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The next day was somewhat normal for Annalise, as much as it could be. Yes some of her memories had returned. Well at least the one that told her how to kill immortals had returned which turned out to be helpful at the last moment. Still as Annalise sat outside looking into the woods and silently praying that whatever war was coming would take it's time getting here. She knew though that no matter how many prayers she said what would happen would happen.

"Hey, uh Carlisle called. He needs us to go to the school that the others go to apparently Edward got in a fight." Garrett says drawing me out of my trance.

"Edward was in a fight? Why in the world would he fight and with who?" Annalise questioned as she turned and walked back to Garrett.

"You'd be surprised who our kind fights for and why." Garrett says putting his hand behind my back. "At the school our story is we are his aunt and uncle so just go with that. Carlisle had an important surgery to do so that's why we are getting sent in."

Nodding Annalise followed Garrett to one of the cars. Getting in she forgot how fast vampires drove and Garrett was no exception. Ha! Big mistake there. Needless to say in a blink of her eyes they were already at the school. Gulping she looked to Garrett who looked like he was trying so hard to hold in a laugh. Sometimes she really wondered why she let this guy live not to mention what past did they have together?

Walking into the school it looked like Garrett was holding his breath so against her better judgement Annalise grabbed his hand and laced her fingers with his. That didn't go unnoticed by him as he squeezed her hand and they walked into the principals office where Edward, Jasper and Emmet sat. Oh great what had happened this time?

"Oh you must be the boy's aunt and uncle? Mr. Cullen said he was sending you over since he couldn't leave the hospital." the principal said as he stoke out his hand for a hand shake, Annalise shook his hand but Garrett just stared at the boys.

"What is this all about if you don't mind me asking?" Annalise questioned the principal wanting to know what the main reason for the fight was.

"Apparently it had to do with a girl, Miss Bella Swan." the principal said looking back to his notes to see what the incident was about.

Garrett scoffed as Edward stiffened. Great this was all they needed, more teenage love romance and drama. Annalise sighed as she read over the report the principal handed to her. Apparently it started in chemistry class and then on the way to the parking lot Edward attacked another boy named Jacob Black who was talking with Bella.

"Right, so he just attacked him? I don't see Edward being able to do that." Annalise said as she looked over to Jasper and Emmett who just rolled their eyes...maybe Edward did do it. "I will make sure that Edward is properly punished thank you for calling us."

Annalise stood up as the principal tried to stop her but she looked right into his eyes and trying to summon the power she was told she had she gave it her best shot.

"You will not remember any of this, you will go home eat and get some much needed rest." Annalise said but it sounded more like and order than a request.

"Remember what? I'm only my way home for some food and rest." The principal said standing up and getting his things.

"Good idea." Garrett said motioning his head to the door telling the boys to leave.

Edward, Emmett and Jasper nodded and left while the principal was last Annalise and Garrett followed the others out to the parking lot. Garrett casually placing his arm behind Annalise's back. Not that she didn't notice but she didn't mind because now she had a lot to tell Carlisle when he got back home from the hospital.

"I couldn't help myself." Edward defended himself.

Edward went to grab Emmett who was teasing him but Annalise stopped him and stared him down.

"GROW UP! You're over a hundred years old yet you act like some whimsical teenager who hasn't hit puberty yet! Attacking another person in daylight over a woman!" Annalise's anger was about to boil over.

"She's not just some woman." Edward states.

"I know, to you she is the moon the stars and all that. Give me a break. Shakespeare was a better romancer than you." Annalise said as everyone got into their cars.

Garrett drove back with Annalise and tried his best for once not to make her angry. Something told him that Edward had reached the quota for that day. Still it did remind him of the old days when they had first met. The fire in her was something that drew him to her and now it was making it harder and harder to stay away from her. Pulling back up the house Carlisle was already outside waiting with Rosalie and Alice standing right beside him. Edward was in a lot of trouble.

"Don't lecture me Carlisle." Edward said putting his hands up in surrender.

"I think you need it." Alice says defiantly.

"All this over some girl, all it will do is cause even more problems. I think we have enough on our plate don't you Edward?" Rosalie question.

"What will the principal do as punishment?" Carlisle asked Edward.

"Nothing, he didn't give me one. I think Annalise used her powers on him. He forgot about the whole thing and just went home." Edward told Carlisle who seemed to be stunned now.

"She did it for good reason, we don't need anymore attention drawn to us." Jasper spoke up defending Annalise's actions.

Carlisle shook his head as he went inside. The others followed behind him except for Garrett and Annalise. Annalise was questioning if what she did was right. Just as she was about to give up she felt someone's arms come around her and turn her around to face them, there Garrett stood smiling at her.

"There's the girl I've been missing." he told her and not skipping a beat he leaned in and kissed Annalise making her forget anything at least for that moment.

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