Chapter 2

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Usually I'm a light sleeper. This time, I'm not. When I opened my eyes it was light out and Jett wasn't in bed. Weird, I thought. Looking at the clock, I saw it was noon. "Shit." I muttered, slapping my forehead. 

Rolling out of bed, I changed in to a graphic tee, leaving my pajama pants on. Downstairs was empty, but there was a note in the kitchen. Picking it up I put on a black jacket, grabbing my board and backpack. Nearly forgetting my shoes, I hurried to school.


At the front door I rang the buzzer. The light turned green and I opened it. I signed in on the tardy sheet, giving Miss Cook (the secretary) an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I-" I stopped, realizing that was a common excuse. 

"Don't worry, I know your situation and I know you're stressed." she said. "It's almost fourth period." I thanked her and left, heading for my locker. The halls were empty, thank God. Setting my board in my locker, I got out what I needed and headed to fourth period.

It was just my luck that I ran in to Daniel. "You look awful." he said. "Didn't someone wake you up?" Ignoring him, I walked on. As I was walking away, I heard Daniel say under his breath,"His mom was probably to lazy to wake him up." That was the last straw. Turning around, I walked over to him.

Pushing him, I pinned him against the lockers. "What did you say?" I asked. Daniel didn't answer, just gave me that annoying smirk. Pulling him away from the lockers, I pushed him to the ground. Now I could see (some) fear in his eyes. "I said, what did you say?"

Slowly Daniel stood up. "I said-" the bell rang and he ran off, melting in to the crowd. "Dammit." I muttered, stalking to class. So badly I wanted to punch him, but I would get in big trouble. Like normal, I day dreamed through most of my classes.


At the end of the day I was about to go home, but I realized I had detention. I was happy to hear it wouldn't be just me and Daniel. In the detention room I sat in the corner, propping my feet up on my desk. Closing my eyes, I leaned back, relaxing.

I didn't get to relax long. Someone pushed my feet off the desk. Opening my eyes I saw Daniel. "What?" I asked, rather irritably. Wordlessly he set a paper on the desk. The paper was directions for our project. "Oh." Looking closer, I saw we had to make a letter in the point of view of a Vietnamese soldier. 

"You'll have to do this alone." Daniel said. "My family is going away for a week." Without another word he picked up his things, sitting in the front of class. What an ass, I thought, shaking my head. Looking over the paper, I sighed. Of course this is something Daniel would do. 


When detention was over I decided to get dye for my hair. The store wasn't to far from school. And the employee's know me, so sometimes I get a discount. I felt that silver was a little to boring, so I decided on lavender. A long time ago it my hair was lavender. 

At the counter, Kaylee gave me a smile. "Lavender?" she asked. I nodded. "Good choice. It looked good on you." Scanning it, she put it in a plastic bag. "Ten dollars.) I reached in to my backpack and took out my wallet. That was my last ten dollar bill. 

"Bye!" I yelled, running out the door. Stuffing the bag in my backpack, I hurried off.


By time I got home it was six. I had taken my time, letting the silence calm me. Unlocking the door, I smelled something burning. Jett was asleep on the couch, but my mom was no where to be seen. Covering Jett with a blanket, I entered the kitchen. 

In the kitchen my mom was passed out, probably drunk. On the counter, the toaster was smoking. I quick unplugged it, setting it outside. I'm surprised the fire alarm didn't go off. There was no more bread in the cabinet, which meant I couldn't have a sandwich.

Checking the pantry, I found one package of ramen. Sighing, I made a mental note to go to the grocery store. Going over to Jett, I shook him. "Did you eat?" I asked. He shook his head. Going back in to the kitchen, I made the one package for Jett and I.

I tried to eat as slow as possible and savor it, because I knew there would be no breakfast for me. There is probably only just enough for Jett. Our dad should be sending his monthly check soon. Every time I need to hide it, because my mom will spend half of it on alcohol. It's getting worse, and I feel she needs to go to rehab, again. But our dad won't be around to watch Jett for a few weeks and he's to young to be alone.

After I ate I went to my room to work on the project. It was a few hours later and Jett climbed in to bed. Turning the overhead light off, I used my desk lamp. Even though I was exhausted I kept working. Just before I fell asleep at my desk I set an alarm. Hopefully I don't sleep through this one.


idk why I keep ending like this

i'm trying to make it better, so soz


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