Chapter 7: Oh brother

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Chapter 7: (Again I'm taking it fast for a reason)

I gasp and pull away. I see a man wearing all black with brown hair and brown eyes, full lips and a strong jawline. Who is this? There is a visible scowl on my face. "Wipe that look of your pretty little face" The man said and took a step closer I took a step back. "Wha- What do you want from me" I asked my voice shaking. He opens his mouth to anwser but then I feel Erics body come in between us, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "I told you to stay away" Eric hisses. "Well I wanted to see who my brother got paired with" The man replied. Wait... Brother? "Well now you have get out!" Eric yelled. People turned there heads and looked at us, shaking their heads in disapproval. "I need to ta-" Eric cut him off. "Get. Out." he said through gritted teeth. The boy noded and left. Eric still had his back faces at me. Hesitantly I place my hand on his shoulder, he stiffens at first but then relaxes. "What was that all about?" I ask him as he turns to face me. "Nothing" is all he says. "Nothing? That was not nothing Eric. You shouldn't have been so rough on him" I say quietly so no one would hear us. "You don't know anything you can't tell me if I'm being to rough" He says before he thinks. I open my mouth to ask him what happened but he cut me off. "Don't. let's just enjoy our date. Okay Button?". I nod. Realizing I actually know nothing about Eric. maybe we are taking things to fast... I don't know. My head starts to hurt from all this thinking. I follow Eric. "Couples get really it's time for you guys to roll" A man announced on the speaker. Eric stops walking and faces me. "It's time for us to roll" he says with a half smile. Are we a couple?, well we kinda are because we are paired. I smile and nod, he takes my hand and we dance around I laugh this is fun. These are the moments I really want to remember, As we roll around we forget about are awkward meeting with Erics brother.

Erics P.O.V.

We get dropped off in front of are house and we walk to the front door together. I look down at Macy. Yep Button is the perfect name for her. I want to kiss her. I really do. I look into her eyes and she looks in mine I slowly inch towards her, my lips are only centimetres away from hers till she whips her head in the other direction.


I-I oh god she doesn't want me to kiss her. She speaks. "I think we are going to fast Eric, I barely even know you, we haven't shared any details about eachother... I loved this date don't get me wrong but I think it Maybe Best if we give it a few months" She says the last part quietly. I stay frozen. She's right. I just don't want her to get hurt by them. I laugh. "Okay, Button".  She looks up at me with a shocked look. She wasn't expecting me to agree so easily, And then smiles. We walk into the apartment. "I'm going to take a shower" I say. "Me too" she agrees. we walk away from each other. I walk into the bathroom and you know shower. Once I get out I put on my clothes and walk into the bedroom. I see Macy sitting on the bed. Damn she looks beautiful even without makeup. I grab a pillow and a blanket. "I will sleep on the couch this time" Macy says while getting of the bed. "No I will" I say and smile to her. After a lot of persuading she nods. I want to stay here in this bed... with her. I walk out the door. "Goodnight Button" I say. "Goodnight Eric" I feel happy when she says my name. I walk and fall asleep on the couch.

Macy's P.O.V.


I can smell them, I get up from my bed quickly brush my teeth and hair then head downstairs. I hear loud music being played. I walk into the kitchen and see a shirtless Eric dancing and singing along to Ariana Grandes song Dangerous Woman. I watch him trying to hold back my laughter. "SOMETHING BOUT YOU MAKES ME FEEL LIKE A DANGEROUS WOMEN, something bout something bout something bout yo-" I break out In laughter, I clutch my stomach and fall into the floor. "Tha-That was amazing" I wheeze out. I look at Eric he is beat red, he runs and turns the music off. Once I control my laughter a little I get back up. "I-I uh it's not what it looks like" Eric stutters. "Mhm" I say with a smirk and cross my arms.

"I'm going to have to kill you now" He says. I laugh again. "I doubt you would do that to me" I say while fluttering my eyelashes and pouting. He shakes his head. Damn those abs are great, I shake my head and look back at Eric who is now smirking at me. "Like wh-" I cut him off. "Maybe" I say while grabbing two plates and the waffles he made to the table so we can eat. "Hey those are mine" he whines. I take a few on to my plate and cover them with maple syrup. "Not anymore".

He sighs and then joins me takes his waffles and eats them too. Suddenly I remember he tried to kiss me yesterday. I smile at the thought I really wish I would kiss him to but things were going to fast. I look at him like really look at him. His messy hair, dimples, he still looks hot even while stuffing his face with waffles. He is so sweet to me.... He's almost perfect. Almost.

He noticed me staring at him and smiles his dimples on full display. I love that smile more then I thought. I smile back, He reaches out and squeezes my hand when he lets go I still feel heat where he touched me. "Tell me something about you" I say before I can stop myself.  His smile fades for a second then comes back. "Well you obviously know I'm 19 but my birthday is February 19th, my favourite colour is grey I don't know why I just like that color, uh I geuss my favourite food is pizza cause why not, I don't know what else to say so tell me about you" He replies. I nod. "Well you know I'm 18 but my birthday is March 30th, my favourite colour is pinkish orange if you know what I mean, My favourite food is waffles, and yeah... Tell me about your family" I say carefully. His smile drops again but stays that way. "My moms name is Alex , My 'dads' name is André. I have a little sister she's 4 her name is Alex I named her after my mom it's been hard since she d-" He stops talking, closed his eyes, and looks away.  I noticed how he hissed out his dad's name.

Well there I go and mess it up again I know his family is a touchy topic I just want him to open up to me. I want to know what he was going to say but I don't push it.  "My moms name is Jordan, my dads name is Jason, and my little 5 year old brothers name is Aden" I say. "Damn these waffles are good" I try and change the topic. I know he appreciates that because of the smile he gave me. "Thank you I found the recipe online" he chuckles. His laugh makes my smile bigger.

I want him to open up to me... to make us stronger.

There's chapter 7 I hope you like it ik it hasn't been SUPER interesting but hey I'm trying


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