was like that too once, but she changed." Jayden laughed.
"Jane being nice? On what planet?!"
"I'm serious. She still can be sometimes. She just hides herself from everyone. I don't blame her, after all we went through, I do too. Humans can be cruel."I forgot I was talking to Jayden for a moment. "Not all of them, just some." I added quickly.
"Why do you think that?" I chuckled.
"It's a long story, I'll tell you when you are older, okay?" To engage in my life story right now, wouldn't do any good. He doesn't need to know what burning at the stake for a ridiculous crime is like.
"Okay, but I do expect an answer when I'm older."
We arrive at the door to the tower. The tower was the place the master's wives stayed so that they could be protected. Jayden has a room in there as well. I knocked on the door, and Corin opened it. Corin was a short girl with long blonde hair and has the gift of addictive contentment. She kept the wives happy with their situation so that they wouldn't leave the tower. They've been in there since Didyme died of her "accident" but that was to protect them from danger. Now, I'm not so sure what the danger was.
"Hi Alec! I'm assuming that you were sent to bring this little guy back so he could sleep." She said energetically.
"It would appear so." I replied.
"Yeah...okay Jayden off to bed! Your mother is very upset because you weren't here by curfew."
"I got held up! I was with my father!" He held his hands up defensively.
"Well, you better start explaining that to her and the other guards up there. We were all getting anxious, even your Aunt Athenodora!" I rolled his eyes.
"Goodnight Alec, see you later." He disappeared up the stairs.
"The word on the street is that you have a thing with Katerina Morgynstein." She said once Jayden was gone.
"We have a telepathic bond."
"Oh yes, I've heard about that...but I've also heard that you two have another bond..."
"Yes, we do." I said. She was referring to the mate bond. I thought I told those people in Afton's medical office not to say a word! Corin's smile faded and she sighed dramatically.
"Does she know yet?"
"Not to my knowledge."
"So you aren't together?" She questioned, walking her fingers up my chest.
"I suggest you go back upstairs and help Jayden get ready for bed, he was feeling tired already and I'm sure his mother is just going to keep him up longer with questions." She laughed.
"Are you sure you want me to do that? I don't think anyone will miss us for a couple of minutes." She pushed me up against the wall. I took a deep breath and rolled my eyes. This was getting old.
"Yes, go help Jayden." I moved past her and back towards the door.
"I see, now that you have Katerina, you'll wait forever for her and all that romantic stuff. But if you ever need a stress reliever, let me know." Corin said with a wink as she went back upstairs. I shut the door and began walking to Rebel H.Q. as a disgusted shudder ran through me.
Okay, maybe I should have expected that, I mean she and I did have a thing a couple of times, but that's over now, and I feel disgusted just thinking of doing something like that now. I won't be going back for any stress relievers, that's for sure. And as a matter of fact, I would wait for Katerina forever...I would just rather not wait that long. A couple of twists and turns later, I reached the room. When I entered, everyone was trying to talk to me all at once. I only caught bits and pieces of what everyone was trying to say.
"HEY PEOPLE!" Felix shouted. "Shush up a minute. One at a time, the boy's only got two ears and they work on one person only."
"Well he was definitely there at one point." Demetri told me. "His scent was almost soaked into the walls. And he left stuff behind as well."
"A needle and a flyer for an old carnival, just like in Caleb's vision. Lorne saw it too."
"There was one more thing that neither of us saw." Caleb said. He handed me a piece of paper. "Maybe you can tell us what it means."
I looked down at the paper. It was a letter, sort of...no, it was more of a message.
Welcome to the fun house, a world of fun and games. A place of joy and excitement awaits you! Just wait for my call, and you will see how fun our games really can be. Do not come early, or bad things shall surprise you. But be warned, only the worthy can play.
"I can't make any sense of it. My best guess is, he's going to play games with us until he gets what he wants."
"I don't think that's all." Katerina said quietly. "I think there is more to it than that. I think he's going to end things once and for all. The final showdown at the fun house." She laughed bitterly.
"What makes you say that?" George asked.
"If you were some evil villain and wanted to end things with your nemesis, wouldn't you lure them to a place where you had the upper hand?"
"True, but nothing says we have to go." Demetri told her. She scoffed.
