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Time didn't pass fast for Annalise the worst for her was the night. Deep in her dreams her nightmares were only getting worse. War was something that she dreamed about often. The Revolutionary war to be precise. A time period she should know little to nothing about yet her dreams were so vivid she could swear she was actually there. Now her dream that she was seeing at this exact moment made all her defenses go up.

~Annalise's Dream/ Nightmare~

Looking around she was in the woods, that was easy for her to tell. She was running as fast as she could yet her breath wasn't in short supply. That confused her but she went with the dream. Looking from left to right at first she couldn't tell if she was the hunter or the one being hunted. That's when it happened. Out of nowhere a man tackled her to the ground. Annalise's defenses were stronger than the man had estimated though. Quickly Annalise rose to her feet and began to fight the man hand to hand, one thing, he obviously didn't expect.

"Woman, you fight like a man!" the man yelled at her as they continued to fight.

"I should after how long I have been around. You on the other hand fight like a girl." she quipped back as she round house kicked him into a tree but kept her defense up as she looked down at him.

The man staggered to get back up but when he did he had the nerve to smile at her as he readied to attack her again. Annalise could see his intentions and smiled back at him as if she were challenging him to give her the best he had and he did. Though he was dressed in a colonial uniform she really had no problems with him at first. The man grabbed her and pinned her to a tree and that was when she saw his bright red eyes.

"What's the matter love? Looks like I took the wind out of your sails." he asks he in a flirtatious way.

Raising her eye brow at the man she then made a move he really didn't see coming. Head butting him and then kicking him again back into another tree just so she could grab him by his neck and hold him onto the tree.

"Vampire." she sneered at him and he looked at her completely surprised by her words even more surprised when she readied herself to try and actually pull his head off but for a moment she stared into his eyes.

It was like the woman before him was trying to read his every thought. A scary thought for any vampire though he doubted that she could actually read minds. The woman blinked quickly and tried to ready herself again but then released him and backed away from him as if he had the plague.

"Get out of my sight or I will remove your head from your shoulders vampire!" she yelled at him as she turned to run away from him as fast she could.

"Hey! The vampire has a name! It's Garrett!" He yelled out to her retreating form.

~End of Dream~

Annalise woke in a cold sweat as she looked around her room. She had met a vampire before that was obvious and it looked like she was even going to kill him...but she didn't she actually let him go. Why though? Did she read his mind or something? Annalise couldn't remember and now it looked like it was going to be another restless night for her. Resigning herself to that fact she rose from her bed and like she had many times before she began to walk downstairs.

Half way down she heard voices, right vampires didn't need to sleep did they? Still something made her freeze on the fifth to last stare as she watched Carlisle walk out of the study and then another person who actually kept their back turned to her followed Carlisle out of the room.

"You actually have a Hunter here even after the war that might start? Carlisle I don't know if your crazy or stupid." the man said looking to Carlisle.

"Garrett I believe Annalise changed for a reason, after all even the other hunter said she sided with us so there must be a reason." Carlisle told Garret.

Garrett, wasn't that the name of the vampire she let go? Annalise tilted her head confused and surprised to hear the name of the vampire. Apparently her presence was now noticeable and Carlisle and Garrett both looked her way. Carlisle with a friendly smile while Garrett looked like deer caught in head lights probably recognizing her since he was definitely the vampire from her dream that she let go.

"Oh here she is, Annalise this is an old acquaintance of mine Garrett." Carlisle said as Annalise moved forward to Carlisle's side. "Garrett this is Annalise."

Garrett looked down at Annalise with a pleasant smile on his face. One Annalise wasn't sure that she was too comfortable with to be honest. He seemed to be the complete opposite of Carlisle and still just as much of a odd vampire that he dreams made her remember.

"Nice to meet you Garrett." Annalise said trying to be polite.

"Oh, We've met before. Don't you remember sweetheart? The only girl I ever lost to." Garrett said as he crossed his arms looking over confident about his statement.

"Apparently you didn't leave a memorable impression on me? Not that it would have mattered I can't remember anything, my memories are gone." Annalise stated and that made Garrett's mouth hang open.

"I already told you she couldn't remember Garrett, what do you remember of her though?" Carlisle asked curious to know how Annalise was and maybe why she spared Garrett of all vampires.

Garrett though didn't want to be humiliated anymore at least not at that moment. Instead her shrugged and went to set on the couch. Annalise rolled her eyes as she began to wonder to herself why she didn't in fact kill him. Carlisle put his hand behind Annalise and led her to the couch and began to tell her of a war that may or may not happen on the horizon.

"You really think all the hunters will come after all the vampires...at once? No offense but wouldn't they be a bit out numbered?" Annalise questioned.

"Not if they're all like you. There is only one way to kill you kind and none of us know it. That's they're secret." Garrett commented as he leaned forward to Annalise and Carlisle. "Which is why no vampire would be able to stop them. Yeah we could turn one of you but really what good would that do?"

Annalise didn't know what to do so she bit her bottom lip like she usually did when she was nervous.

"Still that doesn't make you like them. The other hunter she said you turned to our side...do you perhaps remember why you did that?" Carlisle asked Annalise.

At that moment a vision came to her head. Standing before her was a man in his mid twenties smiling at her with a vampire woman on his side. They looked like they were very much in love. Not sure what to make of them she finally heard the man speak.

"Sister, I love her, if you kill her you will have to kill me too." the man who she now assumed was her brother begged her.

"James, oh what have you done?" Annalise questioned confusing both Carlisle and Garrett who watched her in a trance like state.

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