Chapter 8: Bastard

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Chapter 8:

We finished eating our yummy waffles then sat outside in the grass, It was Erics idea he said it was a nice day perfect to just lay in the grass together. obviously when he said together butterflies erupted in my stomach, A smile spreads across my face faster then I spread Nutella on toast.... and trust me that's fast. Eric and I talked about silly things about each other like embarrassing stories and etc. Then his stupid phone had to ring. "Sorry" Eric said while reaching for his phone. I shrugged in response. "Hello?" Eric asked while bringing the Phone to his ear. His expression darkened immediately when he heard the callers voice. "Yes I know" He said coldly. "For god sakes leave!-" He got cutt off. He moved the phone from his ear and gave me an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry, I have to go somewhere I will be back soon" He said quickly. I couldn't even respond because he had already ran inside then left. Sitting alone felt awkward so I got up and headed inside.

What was so important about this call to make him leave?


Erics P.O.V

I hurried out the door and into my car muttering curse words every now and then. I drove quickly because the man I was driving to wasn't very patient... Once I saw his car I put mine in park next to his and ran inside the building. Then I saw the bastard standing there. I walked over there giving him a cold glare. "Hello" He said sipping his coffee. "What do you want" I replied coldly. "Her" He said with a shrug. Her? who could he possibly be- Then it hit me.... Macy. "No, no way in hell why do you want her?" I demanded. "How will you ever run your business with a girl always nagging about things? If you give her to me you can run your business nicely and I can keep her out of your way "He said while throwing a slight glare on my direction. "I will not give her to you the machine paired us there would have to be a reason for it. She will not be apart of your stupid Ideas!" I snapped. "Listen to me boy! You will not ruin your business OUR business over one stupid girl a machine paired you with! All are hard work would be for nothing NOTHING. Open up your eyes you have barely even talked to her and you are already standing up for her!" He yelled, his fists and teeth are clenched and his face red. I stopped talking for a bit and thought about his words... he was kinda right I geuss. "I understand" I whispered. He leaned back up and said "Good".

"I have one condition though" I said speaking a little louder. He rolled his eyes and me making me clench my jaw. I stared into his piercing green eyes and said "She stays with me."

"How is that gonna work? I wanted her here because then she can't disturb you" He said annoyance laced in his voice. "I... I could Ignore her treat her like I would any other girl" I said while nodding my head ever so slightly. I have to do this it is for the best, she was the first girl to make me feel like this and that can't happen anymore. I used to just make someone feel special then sleep with them and throw them away... illegally of course because of this machine that picks who you marry. No girl ever told about me though because I made sure they were the smart ones who now they would also get in trouble for doind it with me. "Fine" He said. "But it sickens me to think you were so close to choosing a random girl over me... your father" He said bitterly. "You lost that title to me a long time ago" I said then walked away.


Macy's P.O.V

What is taking him so long? I thought while walking around the living room. I heard a knock on the door and quickly got up and answered it, Eric was standing there, I smiled up at him. I saw some kind of emotion run through his eyes then came a cold glare. I felt shivers run through my spine. "Move would you?" He hissed. I was taken aback by his hearse tone. I nodded and moved out of the way. "Good. Now go were you belong upstairs in your room I can't stand looking at you" Every word he said killed me a little. "I'm sorry I will get out of your way" I whimpered. He walked passed me and sat down in the living room. I on the other hand ran upstairs. It's happening all over again... I used to be bullied all the time I was told I was worthless and ugly and to go die because no one wanted to look at my face. I felt a single tear roll down my cheek I violently rubbed it away. No. I will not let him do this to me what did I even do wrong? Nothing exactly. I won't let him push me around and tell me things that are not true. All I want to know is what happened on that phone call that turned him into a monster. A monster that I am going to marry?

Sorry I haven't posted in a while also sorry for the short chapter I have had writers block yay. and I hope you don't hate me for this chapter but yeah that happened how stupid is Eric though like come on! lol I will try and post more.

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