Case 2: Bloody Dormitory [part 3: Dream or Reality]

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I knew this is a dream, it is clear since I remembered I got knocked out. Asuna was infront of me, smiling. She pointed at the dormitory. I looked at it and heard screamings. The changing of scene happened so fast. I only remebered that I am in the  attic with a female holding a bloody knife. She wore a wedding dress and some of her finger were cut. She killed the man. After a moment she cursed the house and commited suicide. I tried to stop her but before I could got near. The lady's face appeared infront of me..

Ok! So here is part 3 of Case 2! Hopefully you like it! So sorry! I lost track of views! I am very sorry! Here it is hope it is worth it!

POV: Kyle Gordo
Case: Bloody Dormitory
October, last week.


I woke up in distressed. My memories seems blurry. Confusion flying around. Misunderstanding were floating in the air. My mind was a total mess up. I can't remebered what happened, why I passed out?

I glanced at my surroundings. I was all alone. The room was filled with silence, but a shout coming from the living room broke the silence. I quickly glanced at the monitors, the temperature at the living room and the rooms upstairs suddenly drop. Blood was spilled over the floor mat in the living room. After, camera disturbance occured leaving one camera at a room with a lifeless body laid on the ground. As the face became clearer, I rushed out the the room grabbing the Holy Bible as well as the rosary and the holy water. As I stepped out, I realize that the floor was dry, everyone at the living room stared at me blankly. There is someone missing, Ryl! I ignored them and run upstairs at the room. I sure they will follow. It was lock.

"Ryl! Open up!" I shouted struggling to open it up.

"Ryl!" I shouted again. And finally I lost my patience. I slam towards the door breaking it and falled to the ground. A lifeless body in the ground, Ryl was unconscious. I rushed to aid and check if his breathing. He was safe from danger. The others arrived. Everyone was stunned. Jin and Asuna rushed to my aid. We carried the lifeless body to the base carefully trying not to break any bones. Everyone was worried. A meeting was held at the living room. Yna and Father John stayed at the base watching over Ryl. Ryl was a great help when I passed out. I must thank him after.

The meeting ended. I was ordered setting cameras at the attic and in the backyard. It was a bright day. A flashback happened, as goosebumps hit me. The wind became stronger as the cold chills. Flickering images of my dream appeared again. I tripped and falled down to the ground as more and more bloody images I see.

A hand reached my shoulders. This warmth, I felt this before. I sighed.

"You okay?" Asuna asked.

"I don't know. I have this weird dream when I passed out."

"Let us talk about that later. For now lets just head back to our base. And you gather some online informations about this house. I will handle talking." She ordered.

I nodded in agreement.


Time flied very fast. The sun has set. It was passed 7. Dinner was served. A normal night. Nothing has happened yet, not yet. This is weird no paranormal activities? No way. After dinner everyone was called upon by Asuna.

"So will get this clear! So 4 of you here played Ouija Board and managed to summon a spirit. Right?" She asked.

They nodded.

"So why is it attacking Kyle and Ryl only? They didnt played Ouija Board. Reasons? Kyle tried to cleansed the house? And Ryl was helping us that much?" She asked.

"The answer is! It isnt that you played Ouija Board. N0! It isnt! It is because you disturb the restless souls in this house.

Boom! A huge noise exploded. Lights went off. Later on, I did notice someone went missing. It is just not clear but I am sure someone went missing. The lights went on. And a loud shout from outside. The 3 of us rushed out. It was Yna Serena. An invincible force grabbed her hair pulling her towards the attic. We rushed to aid but we were too late.


The door leading to the attic suddenly closed and locked.

"Damn it!" Mary Yun carrying a wooden chair and crashed it towards the door. It destroyed both the chair and the door.

"Quick!" I said as I step into the attic. It was pitch black. Later I realise it was only me that went in.

"Looks like your back!"A familiar voice spoke.

"Why not? Lets end it here? Die!" As the voice getting louder.


For a million sake! Deym! Looks like Kyle is in trouble again. So I've ended it here, because? A lot of reasons actually. It is short! Yes! Well I got the problem of the story but I dont know how to solve it. And plus school just started last monday. I will be busy for the momentarily of time. So expect I will updating every saturday that includes if you give me 10 views. So Hope you like it, kindly drop a star and comment, anything you like. It might be an insult or a compliment just comment maybe it might become a great help. Thank You! Hope You Enjoy! :)

Words Counted : 930

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2016 ⏰

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