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Annalise felt as though she had been driving for hours, of course she was right in that fact. Colorado was her destination and nothing would stop her. Anger and fear flowed through her veins praying that somehow Hector still didn't know about Vivian, if he did she only feared what he would do to Vivian to get back at her for rejecting him. Finally she could sense other immortals like herself. Her grandmother had taken over a group of immortals that had their leader more or less taken away from the group for not taking care of his members. Annalise knew that her grandmother would guard Vivian with her life, though right after she gave birth to her Annalise's father, Harold, disappeared before he could ever lay eyes on his granddaughter.

Pulling up to a log cabin, Annalise barely put the car in park when Garrett was out of the car and at the door about to knock it down. Annalise jumped out of the car and ran up to Garrett and stopped him from about to break down the door. Turning back to the door Annalise knocked a code only she and her grandmother knew and within  matter of moments a middle aged woman who looked a lot like Annalise stood before them.

"Annalise, you've finally come back to us." Violet said as she hugged her granddaughter that she missed terribly. "Who is the vampire? I'm surprised you let him live."

"Mam's it's Garrett. Don't you remember? He's Vivian's father." Annalise said as Violet smiled at her in a joking way.

"Oh, right the confederate that broke your heart, or so your father said. Not that I believed a word that man ever said." Violet said opening the door and letting Garrett and Annalise inside. "Never met you Garrett but its good to see you alive."

"What about Vivian?" Garrett asked, his daughter being the only thought on his mind.

"She's upstairs in her room, why what's happened?" Violet asked concerned.

"Hector, he came after me again apparently they were even able to copy one of my cousins, whoever the copy was well they are dead now." Annalise said as she made her way to the stairs and there sitting on the stairs watching them was a little girl.

Immortals aged different, though Vivian was born in the 1700's she still looked like a small child and would continue to stay that way until she reached the perfect age or when their first death came. Annalise knew the rules but Garrett looked at the child in shock wondering after all this time how his daughter was still alive let alone looked to be only about five years old. Walking forward Vivian stood and looked at her Garrett confused.

"Vivian, this is-"Annalise started but Vivian already knew.

"Daddy? You, I've seen you before in my dreams." Vivian said and Garrett looked as if he were about to faint.

Vivian walked forward as Garrett knelled down to her. Putting her hand forward it finally met with a gentle touch on her father's face. Closing her eyes it was as if she was reading his memories and she even started to tear up. Opening her eyes again Garrett could tell she had her mother's eyes. Something he was so happy to see filled with light behind them.

"You came a long way daddy, what's wrong?" Vivian asked concerned about her father.

"Dearest, I think we should gather your things, if your mother and father came for the reason I am thinking they did then we had all better leave soon." Violet said as she walked forward.

Just a few moment later though the door to the cabin opened and then slammed shut. Annalise looked up to see a man looking their way. She knew who it was, after all a daughter would always remember her father.

"What's the rush Violet? You would make it seem as though they were on the run." Harold said as he walked forward.

Garrett pushed Vivian behind himself and Annalise as Violet stood tall. She was older than Harold after all and usually anything he could bring she could easily take and she wouldn't allow anyone of her family to be hurt.

"Get out, you are not welcome here Harold." Violet said with bitterness in her tone.

"Oh, dear mother in law, I care little for rules, after all I'm just here for what's mine. My daughter and Granddaughter. You can keep the blood sucker." Harold said taking off his black leather gloves.

Annalise looked back to Vivian who looked scared out of her little mind. All she wanted to do was comfort her daughter but she couldn't show any weakness to her father because that is exactly what he wanted, he thrived off others weakness.

"They aren't yours and your nothing but a liar! You had the nerve to lie to your own daughter! Never would I have left my pregnant woman behind!" Garrett yelled at Harold who just smiled and started to laugh at him.

"You were the fool, leaving to fight such a useless war and then look what you did, got turned by nomad vampires. You truly are an idiot. You never even realized the true power my daughter had. She can control people. Even though she wanted to stop you did she? No because I told her your true colors! You are a nothing!" Harold yelled as he went forward and grabbed Garrett by his neck.

"No! Don't you dare hurt him!" Annalise yelled as she ran forward but her father put his hand up and her hold body froze in place.

Violet quickly grabbed Vivian and put her behind herself. Annalise had forgotten about her father's own powers. Though her body was held still pain coursed through her body as she began to yell out in pain and agony.

"She forgets so quickly my own power, I could kill her right here you know, then you would know what it feels like to lose the one you love." Harold said as he looked at Annalise as she began to tear up then turns back to Garrett. "However you are a vampire and have no heart so it would be useless. Yet I could kill you and Annalise would be heartbroken."

"You dare to hurt, even kill your own flesh and blood?!" Garrett spat at Harold.

"That's how immortals are, we don't keep who we don't need. Just like you." Harold said.

Vivian was scared to death as she hid behind her grandmother. Looking down at her neck she looked at her locket, a gift from her mother when she was born. Inscribed on the front was a say "Always Believe In Yourself.". Given that bit of courage Vivian looked back to her mother and drew in a deep breath.

"I release you." Vivian whispered and Annalise's body fell to the ground.

Harold looked at Annalise's body shocked. No one was able to break his power in that room that he knew of. Violet was too old but her power was beyond powerful. Vivian still hid behind Violet as she turned her sights to her father. Taking in another deep breath.

"I release you too father." Vivian whipsered and Harold pulled his hand away from Garrett who dropped to the ground.

"What madness is going on here!" Harold yelled at Violet who looked him straight forward.

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