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After hours of talking to Carlisle and learning about what she could of his family he had an urgent phone call. Apparently something was wrong with Edward. 'Odd he just sort of seemed to keep to him' Annalise thought as she listened to Carlisle explain the phone call. Apparently it had to do with getting sick and a new girl at school. Apparently Edward really needed to talk so Carlisle and Annalise waited for Edward to return to the house. Which he did faster than Elise had ever seen. She just thought that is was probably because the somewhat close to the house. Edward looked at Annalise with a bit on an intense stare then turned to Carlisle.

"Edward? What is wrong?" Carlisle questioned showing concern for his son.

"No offense Annalise but I think I would just rather talk to Carlisle." Edward told her trying to not hurt her feelings.

"Oh yeah, no problem. I think I am just going to go get changed." Annalise said making a casual excuse to leave the room anyway, walking up the stairs she went into her room so not to disturb the conversation.

Looking at the room Annalise decided that taking a shower would help her to get her mindset back. Walking into the guest bathroom she looked at the room with a smile. Apparently the Cullen household knew how to take care of their guests. There on the mirror was even a note from Alice telling her what kind of soap there was because she didn't know if Annalise had any allergies or not. Smiling she took the note down and started the shower. Really it seemed like Alice thought of everything.

Standing in the shower and letting the hot water fall on her body made her surprisingly relax a lot easier. She tried to think but not about her past just about there here and now actually. One person she couldn't get out of her head and that was Carlisle. This kind doctor had done more for her than anyone...that she could remember at that. Something about him definitely attracted her attention. Finally after washing her hair and body she got out of the shower and re dressed and walked out of her room just as the rest of the family walked into the house.

"Hey Annalise!" Emmet called out to her as he sat down on the couch and began to look at the TV.

That caught her off guard for a moment. Emmet and Rosalie were close and that was easy to tell but why would he greet her out of all of them? Looking at the rest of the group Annalise could tell that both Alice and Jasper were on edge about something. Walking down the stairs Edward and Carlisle walked out of the study apparently just finishing their discussion.

"Nothing to worry about just keep your distance." Carlisle suggests to Edward.

Edward looks at Annalise and she can see a bit of anger in his eyes as he goes up stairs not bothering to say a word to her. Well most people would consider that rude but to Annalise that was the behavior of a normal teenager. More than likely a hormone well in this case testosterone thing as well. Rosalie went and joined Emmet on the couch as they began to watch something on the TV.

"Don't mind Edward, he just had an off day at school." Carlisle tells me.

"It's alright, probably just a phase or something." Annalise replies casually.

"I hope so, don't want him running away from a girl that is just embarrassing." Emmet speaks up without looking away from the TV.

"Well we all have our Achilles heal." Annalise says with a shrug as she looks to Carlisle who nods and smiles back at her.

"So Annalise anything new?" Alice asks her and for the first time Annalise notices the eye color of her new friend, gold.

Who had gold color eyes? Maybe she wears contacts or something. Turning and looking into Jasper's eyes she notices he has the same gold eyes as well. Then she turned to Carlisle only to be met with the same result. Gold...her memory sparked there. Gold meant vampire...a vegetarian vampire that is. Usually they only drank the blood of animals. Shocked by this sudden memory and the fact that she could quite possibly be in the presence of vampires Annalise's eyes widened.

"Annalise is something wrong?" Carlisle asks as he moves forward just a step but Annalise uses that step as a warning and takes a step back away from him.

"Gold eyes...you all have them don't you...that means your vampires." Annalise says shocking the entire family.

"Wait, before you try and make a run for it like a mad woman allow us to tell you the truth about us." Alice offers up to Annalise.

Though her mind wanted her to get the heck out of there Annalise's heart wouldn't allow that to happen. For some reason she actually wanted to hear the explanation. Nodding her head in agreement Carlisle and the other began to explain that yes they were vampires but like she remembered they only drank the blood of animals. Meaning they wouldn't harm here which was a big relief for her. Once finished with their explanation Annalise looked at each member of the family that was present.

"So you won't hurt me then? I wasn't brought here so you guys could feed off of me or anything like that?" Annalise questioned not meaning to be rude but that was her main fear at the moment.

"No of course not. You are very safe here. Could you tell us how you knew what we were though?" Carlisle now asked her hoping for a clue from her mind.

"When I looked at Alice's eyes if triggered something in my memory. Something about vampires that only drank from animals which turns out I was right. Can memories be brought back just by looking at something like that?" Annalise replied as she was no curious to know is she could bring back more memories.

"That is very possible, now I am more curious to know about you as well." Jasper said this time shocking Annalise a bit that he wanted to know more about her.

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