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I just remembered our phones and send Melinda back to the office to check the drawers whilst I remain keeping an eye on the injured scoundrels. After some few minutes,she came back with a black plastic bag with the gadgets. I told her to keep them safe and took mine from the bag. It wasn't hard to find since it was the only iPhone inside. I then stuffed it in my jeans.

We moved towards Bison who was lying face ward at the centre of the room where we were cuffed the whole day some hours ago. His blood was all over the place. I then leaned and searched his pockets, there were several hundred dollar notes and other notes that were carelessly stuffed in his dirty army pants pockets. I took them and handed them over to Melinda who stuffed the bills in her bras,grinning at me in the process. I was left at a loss of words.

The gun fire noise had died down and there was mild quietness. Only the grunts of injured men were the only notable noise around.
"I knew you were trouble when I set my eyes on you in the morning,I should have killed you on the spot. These are the rewards of my procrastination. Now I'm smelling death. I'm going to leave my wife and two kids. A boy and a girl. Just because of you and your slut!"Bison complained with a muffled harsh voice, blood pouring out of his mouth and nose.

"A true father doesn't do like you do man. You mercilessly kill innocent people. You are so horrendous and pathetic!"I barked with anger written all over my face.

Melinda moved backwards toward Bison, retorting with a high pitched voice," I'm nobody's slut!You bastard!If you have left me alone I wouldn't have been here."

She was trembling with anger, kicking him in the stomach in the process. I saw that she wasn't as serene as I thought she was, and no woman is. Her demeanor was not predictable.
Bison gave a short smirk before uttering the words,"Now we are all going to become toast in here. Its just a matter of time when we will all go kaboom into the sky. You think you are clever. We are all going to hell. No survivors!" He chuckled.

He then moved his tummy sideways a little bit revealing a time bomb which was reading ten seconds. It was hidden under his belly all this time, I wish I had seen it earlier before it was too late. Adrenaline rushed all over my body. Prompting me to throw the automatic machine gun away,grabbing Melinda and the white man and dragged them with the remaining power towards the door to the basement. Upon opening the door wide,there was a loud boom behind us and my back felt an unbearable heat. The pressure of the flames pushed us forward and we tumbled down each one to his or her direction.

We all fell into the darkness with a bright flame following us through the open door. Our fall was not a better ordeal though,we went tumbling down the wooden steps of the ladder;and onto the dead or injured bodies below. The fire didn't follow us into the basement. It was doing its work up in the other rooms. And we would hear some loud booms and inhuman whistling of burning property and groceries.

I then quickly rise up taking the rifle that was at my back in the process. I then searched my pockets for my iPhone since the base room was little dim and unpleasant due to smell of human blood. I then put on the fluorescent light of my iPhone. What I saw,dramatically beckoned tears to flood my eyes. There were bodies all over the place many of the guards looked dead,one of them was showing to be still alive because her chest was rising and falling. Why is it always the women survives,I asked myself. Even in the movies,all the men dies but a woman survives. Maybe it was always like that since the existence of humans back in the day.

About half of the farm workers were dead,the old man was injured together with his mate Longface. Jasper was also granting on the other side of the room. I went towards him with the aim of getting information on what has transpired here in the basement.

"Jasper!...Jasper!"I called him.
With a chocked voice,he lowly replied."Huh am I dead?"
"Nah, you are not,you are still with us!What happened here, it seems everybody is dead or injured?"I asked him with urgency in my voice.
I bent down to his face and put my ear closer to his mouth so I could hear what he would say.

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