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Annalise knew that Hector wasn't one to give up even though vampires would be able to help her she didn't want to ask for their help because she knew they might have to give up their lives so only one thought came to her mind. She hadn't told anyone about it not even the Cullen's when they returned to the house and explained to the family everything they could think of. Shock was something Annalise hadn't seen on the Cullen's face but she knew it was to be expected.

"She's immortal, that's why she still looks like a child." Rosalie said walking forward and looking Vivian over since she was curious about the child.

"It's what most of my family was, including my father who is now on the same side as Hector. Once we are killed for the first time that is the age we are permanently." Annalise explained as Vivian held onto her mother's leg. "Garret was still mortal when we were together but I wasn't I've been immortal longer then I could count, that is one of the reasons I am wanted."

"One? What would the other be?" Edward said speaking up as he looked at Annalise with a dead serious look upon his face.

"I can control peoples free will, make them do what I want them to do. Even if that means killing themselves or someone else." Annalise answered with a sigh.

The whole room went silent as they looked at her. Knowing now that the reason she was hunted was not only the fact that she was a hunter but also her power was close to unstoppable was something that shouldn't have set easy on anyone's minds. Garrett walked up behind Annalise and tried to read what the Cullen's may have been thinking.

"Then are you suggesting we fight them then?" Carlisle asked as he looked between Garrett and Annalise.

"No, at this point he has too many followers, it would be a suicide attempt. There is only one option and no one here is going to like it." Annalise said as she held Carlisle's gaze.

It seem everyone was on edge to hear what Annalise would say, after all since she knew them they would still have to come after the vampires.

"What would that be?" Alice asked but probably already knew what she was about to say.

"Fake our deaths and put us into hiding." Annalise said and she could feel Garrett's grip on her tighten. "This is the only way, we will be fine, after some time he will have less of an army. My grandmother wrote me instructions on what to do and how long it would take the rebellion to take down Hector."

"So why do you have to hide then? Is it because your afraid they will find you or your daughter and force you to use your powers." Jasper said quite fast it took Annalise a minute to understand.

"That's one part but Vivian also has a power, she can break others powers, she was even able t save Garrett and I from my father. So you see if they have both of us it won't end well at all." Annalise said as she took a letter out from her bag and handed it to Carlisle. "You are the only one I trust doing this to myself and my daughter."

Carlisle took the letter and read it carefully making sure he understood every detail. He agree with the author of the letter, whom he had never met. It explained exactly what Annalise had stated and that the rebellion would take at least another ten years to finish their task to take down not only Hector but even Annalise's own father. On the back of the letter were the instructions of a serum that would be strong enough to put both Annalise and Vivian to sleep until someone would be able to wake them ten years later.

"This serum would make you helpless, someone could easily find you and take you perhaps." Carlisle stated with fear written on his face.

"No, I know a place where no one would find us, it's in crypt far away from here and anyone else. That's where we would be put to sleep and locked inside. After the ten years we would awake of be awakened. Then I could finish Hector on my own." Annalise said with a determined tone.

"What about your needs and things like that?" Garrett said as he turned Annalise to face him. "What would you do then."

"We're immortal we don't really have needs. We only eat for show and we don't need blood like vampire do. Believe me when I say I know what I'm doing." Annalise said looking into Garrett's eyes then turning to Carlisle. "Please, we need your help."

Carlisle looked at the rest of the family who seemed to be on Annalise's side. Nodding he began to work on the serum that was given to him. This meant though that they didn't have much time.

Three days later, the Cullen's were following Annalise and her family to the location of the crypt. It was in an unknown location and Annalise made sure it was kept that way from Garrett so she blindfolded him thinking that might work. Once there, Annalise and Vivian went up to a stone door with a stone lock. The Cullen's and Garrett walked up to it after Garrett removed his blindfold of course. Grabbing the center piece that stuck out of the door, Annalise turned the lock in different directions before pushing it back inside and the door opening before their eyes.

"How long has this been here?" Jasper asked as they followed them into the crypt.

"As long as I can remember." Annalise said as they walked down a long narrow hall until they came to a large room with two stone slabs placed in the middle of the room. "This is it. I'll give Carlisle the code to lock the crypt before you leave."

Vivian looked to Annalise and Garrett as Carlisle and the other's watched. This was the time where everyone would say goodbye, at least for now. Vivian went to her father and talked with him for a few moments before she kissed him on the cheek.

"I love you daddy, even if you are a vampire." Vivian smiled as she looked into her father's eyes.

"You have no idea how much I love you Vivian. I'll coome back for you, ten years is nothing to my kind or yours." Garrett said picking Vivian up and softly laying her on the stone slab as Carlisle and Annalise went over to their side.

Garrett looked into Annalise's eyes knowing she was right and for right now this was the only way. Carlisle took out a needle and Garrett turned his attention back to VIvian who just smiled at her father as if she didn't have a care in the world as the serum was injected into her veins. Smiling still Vivian slowly closed her eyes and drifted off into a decade long hopefully peaceful sleep. Annalise bent down and kissed her daughter's forehead. Standing she turned and walked to the other stone slab.

"Annalise." Garrett called out to her.

"I have to so don't try and talk me out of it." Annalise said as she laid down on the slab but Garrett was right there beside her. "Please Garrett, for once listen to me."

"I'll be here in ten years to wake you up, I promise." Garrett said as he bent down and gently kissed Annalise.

Annalise nodded and smiled. "Try not to get in too much trouble."

Carlisle walked over to Annalise and Annalise had to stop him and give him the code before he injected the serum. Finally after the code was given the serum was injected to Annalise's veins and slowly her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep there before both Garrett and Carlisle's eyes. Garrett bent down and kissed Annalise's forehead before he quickly ran out of the crypt not able to bare the sight a moment longer.

"Carlisle? We'll be back, ten years isn't that long." Alice said trying to cheer him up but she knew within those ten years a lot would happen that would not only change their lives but Garrett and Annalise's as well.

"Your right, come on lets go and lock up the crypt." Carlisle said as they left the room.

Once out side the crypt Carlisle shut the door and turned the lock just like Annalise said and he heard a loud lock sound and smiled knowing the two immortals inside would be safe, for the time being. Ten years and he would see them again. Would things still be the same though?

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