"Bad things shall surprise us Demetri." Brynn said.
"Only if we show up early."
"Don't be so narrow minded guys, he said only the worthy can play. So what happens to those who aren't worthy?" Adeline asked.
"Nothing." I said. "We aren't going to let him get away with anything."
"Well, I would hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you guys heard growling at that place, I think those were his demented minions making sure we got the message. And since we can't really do anything about that, that may let him get away with it." Fred told us.
"Wait, you heard growling while you were there?! Of what sort?!" I exclaimed.
"The same growling that we heard when we had to deal with when Old Man Morgynstein's werewolves attacked us. But I do have good news, my tracking ability did work there, sort of. I could tell that he was definitely there, and Brynn picked up on some information as well. If we cross him again, we should be able to identify him." Demetri said.
"Yeah, all of our gifts worked weirdly. It was like being in a wind tunnel, and all the control we had over our gifts just spread out." Caleb said.
"Shit, if I end up in Venice when we face him..."
"You won't George. By then we all should have control over everything. We have nine months remember?" Fred assured him. But he didn't look too convinced himself.
"But we do have the needle with the serum stuff in it! Can't we test that or something and figure things out." Andi asked, waving the needle around. Katerina walked over and took it from her and examined it.
"The majority of the contents is fae blood, but the werewolf saliva makes it thicker since its reacting with the slightest bit of vampire venom. This serum is for a vampire." She handed the needle back to Andi after shaking the red serum around a little.
"Kit Kat, how do you know that?" Felix questioned. He looked the slightest bit scared of this, as was I. Her knowledge of this was strange.
"My father would lock me in a room for hours on end with instructions on how much of each thing goes in one serum. After a while of that, you can tell all of the serums apart. They all are some variation of red, but there is a slight color change in each of them." No one talked for a long time. The seconds ticked by slowly as we began to process the knowledge Katerina just gave us. I think it came to a common consensus that we were all a little bit scared of her when she breaks off into specifics like this. "Come on guys, don't act weird like that. What happened to me then is in the past now."
"Was he trying to send a message with the needle as well?" I asked, trying to get us back on topic. I know this isn't something that she is comfortable talking about.
"Probably, I mean he wouldn't just leave something this important there. Whatever he left, he wanted us to find. See, this is all a game to him, and he wants us to play it his way. If we don't, he gets angry. It's a simple concept with a complex system and if you step out of that system...you don't want to know what happens."
"What's he going to do to us Kit Kat, kill us?" Demetri asked.
"Maybe, or he'll experiment on you if he gets his hands on you. But you'd rather be dead before that happens." The thought of becoming one of Michael's experiments was a scary thought for all of us.
"Why don't we end this for today and we can pick back up tomorrow." I said. You could tell we all wanted to leave as we quickly moved towards the door. Once we all got out, I locked the door. Everyone else was gone except for Katerina when I turned around. She was standing awkwardly a couple feet away.
"I thought we weren't going to tell Aro that I specialized in all of the elements." She spoke quietly.
"He would have read our minds of I didn't. The way I see it, Aro isn't going to give you a mission to weaponize you when you don't have a lot of control over your gifts, so as long as we train your gifts and take as long as possible, maybe someone will come along that will take his attention away from you."
"Oh..." We were silent for a couple of seconds. And then I had a thought.
"Would you like to walk with me to the gardens? I don't know if you've seen them yet, but I've heard that they are beautiful this time of year." She thought for a moment before sending me a smile that took my breath away.
"Sure! And than I can show you my influence on nature! I haven't done that in a while!" I smiled at her enthusiasm as we began walking.
Let's just hope her enthusiasm distracts me so that I don't make a fool out of myself. Maybe this was the "burst of courage" that Lorne was talking about earlier. But it's going to take more than that to help me get anywhere with her. It will also take a lot more than courage to help me decipher what I feel for her. My brain is getting fuzzy just thinking about it. That's just super! Remind me again why I can't function like any normal person would under the given circumstances?

Midnight Solstice
VampirosAro Volturi puts Alec in charge of seven newborn vampires that he has recruited for the guard, and the worst part is, he only has a year to train them to perfection. But what happens when Alec finds the thing that will make his life worth living. An...