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Annalise lay still on the examine table while her body slowly healed. Carlisle watched over her carefully for her had never seen one like her kind heal before so he made sure to document anything and everything he could. Garrett would come and check on her every one in a while but never went too far away from her. That just made Carlisle more curious, not wanting to let Annalise get too close to Garrett because he himself was beginning to feel something for the woman before him. Trying hard to stay focused he was able to tend to her wound during the night but when daylight came and he returned to the hospital he had no choice but to trust Garrett with her care.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna bite her, I think I have proven that." Garrett stated with a sigh as he leaned against the wall in the medical room.

"Garrett she's stable so you shouldn't have to do anything at all. If something does happen then call me and I will be over as fast as I can." He says as he grabs his things and walks out of the house.

Garrett rolled his eyes as he looked to Annalise whose eyes began to flutter and eventually opened. For a moment she put her hand on her head then her stomach. Well at least she remember what happened in the woods and he wouldn't have to explain that to her. Then she caught sight of him.

"Garrett...what are you doing here?" Annalise wondered as she looked him over.

"I was put in charge of baby sitting you while Carlisle was at work." he told her simply as he walked up to her. "You took a while to heal there immortal."

"Don't think that is something I can control, vampire." Annalise retorted right back at him. "Why are you here anyway? Don't you have some helpless person to make your dinner?"

Annalise didn't really want to talk to Garrett so she stood up and walked out of the medical room only to be followed by him. Something told Annalise that Garrett could be the ultimate stalker if he wanted to. Once in the kitchen she looked at him again and just raised her eye to him.

"Don't get it wrong, there are plenty of other things I could be doing besides watching over you." Garrett said and for some reason that struck a nerve with Annalise.

"I'm not a child, I don't need you to watch over me." she replied as she took out a bottle of water and took a drink.

"Who is James?" Garrett was confronting her and Annalise didn't know if she could trust him but she decided to tell him anyway.

"I think he was my brother, he was two years younger than me. He fell in love with one of your kind. After that I don't remember much at all. The only reason I remember that was because of some weird day dream/ vision that I didn't know I could get." Annalise told him truthfully.

"Your dreams are the key to your memories...isn't that a little odd?" Garrett said as he took a seat on a bar stool.

"How I remembered you, but I don't know why I didn't kill you." Annalise said as she stared him down.

"Maybe you thought I was too handsome to kill?" he told her trying to be funny and flirtatious at the same time.

"No, I don't go for weirdo's." Annalise said as she walked out of the kitchen leaving Garrett there as he just chuckled at her comment.

Instead Annalise went to the couch and just tried to close her eyes and focus. An impossible task with Garrett around. If he wasn't watching TV he was making some other noise in the background. She just needed to find a way to block him out either that or a lot of duck tape and tie him down but something told her that wouldn't work either. Finally she was able to get into her daydream state and the vision began to take control.


There stood James on a platform with the vampire woman he loved so much tied up right beside him. Annalise could feel herself being held back by someone. Turning around she saw people dressed in all black with normal eye colors, they were the hunters. Struggle as much as she wanted she couldn't escape the grasp of the men who held her.

"James, you have been found guilty of laying with a vampire. The punishment for that is death." a woman said now taking the stage. "Any last words to say to your sister?"

Annalise looked right into James eyes and was silently pleading for his life. Her own little brother that she had to raise all by herself now stood before her about to die all because he was in love with a vampire. James eyes were teary as he looked to his sister.

"This isn't your fault Annalise, please remember how much I love you sister." James said and Annalise put up even more of a fight and was able to break free from the men.

Running up to the stage she desperately tried to free her brother. She was grabbed and pulled by anyone who could get a grip on her until finally someone knocked her out cold. When she next opened her eyes it was bright and sunny. Looking around she could smell something disgusting in the air. That's when she caught sight on the remains of the fire. There on burned on the stake was the woman that James loved so much, Kathleen was her name. Her body was charred but Annalise knew who it was.

"Oh dear god." Annalise said putting her hand on her mouth.

James...where was James then? Looking around the crime scene the only thing she managed to find was her brother's pendant with their family crest on it. What did that mean though? Was James alive or dead? It was as if the hunters were playing with her. Standing up she felt more confused then ever...where the hell was James?!

-End of Vision-

Annalise opened her eyes and tears began to poor from them. She had found a way to unlock her memories but now her memories only lead to more confusion. There was a multiple of things the hunters could have done to her brother and now was there any way she would ever find out the truth?

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