Chapter 1: tomorrow?

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Chapter 1: ( Do not copy or you will get in trouble )

I wake up and look around my red themed room for maybe the last time... I look at all the pictures of me and my family and smile slowly, I look at the bedsheets I've had for years, I get lost in thought until I hear a subtle knock on my door. "Are you awake, Honey?" My mothers soft voice whispers. "Yes, come in" I say with a yawn and rub my tiered eyes. My mother opens the door slowly and then gracefully walks in towards me. "Good morning" My mother says. I reply with a good morning too. "Your eighteen huh?" My mom says with a small smile. I nod. "Your big day will be soon" She says with a mixture of happiness and sadness in her blue eyes. I nod again. I run my eyes over my mothers face and wrap my arms around her, She hugs me back tightly, Like if she lets go I will be gone. "Get ready, You your father and brother and I are going out" My mom says with a gleam of excitement in her eyes. I nod and say "I'll be out in 20 minutes". My mother smiles and leaves my room.


I look at my reflection In the mirror, My long black hair cascades down my back in soft waves, The eyeliner brings out my hazel eyes, I never contour because of my cheekbones, I apply a pinkish nude liquid lipstick on my full lips, I look down at what I'm wearing, I have on a pair of leggings and a white T-shirt on with my white Keds. Once I'm happy with how I look I go downstairs to see my family, they are also ready just putting on there shoes. My brother Aden see's me and runs up for a hug. I laugh as I pick him up, He is only 5 but yet very handsome, All the girls in kindergarten have a crush on him, he runs away because of girl cooties. Aden looks like my mom more then my dad. He has her blue eyes, blonde hair, Tan skin, and etc. I look like my dad. "Hey my princess is growing up" My dad says and nudges me. I laugh. "What are we going to do?" I ask him. "We are going to go shopping because your mom wants to find you the perfect dress for tomorrow, then we will go out to eat and just... spend time together" My dad says with a shrug. I smile. "Let's go".


"Mom nooooo!" Aden whines. "Don't you want your sister to look beautiful tomorrow Aden?" She asks him. He sighs then nods his head in defeat. I pick him up and he laughs. I look at him and feel tears welling in my eyes. He hugs me. "Are you sad kibuz you don't want to go shopping to" Asks Aden. (kibuz=because) I laugh and nod. He smiles and continues to hug me.

We walk into a beautiful store full of even more beautiful dresses. I gasp at how much all these dresses must cost. I was about to say something but was interrupted by a pale older women, her name is Victoria, no I'm not a stalker it's written on her name tag.  "How can I help you" She asked with a sweet smile. "Can you help us find a dress that will blow minds for tomorrow?" My mom asks. "Tomorrow huh? you are eighteen I suppose?" Victoria says sweetly. I nod. she runs her brown eyes over my body and smiles. " I have the perfect dresses for you" She sang. Then went of to grab all the dresses. She gestured us toward the changing rooms.  I slip on the first dress she gave me it is short, red and skin tight. I look in the mirror, I don't know how I feel about this dress but shrug and show it to my parents. They all stare at me and my mom shakes her head. I walk back into the change room, this is going to be a long day.


I've tried on about all the dresses in this store, I sigh "this is pointless I look terrible in all these dresses".  "no you don't we are just picky" my mom says. "Um... Victoria could you bring us some mo-" My mom was cut of by my dad. "Hun, lets see what Macy wants to try on" He says sweetly and wraps an arm around my mother. she sighs but nods "Okay M go find a dress you want to wear".

Smiling I nod and look around, huh... Nothing catches my atten- I dress catches my attention It's long and black with a sweet heart top with lace sleeves. I pick the dress up at speed walk into the change room and slip on the dress it hugs my body in all the right places making me feel pretty. I was already curvy but this dress makes me look curvier. I am surprised when I see the thigh high cut out. I love this dress. I step out of the change room and my family looks at me "that's the one" My mom says with a huge smile plastered on her face. I nod. After I take the dress of we go to pay for it, it was an expensive dress. I begged my parents not to spend a lot of money on me but they ignored me.

We all walk out the the store and hop into the car. We are heading out for our dinner/lunch because we didn't eat this morning. I got to choose the place for us to eat I obviously chose Nando's because damn. We walk inside and order are food, I got a hot chicken wrap with fries and coleslaw.  While we ate we laughed. talked and time was passing by in a blur. I wanted it to last longer but soon we were going home.

Once we got home we played some bored games together like scrabble and monopoly. Again in a blur it was 11:00 which meant it was time for my brother to sleep it was already passed his bedtime. I tucked him in and kissed his forehead. "Goodnight" I whisper to him for the last time. "Goodnight" he mumbles back.  I walk back downstairs and see my parents putting a movie on for us to watch I sit in between then. The movie we are watching is called 'The Boy' it's really old it was published in like 2016-17 I don't remember well it's 2030 now. I snuggle up in the blanket and watch the rest of the movie peacefully. The movie finished and I get up to get a drink of water, When I get back to the room my mother is sobbing in my fathers arms, my dad in whispering words to her but he is also crying. I feel the tears pool in my eyes, I don't want to leave them! I run across the room my father notices me running toward them and opens his arms for me, I run into his embrace and sob. My mom places her hand on my head. " We love you" she whispers. "I love you guys too" I say quietly.  we stay cuddled like that until we all fall asleep.

My Last thought before sleep takes
me is who I'll be paired with for the rest of my life...

I hope you guys like this chapter tell me any tips you have for me! love- Pam

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