Chapter 9

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Picture: Pauley Sutherdale
    The rest of the car ride was pretty quiet. Katerina and I were both consumed by our thoughts as I drove through the Italian countryside. The silence between us wasn't awkward like it sometimes is between two people, but instead was kind of natural, maybe even normal. I know I've probably said this before a million times but there's just something about her that feels more natural to me than anything I've even felt. I'm probably just being ridiculous...
"Marcus did sense a bond between us when we walked in the throne room they day we first met...maybe she's the one..."  My mind screamed at me.
    "Yeah and maybe I'm freaking Marilyn shut up and leave me be." I thought back.
I'm surprised people can deal with me, my thoughts are so annoying. I glanced over at Katerina who was gripping her seatbelt hard and biting her lip nervously. She was looking out of the window as we entered the city. Her dark burgundy hair looked even brighter as the city lights illuminated her face, making her delicate features more visible to me. As soon as we drove through the city, the moonlight came back into focus, and the forest surrounded us again.
"She looks so beautiful in the moonlight, just like an angel..."
"I thought I told you to SHUT UP! Just please, for once, be quiet!" I screamed at the little voice in my head.
Okay, maybe I am over reacting here but regardless, the little voice was right. She does look beautiful, but she does all of the time, not just in the moonlight.
"You have her here...all alone...make your move Alec..."
Nope, hell no. I just met her a little over a week freaking way.
"Not like that dumb ass...just take your time with this mission, it's just past ten o'clock, dawn won't be for a while..."
True. But in all fairness, if this backfires, I blame you...or do I blame me since technically you are know what screw it. The blame part doesn't matter right now. I glanced over at Katerina again who still looked like she was going to rip the seatbelt right off of the wall.
"Are you okay over there?"
"I don't know, what?"
"Yes pet?" She growled quietly. "Are you alright over there, you look like you are going to rip the seatbelt off."
"Would it be stupid if I'm nervous?" I chuckled.
"Of course not pet, hell, I'm nervous too and I've done this before. I think we'll be fine though. I mean all we have to do is talk to him..." And potentially end up beating the shit out of him if he doesn't corporate. "It will be a piece of cake." If he corporates...
"Okay..." She stopped talking as I pulled into the driveway to Pauley's house...well it wasn't really a house. It was basically an old mansion with modern flare to it. I had to follow the path through the garden until I reached the fountain which I had to drive around until I reached the area I could park in. Once I parked, I got out of the car and ran at vamp speed to open the door for Katerina who fought her blush as I helped her out. Oh shit, that reminds me...
"You probably want to put your vampire face on." I told her as we walked to the front door.
"Why?" She asked as the veins appeared under her eyes, and her eye color changed from blue to red.
"Well, Pauley is a rich vampire with a lot of unique habits. He has feeders all around the house."
"He has what?"
"Feeders, you know, humans that are always on hand for blood. You'll see for yourself once we enter."
We walked up the front steps and stopped at the door. I rang the doorbell that chimed a very long tune. Pauley opened the door a second after it ended. His smile widened once he saw us. His eyes were a deep shade of red that twinkled with happiness and his ginger hair was curly at the ends and bounced as he spoke.
"Aleczander Volturi! I didn't expect to see you here!" He grabbed my hand and shook it. His grip was firm, and his eyes never left mine.
One thing about Pauley, he is very strategical. If he suspects something, he lies low until he is definitely sure, and then he puts others against each other to do his dirty work for him. I can't say that I or anyone else in the Volturi hasn't done that one before but it's definitely something to watch out for. Pauley glanced over at Katerina.
"And who is this beautiful ray of sunshine?" She held her hand out.
"Katerina Morgynstein." His smile faltered for a moment before resuming his usual enthusiastic act.
"Pauley Sutherdale. It's a pleasure to meet you." He told her as he grabbed her hand and placed it to his lips. If she were in her fae form now, she would have been blushing. She kindly returned his smile. His eyes never left hers until he let go of her hand. I couldn't help but feel a wave of jealousy rush through me. Then I shrugged it off.
