- chapter 3 -

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Chapter 3

Bailey Humphreys

Do not mess up, do not mess up.

I smiled, taking the hand of the business-attired man before me and shaking it. "And I'm Bailey Humphreys."

"I am Mr. Levi Gordon. You can call me Levi." He says, walking back. towards the head of the conference table. "It's great to finally meet you all. Please, take a seat."

I oblige, sitting down, and immediately face him again.

"I would just like to know," He says, motioning all over with his hands. Ot was kind of distracting. "Just out of curiosity. How many people were in the audience when you first started as  a band?"

I looked among my bandmates, but none of them seem to have the answer as well, except for James.

I knew we had a small group, but I wasn't sure of the figures.

"I used to count them, actually," James said, chuckling. "The range is 13-17, but we'd hit the occasional 20-22 on good days."

Mr. Gordon nodded, seemingly satisfied with James' answer. "And what was the last soldout show you played?"

I smiled. "For 10,050 people." Matt replied.

"How does that make you feel?"

My smile widened. "It makes us feel so honored and blessed, honestly. Um, I don't think we ever thought that we we would be able to book an arena that could seat 10,000 people in it, much less sell it out." I replied.

"It makes us feel the best. It feels really great to see that we've come from a strong 23 people to 10 thousand." I ended, laughing with the rest of the boys.

"Let's say we do decide to sign you with our record, what would it mean to you?" Mr. Gordon leaned forward in a challenging manner.

Matt didn't miss a beat. I mean, he shouldn't, because he's a drummer.

ayyyYyYyYYyYYyy lMAo

"The world." Matt said. "For us, being with Fueled by Ramen is an opportunity to help and inspire more people than we already can and have. Being with a record label that has produced unique and amazing acts like Paramore and Panic! at the Disco is an opportunity for us to do for others what music has done for us before."

"Very well," Mr. Gordon clasped his hands together, his strict demeanor falling. "I think I've heard enough."

I sit back down after the short photo op we had for the website. The rest follow after me.

"Before I send you out, I'd like you to meet some people."

I froze in my seat.

Shi t.

What if it's Fall Out Boy? Wait, no. They aren't with Fueled anymore. I keep forgetting.

Panic? But it's just Brendon Urie. One person doesn't exactly make it people, does it?

Paramore? Oh my gosh. If it's Paramore, I'm likely to stain my trousers.

I hear footsteps from the door, and I look behind me, and so do the others. When I do, I'm let down.

It's not the three.

"Lunar Escape, meet Twenty One Pilots."

I look at the duo in front of us momentarily before standing up to greet them.

It may not have been who I expected and wanted, but we were new to the record label. I had to be nice.

"Hi, I'm Bailey." I smiled, offering my hand to the one and only Josh Dun. "Humphreys," I add quickly.

Of course I knew them. How could I not? I liked bands like Fall Out Boy and Paramore, it's expected that I also know of them.

Also, they have their face on billboards everywhere, and their songs are almost always played on the radio.

"I'm Josh." He shook my hand with a wide smile that made his eyes crinkle at the sides.

My eyes flitted over to the next bloke – Tyler Joseph.

The two of them standing together made their differences even more distinct.

While Josh was bright and cheery, Tyler looked irritated, like he didn't want to be here.

Even their hair was different. Josh's bright pink and curly, but Tyler's was plain brown, wavy, and unkempt.

I think it's safe to say that I like Josh better.

"I'm Bailey." I introduced myself again, the same smile on my face.

He looked at me, annoyed. "Yeah, I don't care."

I pulled back, surprised. "Pardon?" My eyes faltered but I hoped he didn't see them.

"Don't you clean your ears?" He chuckled dryly. "I said I don't care."

"Mr. Joseph, be nice to my client." It was Mr. Gordon that spoke.

But Tyler only rolled his eyes. He didn't even look fazed. "God, it's 9 in the morning. I'm not even supposed ti be awake yet. We're on a break, I want to rest."

"Fine, don't take this as work, then." Mr. Gordon replied. "Take this as helping your friends."

"Friends?" Tyler laughed sarcastically. "They are not my friends."

"I'm sorry," I butt in. "I'm confused."

I looked at the rest of my bandmates and they, too, had a similar look of confusion on their faces.

"Twenty One Pilots are here to help you adjust to the lifestyle here in America and be familiar with the music industry." Mr. Gordon explained. "The U.K. and America are very different."

"Thank you for the concern, sir," Matt said. "But I don't think that's necessary. We can help each other adjust."

Mr. Gordon only waved Matt's statement off. "Nonsense." He said. "None of you have ever been in this country before, you don't know how things flow. They will help you."

"But sir, –"

"Ah, I feel like I'm talking to children." He said, running a hand over his graying hair. "You will be helped by Twenty One Pilots. Trust me, you need it. They're on a 6-month break anyway, so you won't be meddling with anything. Tyler, I want you to clean up you're act while you're with them. Josh, keep an eye on Tyler."

I sighed, defeated. Matt, James, and Tom didn't look too fond of our situation, either.

I looked over at Josh, but he looked...normal? I'm not sure how to put it, but it looked like he didn't really take it as a burden that they had to show us around and help us and all that.

Meanwhile, Tyler...looked ready to kill.

"End of dicussion."




i hate writing tyler as an  a s s h ol e but i have to :/ he's such a smol kind bean irl it's impossible for him to be like this :/

anyway im not happy with this chapter lol but s hit happens :/

comment and vote!

always, ritz

FUELED - Tyler JosephWhere stories live. Discover now