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Annalise hated to remember that memory of her brother. Something told her that she blocked it for a reason but she tapped back into it for a reason. The question was what was the reason? Standing from her spot on the couch she felt the anger building inside of her. Not sure what to do she ran, right past Garrett and out the back door to the back yard. Stopping in the middle of the yard she looked around. Either way she went was surrounded by nothing but woods. Most people would feel a bit trapped but not Annalise, in the woods she felt freedom.

"You alright?" Annalise heard someone ask with a southern accent, turning around she saw Jasper watching her every move. "If you wanna fight someone I'd be more than willing to help ya. I'd like to see what all you can do."

Smiling Annalise felt like though this wouldn't help with her brother it sure would take a lot of stress and pressure out. Poor Jasper had to become the victim though. Oh well he did offer up anyway.

Carlisle had finished early at the hospital and was able to get home about the same time as the others. He expected that Annalise would still be asleep letting her injuries heal as he walked into the house only to see a group of people watching something from the back door. This intrigued him and he decided to go and find out what was going on. What he didn't expect to find was Annalise and Jasper fighting one another. That was what he found though and his eyes went wide because of the scene before him, Annalise was not only able to keep track of Jasper's movements but was able to take him down as well.

"I think we should keep her around, who knows when we may need someone as strong as she is." Emmett commented on the situation trying to turn it positive.

"The only reason she has these skills is because she has killed our kind before. Now she might even kill Jasper and not realize what she was doing." Rosalie replied to Emmett who now looked like he was in big trouble.

"She's saved me, more than once but you won't get me to admit it again." Garrett said as he turned and walked away from the group.

Annalise had saved Garrett before? This made Carlisle wonder how old Annalise really was. The others continued to watch until Alice came forward with one of my old books in her hand. Alice was silent as she handed me the book and opened it to a marked page. The top of the page read "Immortal Hunters". Maybe this could answer many of the questions we all had about Annalise.

"She has a legend as well, I read through it. If this is really about her then she is one of the oldest immortals alive. Her brother who of course names isn't given had fallen in love with a vampire and even laid with her that was a crime in the 1600's and he was put to death but they don't state when, where or even how they did it." Alice states as she shows Carlisle the legend in the book.

"1600's isn't that old Alice, I am sure there are other hunters that are immortal and older as her." Edward states crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"No this was just a legend about how her brother died, it didn't state what time they were actually born but it does give a rather odd little detail. Apparently if her brother was in love and was bitten he could be changed into one of us but he would be bound to whoever turned him for well the rest of his life. If she died, then so would he." Alice explained as she looks back out to the fight Jasper and Annalise were still having. "If this is about her brother then he is dead if he let the woman bite him of course."

Everyone exchanged glances but didn't know what to say. Even Garrett who was to the side of the doors almost out of the room was silent for once. So there was a way to make Annalise's kind vampires. Would they be just like them? Carlisle looked down at the book but nothing was written about what happened to an immortal after they were turned into a vampire. Apparently not many had gone through with the process.

"Jasper looks like he's getting fed up, wait they both just stopped. Anyone else think that's weird?" Edward question as we all looked back outside.

There standing before them was a blonde woman, another vampire who seemed to be staring Annalise down. Why so many other vampires had decided to visit his territory now of all times Carlisle had no idea but he didn't want to risk Annalise's safety. Everyone decided to go outside, the blonde vampire didn't look like on that Carlisle knew though as he got a better look at her. She seemed more wild than anyone he had ever met.

"Annalise." the woman said and nodded her head to Annalise.

"Katrina?" Annalise questioned as if she knew the woman.

"After all these years, I am glad to hear the rumors were false cousin." the woman said as she ran to Annalise and hugged her tightly.

Everyone seemed to wear the same expression now, confusion. Who in the world was this woman and if she really was Annalise's cousin then why was she showing up now? So many questions flooded through Carlisle's mind and Garrett but Garrett tried to ignore them as he watched the two women hug.

"Oh Annalise, I have been searching over two hundred years to find you. Sorry to hear about James though, I know you loved your brother." the woman who Annalise said was Katrina said.

"Katrina, I need your help apparently I have lost my memories. To be honest I am surprised I remembered you." Annalise said and Katrina tilted her head and looked to her cousin to make sure she wasn't joking.

"Joslyn must have found ya then, that was her special power. No problem though just gotta give yourself time, her powers wear off after about a year." Katrina said trying to comfort her cousin.

Pure horror was written on Annalise's face and she wasn't sure if it was because she just said another woman had powers or that she wasn't going to get the rest of her memories back for a year! Carlisle them made some noise to remind Annalise they were still there.

"Oh, Katrina is my cousin by blood actually also immortal like many others in my family. Either way uh Katrina these are the Cullen's, Carlisle and Edward, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie and Jasper oh and there brooding is Garrett he isn't a Cullen though." Annalise begins to explain.

"I knew you couldn't leave her alone." Katrina said looking right at Garrett.

"What?" Annalise questioned because now it seemed both Garrett and Katrina had something to tell Annalise.

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