Chapter 4: Your cool I guess

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Chapter 4:

I had gotten up early today because I just felt like it, I walked into are beautiful kitchen, obviously thinking of my moms delicious waffles she always made me and Aden. I grabbed a pan and decided to make me and Eric something to eat. I made a plate of bacon, (I was surprised they had bought us food too) pancakes, and hash browns. Yeah it's not something you would usually pair together but whatever.

I walked into the living room where I heard quiet little snores, Eric was sleeping on the couch with the blanket only up to his hips, his arm hanging of the side, with his mouth wide open. He looked adorable! I was about to aw until I saw his eyes open. "G-good morning" I stuttered. He sat up, his hair was a mess but still looked really good. I mentally slapped myself, I don't really even know the guy and I'm fangirling over him! I heard his low raspy voice say "Goodmorning". "I made us um breakfast" I said quietly.
He nodded and then got up from the couch, I turned away quickly so I wouldn't look at his abs. I lead us to the kitchen, I had set everything up on the dining table. I heard him laugh. "All my favourite things to eat" He said with a smile. "Mine too, I know you don't usually eat all these together but oh well I want to" I said while speed walking towards the table. He sat down in front of me and we both started eating. I heard him laugh again. "You really like ur food, don't you" He said. "eah I really oo" I responded with my mouth full.


it's so awkward right now, neither of us are talking or looking at each other. We finished cleaning are dishes together, I told him he didn't have to do it but in the end I ended up washing the dishes while Eric dried them. He is sitting on one end of the couch while I was sitting on the other side. We are 'trying to get to know each other' as Eric said yeah no it's not working. "Uh soooo" I said while stretching my arms out infront of me. "Sooo" He responded while looking away. This is definitely not working, I've never felt more awkward in my life.   
"Tell me about your family" He said with a shrug. "Uh my family is cool, my moms name is Kristen, my dads is Jason, and my little brothers name is Aden he's 5" I said smiling I missed them a lot. "I can't wait to meet them" He said with a smile of his own.  "Tell me about your family" I asked. His smile fell of his face instantly at the word family.  He was about to say something until his phone rang. He rolled his eyes and picked it up. "This better be impo-" He was cut of by the guy or girl at the other side of the phone. His eyes widened, They were filled with fear but only for a few seconds then he brushed it off. "Okay I'll me there in -He looked at his watch- Twenty minutes tops" He said then hung up the phone. He looked over at me. I was just sitting there quietly and wondering what was going on. "I'm sorry, But I have to go it's... important" He said while grabbing his coat. "It's okay, next time" I said while rubbing my arms up and down. He smiled at me then left.
I was wondering about two things now why his family is such a touchy topic and this emergency he had to attend to.
I'm not going to push it though he will tell me when he is ready.... hopefully.  I don't know why I'm acting all shy and stuff... well I am marrying this guy so... But I'm usauly really talkative, and not scared to ask questions, It's different with him though. I shrugged it off. I looked at the time it's only 2 so I have some time to waste. I walked around our house studying it, this place is beautiful, Aden would love it here, I wonder who Adens going to be paired with when he is 19 (For boys it's 19 for girls it's 18) I hope she isn't a snob. I twirl around and laugh. "Oh what shall I do while my beast is gone" I sighed dramaticly. Then I thought over what I said and cringed I was thinking of beauty and the beast the fairytale but it just sounded so wrong, I mentally slapped myself. I heard a ring in the living room so I ran over there and saw that Eric left his phone, Should I pick it up? No I shouldn't that is his private property. Oh but what if it's important? No I can't pick it up I'm not aloud. But what if it's realllly important! I gave in and picked up the phone "H-hello" I stuttered. "Dude Ineed you he- Who is this?" A mans voice asked. He sounded like the same age as Eric. "T-This is uh Macy" I mumbled. "Did I call the wrong number if I did sorry I was trying to call my friend Eric" He said with a chuckle. "No this is the right number" I said shyly. "Wait then who are y- OHHH you are the girl he got paired with!" He practically screamed. "Yeah..." I said while checking to see if I have gone deaf.  "You don't mind if I come there do ya?" He asked. I was quiet for a moment. I don't even know this guys but apparently Eric does. "...Sure?" I said well it sounded more like a question. "Okay! I'll be there soon and don't worry about sending me the address Eric already did yesterday!"  I had to hold the phone away from my ear or I will really go deaf. He hung up the phone and I laughed, He is weird.


knock knock knock.

I quickly got up and opened the door. I met face to face- Well face to chest with Erics friend I looked up and saw his face, He had thick dirty blonde hair, Dark but bright blue eyes, and a big smile plastered on his face. "Hello there little one" He said he sounded different in person. I rolled my eyes "You sound different on the phone your voice sounds... manly deeper now it sounds well you know" I said with a smirk. He grabbed his chest and stumbled backwards."You hurt me" he said and wiped a tear away. We both looked at each other and laughed. 
He is nice I like him. I mean I like him like a friend! I mentally slapped myself... again.  "Hello" I heard another voice say. I looked up again and saw a girl she had light brown hair, hazel eyes and sun kissed skin. "Hi" I said feeling uncomfortable under her gaze. I realized they were still standing out side and let them into the living room. "Stop starring at her your making her feel uncomfortable" I heard oh wait I don't know his name yet whisper.  She ignored him. " Have we met before?" She asked. I looked at her and thought for a few minutes then it hit me "Lanna?" I asked with my mouth hanging open. "Macy!" She screamed. We both got up and ran towards each other and hugged. "I've missed you so much!" We both yelled at the same time.

Lanna was my best friend for seven years but then one day she moved away  we called each other as often as we could but then we got jobs and we couldn't find spare time to call each other and lost contact all together. 

We asked each other about... well everything. Erics friend cleard his throat, We both stopped talking and looked at him. "Hey I wanted to talk to Macy" He whined. I laughed and nodded my head. "Okay but I have a question first" I said and pointed at him. He nodded "What is your name?"

Sorry it took me so long to update but I hope you like this chapter and remember I've never wrote a proper book before so I'm trying my best!!

Are sweet poison Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu