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POV: Kyle Yua
Days has came and summer has ended. It was late in the afternoon, perhaps it was pass 5 pm. We were playing our stupid game which we called Light's Out. Light's Out is a game of atleast 4 players sharing horror stories in a dark room with only their flashlight as a source of light but everytime someone finish a story one flashlight is turned off. Once all flashlights are off they must have a headcount. If the spirits heard them and joins the head count well goodluck.
It was my turn and I'm obviously the last.

"Time to scare the shit out of them." I whispered.

"There have been a weird rumors in our old school canteen. Mostly like, a teacher appears without a head and weird noises like foot steps, door closes and ceiling cracks can be heard every night. It was before the days came for renovations. If I'm correct the first renovation of the old canteen was held last 5 years but since paranormal activities started happening or let say unfortunate accidents happened they stopped the renovation." I stopped and sighed and then continued.

"1 man died because of electricity disturbance. They said that the main switch was off by the time he touched the live wire, he got electricuted. After the death, it was followed by an incident, a ceiling in the 3rd floor collapsed, luckily no one died but many were injured. After that they decided to stop the renovation. 4 months ago, last summer, the school started to renovate it again and then there was an accident. 1 construction driver was driving a MLV, a mechanise lifting vechile, crashed into the old school canteen. Rumors said that man saw a teacher without a head and crashed towards the canteen. What if It wasn't a humor?" I finished my story and turned off my light and then darkness filled the room.

"That's the last light." Ryl said, Ryl is one of my closed friends

"That's enough for today." I said.

"Ok now lets start the counting so we could go home.." Another friend of mine, Jaime Cen, suggested.

"1" Jaime started the count

"2" Ezekiel, one of my classmate, said.

"3" Ryl continued.

"4" I sighed in relief when I thought no one would say 5.

"5" those words echoed in my ear and gave me goosebumps.On first few seconds we all froze, the room is filled with silence leaving the tick of the clock. Ezekiel shouted in fear "A ghost!". I jumepd out of my feet, dropped my flash light as it rolled at the ground. Meanwhile both Jaime and Ryl dropped on their knees and slowly crawling like a slug. Ezekiel started to run but his luck was hell, he bumped on a table fell on the ground, groaning in pain.

Then the light was turned on. A beautiful, serious looking, young lady was standing near the door leaning against the door.

"O! Crap!" Jaime shouted.

"Don't pee on yout pants." I warned Jaime.

The young lady giggled at my joke.
"It's already late at school? What in the world the 4 of you doing here?" She asked ignorantly but calm.

"Ughmm. Telling ghost stories." I said.

She smiled like an angel. It made the 3 of them blushed. No! I didn't blushed, even she got all our attention and she is one of my type! No! Pfft!Not now I can't show it.

"Who are you Miss ____? " I asked in a gentle tone.

"I'm Alice. Alice Qwertia." She answered me.

"You must be a guest? Your not one of our seniors right?."

"Right. I'm not one your senior nor a student of this school." She answered.

"How old are you?" Jaime Cen asked.

"Guess it." She challenge them.

"20." Ezekiel answered. Obviously she is around 17.

"Nope!" She replied.

"15." Ryl answered.

"Close." She said.

"13." Jaime's wild guess thought she was that young.

"Stupid, she's 16." I answered.

"How did you know?" She asked.

"It's obvious. Logic! Well I know how to determine age only if he/ she is 3 years younger/older than me."

"Really? It's 18."She replied.


"Just kidding." She continued.

"So what are you doing here?" They asked.

"Since paranormal activities starting to occur in your canteen your principal called my company to help. Basically we're paranormal researchers or ghost hunter." She answered.

"Ghost hunter?" Ryl asked.

We can't hold it anymore and started to laugh including her.

"Really, I am not joking." She said seriously.

"Well anyway. You must go home, it's getting dark." She continued.

"Wait, before we go home. Why not join us tomorrow with our game if you wouldn't mind?" Ezekiel asked.

"I wouldn't mind" she replied instantly.

"Well then see you tomorrow!" We all exchanged goodbyes and then parted our ways and I headed back to my dormitory. As well the day ended dramatically.


A/N: This story is under rewriting. Some names have been changed. New story line, plot and new POVs in the upcoming rewritten chapters. Please take note that prolouge has been succesfully rewritten. Another note is that I'll be only using a first person pov, don't worry I'll state the name of the person's POV before I start the chapter. See you in the next chapter!

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