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Rosalie did her best along with Alice to keep Annalise calm but even they could tell her mind was doing its best to remember any and every detail about that time that she could. It was already a couple of hours as well and Garrett still wasn't back. Really Rosalie didn't expect him to come back. Why would he? Annalise was mad at him and only Alice knew why.

"Are you sure that he knew before he left?" Alice asked Annalise nervously.

"My father said it was the reasoning the drove him into the war, that he couldn't handle the responsibility." Annalise answered and Rosalie looked at her still confused.

"You don't know for sure though? There is a chance that Garrett had no idea?" Alice kept asking trying to make sure Annalise knew what she was talking about.

"Well I guess maybe and this is a big maybe that there is a small chance that he didn't know. That doesn't change anything though, he still left me." Annalise said as she walked to the window and looked outside.

Alice sighed as she walked up to Annalise and hugged her. At this moment there wasn't much more that they could do for her. Annalise wasn't ready to reveal her secret to the whole Cullen household or even Garrett himself. Still it felt like she had to tell them soon for the secret could be used against Annalise by her enemies. Just thinking that sent a cold chill through her body.

"In order to protect your secret we are going to have to tell the others what it is though." Alice said making Annalise realize it was for the best.

"Not now though, maybe tomorrow ok?" Annalise questioned and Alice as well as Rosalie nodded their head in agreement.

That night Annalise couldn't sleep again. Now with the new memories back all she could do was cry. Going downstairs and out to the balcony Annalise looked around the ground and just sighed. How was Joslyn able to erase her memories really? Yes she understood it was her powers but why did the effects last so long? Sensing someone beside her Annalise turned around to see Garrett sitting on the railing of the porch looking out to the distance.

"You plan on staying there all night?" Annalise asked as she turned Garrett's way.

"Nope, just long enough to watch the others come out and tear me limb from limb because I hurt you." Garret responded as he took a drink of something in a brown paper bag.

Knowing Vampires couldn't actually drink Alcohol she could only assume there was blood in the bottle that was hidden by the bag. A part of herself couldn't help but feel a bit gaggy as she thought about that. Annalise just sighed as she walked over to Garrett. He looked up at her with a sad look on his face.

"Did you really not know?" Annalise questioned him with all the sincerity in her heart.

"Know what? I loved you and I was going to come back to you, which I did if you think about it." Garrett replied and no matter how deep Annalise looked into his bright red eyes she could tell he wasn't lying.

That meant that her father lied though. Why would her father want her to hate Garrett and make her think that he betrayed her for all these years? It just didn't make any sense to her. All the sudden she felt a weight against her stomach, looking down she found Garrett's arms around her waist and his head right against her stomach. Well this was new.

"I'm not this sappy and you know it. Why can't you just believe me when I say I have no idea what you are talking about." Garrett said as he moved just a little so he could look up at her.

Annalise nodded and pushed Garrett back into his sitting position. Garret just looked at her confused.

"It's a lot to process if you think about it Garrett especially for me. I mean after hearing you tell our relationship to me and then remembering it like a movie in my head. It just shocked me and I guess I over reacted a little. I will talk to the others and tell the you aren't at fault...for once." Annalise said reassuring Garrett he would live just a little while longer.

Annalise went to go inside and noticed that Garrett wasn't following her. She stop mid step and turned to look over her shoulder at Garrett looking her way. Annalise motioned for Garrett to follow her which he did without question. Garrett walked Annalise to her room and when she opened the door he looked at her confused.

"Don't think anything perverted, just sleep on the floor or something." Annalise said as she walked into her room.

"Vampires really don't need to sleep." Garrett said with a shrug as he sat down in a chair in her room.

Annalise closed the door behind them. Annalise did feel bad about jumping to conclusions with Garrett and the secret he might not even know about. Sighing Annalise sat on her bed and looked at Garrett who was looking her way.

"If you are going to ask me if I ever loved you the answer if yes, and I never stopped even after you kicked my butt in the forest." Garrett told her trying to make a joke and get her to laugh.

"Thanks Garrett, I'm glad to hear that." Annalise said as she crossed her legs on her bed.

"Are you ever going to tell me that secret you showed Alice?" Garrett questioned as he got comfortable.

"Not until I absolutely have to." Annalise replied a she laid her head down at the end of the bed not letting Garret out of her sight.

"Always so stubborn, but tonight I won't fight you on it." Garrett replied laying back in the chair.

"Garrett?" Annalise called out to him as her eyes began to close.

"Yeah?" He replied wondering what she wanted as she obviously was so close to falling asleep.

"Don't leave me...ok?" Annalise said just as her eyes closed.

"Never." Garrett replied as he went to Annalise's bed and laid her down in it properly. "I shouldn't have left you in the first place and I hope one day you will forgive me."

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