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Tall,huge trees with leafy branches were surrounding me,a strong wind prevailing above them caused the trees to sway sideways. The tree trunks were so close to each other. Surrounding me in a circular like manner, like I was in a tall African hut with an opening at the top. I looked around me, and saw I was seated on top of a big round boulder, about ten feet from the ground. It only gave a space of two seated people or three standing people. It was placed at the centre of the circle,making it difficult for me to reach the weaved tree boughs. No matter how much I tried to reach for them,I could not. It was futile,I was far away from them. The only illumination was coming from the opening at the end of the tall scary trees,causing the place to be dim and uninviting;such as when you are in the midst of a bushy grave yard at night. I was in a hellhole, making me to be scared beyond measure. Forces beyond my control were tampering with my life. I could feel the presence of evil around me,like I was surrounded by demons. I began to silently prayed to Jesus Christ,for him to release me from this evil confinement. No one else was able to save me except for Him. I called for Him many more times,as I was seated with my head between my hips. Repeating the same words, over and over again.

Suddenly it was so unusually dark and frigid. I could feel the breezy cold water droplets falling on me. The sound of water droplets from the tall trees around me were the only ones audible. The whirring of a passing wind suddenly invaded my vigilant ears. The sound it was making was ghostly, something like an evil spirit was approaching. My body responded by shaking uncontrollably, I began to scan the place I was in,with suspicion in my gaze. As I rotated my head to see all around me,I saw spirit like forms of men and animals hovering all around me. They were surrounding the boulder,trying to stretch their hands to touch me. Intensified fear and panic welled up inside me. I started to pray audibly,my eyes now permeated with tears. I could feel my gut beginning to rise,causing its contents want to spill out.

It continued like this for some minutes,the spirits failing to touch me. In shock,I started to shout for the Lord to save me. Suddenly, the spirits disappeared,but a sudden blackness overwhelmed the whole confinement. It was now pitch black. I could not see anything, everything was now dark. A whistling sound from one of the boughs startled me,I turned my head to look for the approaching stranger. As I turned,I came face to face with a bat-like-man,whose face was swarthy with huge fiery eyes. His eyes were illuminating all around him. As I looked at him,I saw he had an axe in his right hand and a big chain in his left.

Before I could blink, he flew to the boulder and stood a few inches away from me.
"This is where you end!You called your God who never came to rescue you from my grip. I'm going to kill you now!"The bat man told me with a guttural,thundering voice,its echoes were reverberating in the boughs. It made me shudder. I could not stand him anymore. His feathery right arm slowly raised the huge gleaming axe, as he prepared himself to strike me wherever he was going to choose. I was now going to be butchered. Nowhere to run to. This was the end. I closed my eyes and bowed my head,awaiting to be sliced to pieces.

Death was seconds away from me,I could smell and feel its hideous presence. This wasn't the right way to die,I thought. As I raised my head to look at him,trying to beg for mercy with my eyes, the ugly monster raised his axe and was about to strike when an eye blinding light flashed strikingly from the opening above us. It caused the bat man to drop his weapon,the axe clattered on basaltic boulder with a clanking noise. The man quickly raised his feathery hands to his eyes,shielding them from the dazzling light, and started to howl and grunt as if the light was torturing it. The trees began to violently sway,like they wanted to uproot themselves.

As I watched,a man with wings, wearing all white appeared out of the flash light holding a blazing double-edged sword. He flew towards the howling bat man and plunged the sword into his heart,as he landed,singeing and searing its feathers and flesh. The bat man fell to his knees,wailing with an unearthly deafening sound. A choking, foul smell rose from the burning flesh,causing me to cover my nose with my right hand as I avoided suffocation. As I continued to look at the two distinctive men,I saw the bat man begin to melt as the spot where the sword had cut through turned red hot. It was like he was made of meltable material. He was vanishing by the second. As his howling stopped,the thick trees that were surrounding us began to vanish,within a couple of minutes they were no where to be found,they were gone. Gone. Leaving us on a verdant patch of green grass. The bat man was also gone with them. The frightening darkness was also gone, leaving a clear bright sky above us.

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