"Likewise." Katerina told him.
"Won't you come in?" He asked as he stepped back. I walked in first and Katerina followed. Pauley shut the door behind us and lead us into his sitting room.
"This is a lovely home." She said as we walked into the room. It was a very lovely place.
This mansion was from the Victorian era and still had that effect in the windows and the ceiling work, along with the artwork hanging from the walls. But the red leather furniture and dark hardwood floors along with the coffee table that sat in between a couch and and arm chair were just a few modern touches on the house. The garden was as well. The whole back wall was giant book shelf filled to the brim with books. An old piano with a sleek black finish sat in the back corner of the room. The walls were black as well.
"Why thank you. I just renovated a couple of years back, around...I don't know...2010, I believe." Pauley told her as he gestured for us to sit. We sat on the couch and Pauley soon took a seat in the arm chair opposite of it.
    "Do you know why we're here?" I asked him. I needed to get this over with. He sighed but the smile never left his face.
    "Well, since the last time you visited me was to talk about the infamous Michael Morgynstein, I'll assume it's because of him. That and you have seemed to kidnap his daughter successfully."
    "We didn't kidnap her, she came willingly." She laughed.
   "I wouldn't call it willingly..." I held my hand up and she stopped talking and began to giggle. Pauley laughed as well.
   "You are a piece of work my dear! The Volturi are adding interesting people to their numbers. You must be new since..."
"Pauley, we need answers!" I told him.
"Answers, right! Of course! Anything I can do to help a fellow friend!" I sat back into the couch.
"You'll have to excuse him." Katerina said. "He's getting grumpy with old age." He chuckled.
"Aren't we all?"
"Absolutely, so Pauley, what can you tell us about my father?"
"Whatever you want to know, darling."
"What do you know about Michael's recent experiments?" I questioned.
"I know he killed two werewolves named Felicity Williams and Brandon VonYelp. I'm sure Brandon was yelping there." Katerina laughed, causing Pauley to laugh with her. Even I cracked a smile. 
    "He also killed a fae by the name of Christian Flare. I can tell you that Michael is planning something big. From what he told me, it sounds like he's creating an army." 
   "He spoke to you?" Katerina's smile dropped.
    "He wanted me to give him another fund to continue his "experimentation on supernatural creatures" as he called it. I think he forgets that he's also supernatural. And of course I told him no. I stopped funding him when I figured out what he was doing. I would have never funded him of I knew of his other motives."
    "What exactly did he tell you?" I asked.
    "He told me that he was desperate because the Volturi took his only daughter away, and the only way to stop them is to fight them." He stopped and laughed, a big smile grew on his face. "Doesn't he love his theatrics?"
    "From what we can tell. Did he specify how we took Katerina away?"
    "Nope, just stated that he needed to collect more supplies, which meant more vampire venom, fae blood, and werewolf saliva. Those are his top favorites. If he has extra, he will mix them together before administering it. And those poor souls who get that mixture..." He inhaled sharply. "I think you can get the picture."
    "Who's his supplier?" Katerina questioned quickly.
    "I can give you more than that sweet cheeks. I can give you his name, address, and where he collects his supplies." He stood up. "Let me go grab my address book. Are you two thirsty?" He stepped into the narrow hallway.
"Roberto, why don't you whip up our guests a drink?" He shouted as he walked away.
"Good thinking with the supplier question. Maybe we'll actually get somewhere this time..." I whispered to her.
Then a small boy dressed in white entered the room. His skin was a dark mocha color and his black hair was slicked back. He couldn't be more than ten. He carried three glasses filled with blood. The first glass was placed on the coffee table in front of the chair Pauley sat in, he handed the second glass to me and the third to Katerina who hesitated before taking the glass and murmuring a quick thank you. He gave her a small smile.
