Chapter Thirty-Four: Cry Havoc

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Music is "Anakin's Fall To The Dark Side - Suite" by John Williams.

Picture is Asteroid M from Marvel Comics.

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"Cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war."

-William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

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By the time we got to the point where Asteroid M could be easily seen, Erik had already armed her and was preparing to fire any and all weapons he had at his disposal. "Prepare for incoming!" I shout, turning to the rest of the fliers and their partners.

They nod, hearing my warning, and in their eyes I can see the reflections of fire coming towards us. I turn back and find the exact same thing, a river of hellfire coming towards us at frightening speeds. Thank Frigga we're out in the middle of nowhere, where no one can get hurt. We won't be for long. We have until then to take this thing down. If it gets to a city or even slightly populated area? Who knows what the plan is then.

The size of this thing is surely understated in the comics, and it is flying much higher than we originally thought. So high, that Wanda can barely stay in the air, and Pietro is having to be pulled up by Stephen, one of the few flying heroes who can actually carry more than one. Asteroid M is partially rock, the size of Manhattan, but intertwined all throughout it is metal. There is a large dome on the top of it, and by the time we get close enough to see details, the atmosphere is starting to thin.

"Try not to drop me," Steve teases, dodging the first array of firey blasts from the floating city.

"It's not like you haven't survived this kind of fall before," I reply, struggling to tug both Steve and I through space, away from the incoming fire.

"No, that was Bucky."

"Isn't it too soon to be joking about that?"

Steve shrugs, pulling his shield from his back to hold in front of himself. "What the hell? It's not like we're getting any younger."

"Okay, now you sound old."

Steve smirks and then smiles at me as the first wave passes, and I can see from the corner of my eye that Magneto is preparing to fire again. "I have missed you, Glory."

I return it. "And I, you, Stevie."

He rolls his eyes, turning back to the warfront. "I haven't been called Stevie since my Ma did when I was, like, seven."

"Awww, I bet you were adorable."

"Less flirting, more fighting," Sam says, diving past us with Bucky holding onto his arms as they dangle below him.

"You make the worst friends," I whisper to Steve.

He sighs, letting his head hang as we hurry after the duo of who can beat each other as Cap's best friend. "Tell me about it."

My face turns back to fight mode, remembering why we're here to begin with. My family, my parents and older sister. Magneto won't get away with taking them. What kind of psyco does that?

I look around me to see who is with who. Pietro is with Stephen. Hovering just beside him is Wanda, on her shoulder is a tiny Scott. Behind them are Stephen and Logan, Tony and Peter, Vision and Matt, Carol and Nat, Lorna and Clint, and Vlad and Maria. We were lucky that there was a flying hero for every earthbound one.

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