Chapter 12

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*joey's p.o.v* 

When Daniel's mom said leave, she slammed the door. Daniel stood there, staring at the door. Tears were falling but he was silent. I put a hand on his shoulder but he pulled me in for a hug instead. We stood there, Daniel crying in my arms.

The door opened again and his mom threw three bags out of the house. It must be everything of Daniel's. He started to pick them up and his mom opened the door to say, "Get off my lawn." venomously. Quickly Daniel put his stuff in Nicole's car, slamming the door as he got in Just as I got in he started to back out. I feel bad for him, he's been through so much.

Daniel nearly went over the speed limit, trying to get away. I wish I could understand what he's going through, but I don't because my family accepted it. The whole car ride was silent, only Daniel's sniffles were heard.

In the driveway Daniel sat there and cried, muttering things. "Where will I stay? I don't have a car." he said to himself. It was heartbreaking seeing him in this state. All I wanted to do was making him happy.

"Daniel, lets go in." I said gently. He nodded and took the keys out, unbuckling. With some difficulty I got out of the car. The front door was unlocked so we walked right in. Everyone was sitting in the living room, talking.

Their heads turned toward us, all different expressions. "How did it..." Nicole started to ask but stopped, seeing Daniel's tear stained face. "Oh, Daniel, I'm so sorry."

"I-it's okay." he said quietly. I grabbed his hand and took him to my bedroom. There we laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. "Life sucks." Humming in response, I laid next to him. We intertwined our hands, pulling each other close. It's times like this that I wish it will never end.

We yawned, both extremely tired. On my bed, cuddled together, we fell asleep. I'm not sure when, but someone covered us with a blanket. The warmth and comfort of Daniel made me never want to move.


In the morning I reached out for Daniel but nothing was there. Opening my eyes I saw that he wasn't where. Panic started to rise and I quickly got up, looking around. Daniel wasn't anywhere. Just as I went to look around the house he walked in to my room with a towel around his waist. I could feel my face redden.

"Your mom said it was okay if I shower here." Daniel said. A smirk appeared on his face when he saw me looking at him. "Like what you see?" Shaking myself out of the daze I sat in my desk chair.

While I was sitting there, I realized Jett's bed wasn't in the room anymore. "I'm changing don't look." Daniel said. I heard him mutter things but didn't look. "Okay, I'm done." Turning around in the chair I saw him just putting shirt on.

My stomach growled at the smell of food. As quickly as I could I got to the kitchen. There was a stack of waffles on a plate. Nicole makes the best waffles. Daniel quickly followed behind me and sat next to me. I could feel my mom looking at me but I ignored her.

"So, about school." my dad said. "The principal called and wants you to start school Monday." I had forgotten about school. Butterflies formed in my stomach when I started to think about going back. Our friends haven't seen us in a while, they're probably worried. Hopefully they're worried.

They should be, right


Two days passed and it was Sunday. Only one day until school. There will be so much work to catch up, plus it's almost the end of the year. Soon college will be coming, and I'm not sure I can handle that. Plus Prom is coming up. With all this running through my head I might have a mental breakdown. 

I know it was bothering Daniel too because he was pacing, chewing on his nails. He does that when something is bothering him. For the past two days we spent relaxing. My foot was getting better. I don't need two crutches, which is very convenient 

Daniel has kept quiet, but I know it's bothering him too. Most of the time he hides his feelings, but I know him, I can tell. I've tried to talk to him about school, but he just shuts down. Respectfully I didn't bring it up (because it's obvious he doesn't want to walk about it). Instead we enjoyed each others presence by cuddling and watching movies.

"Daniel... can I ask you something?" I asked quietly. He nodded. "If-if we go to different colleges, will we still be together? Can we do this long distance relationship thing?"

"Aw, babe, that won't happen." I blushed at being called 'babe'  "We will still be together. I promise."Daniel lightly squeezed my leg, giving me a reassuring smile. More relaxed, I leaned on him. He put his arm around me and pulled me close. Just being in his arms is like heaven. Okay, that may be a bit exaggerated, but you get what I'm saying.

Around nine in the evening, we decided to go to bed.  With some difficulty I changed in to pajamas and crawled in to bed. Daniel put a blanket on the floor, grabbing a pillow off my bed. "Daniel, you can sleep in my bed. I don't bite." The spot beside me sank and I felt an arm go around me.  In that position I quickly fell asleep.


In the morning Nicole woke us up. All I wanted to do was sleep, but I have to go to school. Finding an outfit wasn't that hard. Really all I own are skinny jeans (mostly black), band and graphic tees, and hoodies. Daniel, however, took a while. With getting dressed, Daniel takes longer than I do, but I spend more time on hair than him.

Downstairs the smell of breakfast came from the kitchen. At the kitchen counter there were two plates of scrambled eggs and toast. Something easy on the stomach. I looked at the time and saw it was 6:45. Quickly I got my shoe on (the other foot has the walking boot brace) and hurried out the door, almost forgetting my backpack. 

Nicole offered to drive us to school, which was nice. But she's a wild driver. We got there pretty fast because of her speed. She took off once we got out of the car. No goodbye? I thought to myself. 

Shaking that off, I reached for Daniel's hand. We intertwined our fingers and walked in to school. Kids stared at us and whispered, which was uncomfortable.  Some pointed to our hands. One of the school bullies turned the corner and stopped us. 

Uh-oh, I thought. This won't be good.


i hope you guys liked this. 

i think i have a solid idea for the next book. 

also, what should I call you guys? what should your nickname be?


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