"You're welcome ma'am." As he walked away, I noticed the white bandage over his wrist that was beginning to turn a dark red color. Katerina did too. She gasped and her hand flew to her mouth.
" he can't make them do that!" She whispered loudly at me. I pressed a finger to my lips.
"Keep your voice down. He is a rich vampire and successful business man, he can do whatever the hell he wants in this world and no one will say a thing."
"But nothing, just sip your blood and keep quiet. You'd be surprised how many vampires have donors."
"They can't volunteer for that much of their blood everyday..."
"Pauley's gift is that he is intuitive. When he goes to different countries, he sometimes crosses people who have difficult lives. He invites them to come here and live a better life. Their blood for us is a small price to pay, believe me. Some vampires are merciless with their donors." Pauley walked in a second later and handed me a black leather book.
"Everything you need to know is in here." He sat back down in his seat and addressed Katerina. "And don't worry sweet cheeks, I'm not in a hurry to get this back. I marked the page for your supplier but feel free to flip through and see if any of those names mean anything to you."
"Thanks Pauley. We really appreciate the help." Katerina told him. She took a big gulp of her blood.
"No problem. Is there anything else?" He folded his hand together and rested them on his stomach.
"Do you know what he plans to do with his army?" I asked.
"I thought that part was pretty self explanatory. He wants an excuse to take the Volturi head on."
"Is there anything else he plans to do?"
"He is beginning to experiment on himself I think, but that maybe be a rumor so you didn't hear that from me."
"Who's working with him?" Katerina interjected. "He can't be doing something this big without help."
"Last time I checked, Samuel Goodrich and Adam Quimby. Samuel is a vampire from Germany, and Adam is from the fae district right here in Italy. Their former addresses are in the book as well as where they reside now." He glanced down at his watch. "Oh is it that time already? I'm afraid I have to cut this meeting short, I have a eleven-theory meeting with a Mr. Smith about his future." Pauley lead us to the door.
"I'm terribly sorry, but if there is anything else I can do to help, please let me know." His eyes lingered on Katerina. "Anything you need sweet cheeks, I've got it covered. It was a pleasure to see both of you." And then he closed the door and left us both standing with confused looks on our faces. We began walking to the car.
"Sweet cheeks, huh?" She said.
"I guess so. But it appears that you have just made yourself a very powerful friend. I don't know what he wants with you though, he was awfully friendly."
"That happens a lot. I meet people and they just all of a sudden start acting all nice and friendly towards me."
"Maybe it's another one of your fancy abilities?" I suggested.
"Do you think so?" She squealed. "That would be cool!"
I went to go open the car door but as I moved, Katerina's face grew pale. Her smile faded as the veins under her eyes showed up, turning her eyes bright blue. She started shaking violently before she started to collapse. Before she reached the ground, I caught her in my arms.
"Katerina!" I shouted. "Hey, Katerina!" Aw shit, what the hell is going on. Pauley bursted out of the front door and ran down to me.
"Geez, I leave you two alone for two seconds and you kill her."
"She's NOT dead!" I yelled at him. It was a weird feeling but I knew she wasn't dead, at least not yet.
"Okay, I was kidding. She must have a great affect on you if she can get you this frazzled. I've never seen this happen to a vampire."
"She's not a vampire, she half vampire, half fae."
"Get her back to the Volturi, your doctors should be able to do something. I'll cancel my appointment and call some people from the fae district and see if they know anything."
"Thank you."
"I told you I would do anything to help this girl, lord knows she needs help after what Michael did to her."
"You know what he did to her?"
"We can talk later Alec, just get her back to Aro." I nodded and laid her in the back seat of the car. I drove off quick, letting the natural light of the moon guide me through the lush forest.
My mind was racing and it felt like I couldn't breathe. My thoughts kept pushing me out of my head almost, so that I was just a spectator, watching this all play out. I had to pull over a couple of times to make sure I didn't hit anything as I drove over the speed limit. My head was not on straight right now.
What the hell is going on?!

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