Chapter 2: Number 5

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Chapter 2:

I wake up in my mom and dads arms. I look up at them they are waking up to, I look at the time it's 8 in the morning. Tears burn in my eyes again but I hold them back. "Good morning" My dad says with a crack in his voice. "Good morning" I reply with a sad smile. I say good morning to my mom too. I try not to cry knowing that this is my last time I will wake up and see them in a while. I hear small foot steps coming down the stairs "Macy?" Adens small voice says quietly. "Yes?" I reply. Aden comes and gives me a hug. "Your going to comeback soon right?" He asks. I stay quiet "I will try" Is all I say. He lets go of me and then says good morning to everyone. "I'm going to take a shower" I say in small voice. Everyone nods and I walk into the bathroom. I strip myself of clothes and step in the shower letting the hot water run down my face and body. I still haven't took my makeup of since yesterday so I do it now, I wash my hair with my Citrus scented shampoo, Then wash my body with a minty scented body wash. I don't know why I've always just loved those scents mixed together. I step out of the shower then put on a robe, I walk into my room, My mom was in there, Smiling at the pictures of us together. I clear my throat, She turns and faces me. "Can I help you get ready?" My mom asks. I nod, not trusting my voice , And then make my way to my vanity.

I sit down in the chair and face my mom, It is so quiet in here, My mom applies my makeup then does my hair then fetches me my dress. I grab the dress and my under garments and make my way into the bathroom and change. I look into my mirror and my breath catches in my throat. I look beautiful. I've never said that about myself before, A smile creeps it's way onto my face then I show my mom how I look. "You look beautiful M" My mom says. "Thanks to you" I said with a warm smile. She laughs "No you were beautiful before I put the makeup on you". "Sure" I reply with a smile and rolled my eyes. I walk up to her and hug her, she hugs me back. "I'm so scared mom" I say trying not to cry. "Don't worry, Okay? Every thing will be fine" My mom said trying to comfort me.  "Let's go show your dad and Aden how you look" Mom squealed. I laugh and nod my head. We go and walk downstairs, my brother and dad walk in front of me and stare at me.  "Wow Macy you look bootayful!" Aden says while clapping. "What he said" My dad laughs.  "Thank you" I say with a big smile.

I look up at the clock it's already 12 the choosing starts at 1! "Guys we have to go!" I yell. Everyone looks at the clock and shrieks. "Let's go, Let's go, Let's go!" My dad yells. We all run and put are shoes on, And then get into the car.
It's going to take us 40-50 minutes to get to the choosing, I am sitting in the back seat with Aden while my mom and dad are in the front. Aden is being adorable like always. He is trying to make me laugh, And it's working, He is making these adorable little faces at me. I pinch his chubby little cheeks. He laughs then holds his hand were I pinched him. I hug him and he hugs me back. "I am not going to wash my face until you comeback, Kibuz I'm going to miss you" Aden says. "I'm going to miss you Ady" I say and hug him tighter. I hear him cry and I hold back my tears. He looks up at me, his big blue eyes shining with salty water. "Don't leave" He whispers. I run my hand through his blonde hair. "Don't cry" I said to him with tears again burning in my eyes. He nods. "I'll try".


We are at the choosing, my dad parks the car and we all step outside. I look at my parents.... it's time to say goodbye.  I run up to my family and hug them tight, none of us cry because we have already ran out of tears. I let go of them all and give them all a kiss on the cheek, first mom then dad then Aden. I turn around and start walking towards the door to the choosing. I stop suddenly and run back to them. "I can't do this!" I yelled. "It's okay" My dad says quietly. "Don't go please Macy!" Aden sobs. I give him a kiss on the cheek. Then I take of my necklace, It was simple and silver, I put it around Adens neck. "Keep it safe for me" I say with a sad smile. He nods. "I love you guys" I whisper. "We love you too" My dad says. I turn around and open the door I look behind me and see my little family waving at me, I wave back. "see you soon" I whisper. Then walk inside. The door closes.

I feel my heart squeeze. I take a deep breath and continue walking. A man spots me and asks me for my name I tell him. He nods and looks down at his notebook and then hands me a mask and a number. The mask he gives me is black and white so it matches my dress, I was number 5. The man led me to a big room full of girls with beautiful dresses. No boys in sight. They split us up, girls in one room, boys in the other. Some of the girls were crying because they also had to leave there family, Some were celebrating finally being free of them. I look at the clock it is exactly 1.

I shudder, I wonder who I will be paired with. I hear numbers being called out, Then I hear someone yell out 5... I followed the voice and stopped in front of a small machine and placed my thumb on the scanner. After it was finished scanning my thumb I had to bend down and scan my eyes. Once everything was done a number was printed out. 15.  That's him. Number 15. I sucked in a deep breath and a walked out the other door. In here there was a room full of girls and guy's. They were all walking around and showing eachother there number, the room was packed. I slowely started walking around with the number in my hand, A few boys have came up to me with a number but none of them were 5.

It's been an hour and I still haven't found him, sighing I got up and started walking around again, Suddenly I ran into someone, I looked up at him and mumbled an apology. He smiled. "Are you number 5?" he asked. I looked up at him with wide eyes and nodded. "So your number 15" I said in shock.

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