The finest thread gave up...

128 7 15


Name- Anna

Age- 17

Problems- Many

Solution- One

Happy- Opposite


The bell rings signalling the end of school. I sigh and make my way out of the class room. I try my level best not to get hurt. A few shoves here and there are all I get today. I keep my things in the locker and walk towards the parking lot.

There they were. Alice and Zia. Having the time of their life. Looking at them made my stomach churn. I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I tried to shake off the feeling of heartbreak but it's not that easy.

And then Zia saw me. She didn't react to my distraught expressions.

Of course she wouldn't! Get a grip Anne!


I sat in my car and was about to start when I saw something in the car side mirror. Curious, I looked at it and adjusted it a bit.

Bad move.

Guess who joined their company? Nancy of course.

She went to them. She hugged them. She laughed along with them.

Guess what? The last thread broke.

With tears spilling down my face and blurring my vision, I started my car and zoomed off. On my way out, I saw his face. That calmed me a little and those fucking tears finally stopped. The things he does to me. Sadly, totally unintentionally.

It was a half day today for us while the middle wing had it free today. School was over at 12:50 only.

I parked my cars and entered my house. The clock says 1 PM. I went straight to kitchen and saw a note.

"We will be back for breakfast. Shannon is with us."

That was from my parents. I know they have gone for a business trip. No, they didn't tell me. I overheard it.

Funny part? They didn't want to take me because I am not beautiful or hot for them to flaunt. I'm ugly and they'd rather dish me out than like being associated with me in public places.

That's how they always have been.

Not that I give a fuck.

Ah! But your tears...

I ignore my mind and lock the house. I go back to my room. I jump on my bed. As soon as my face hits the fluffy red blanket of mine, my walls comes crumbling down.

Knowing no one can hear me, I unclasp all of my feelings and emotions.

"Oh God! Why did it have to be me? I loved them. I loved them like they were my world. I did everything I could to keep them together. To keep us together. Why is my life a mess? What did I do to deserve all this? Why can't life be simpler?" My voice holds anger at first. But now, the anger fades away.

"Why am I never loved?" My voice cracks. My breathing is uneven. My eyes hurt because of holding the unshed tears. My lungs are craving for air. But it seems like all the air has left me. Like them.

And there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. All I can do is just sit there and drown in my tears.

"I can't take it any more God." My lips quiver. "I can't handle pain now." I curl on my bed and sob quietly now.

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