Chapter 3: Damn.

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Chapter 3:

He nods. I realize I'm still close to him and take a step back. I look at his body, He is tall and really fit, He is wearing a black tuxedo with a form fitting white button up which made his ads look damn good. I saw him smirk, I looked up at him confused. "Like what you see?" He said in a low deep voice. Oh yeah I guess I was checking him out. I blushed a deep crimson shade and shook my head no. He shrugged. I look at the clock it's 3 now. The choosing will end at 4, I look around almost everyone had found there partner. music is softly playing in the background. "Do you wanna dance?" The man asked. "Well um... I-I uh don't know h-how to dance" I stutter. I'm an idiot. I feel one hand on my waist. "I'll teach you" He said. With his other hand he lifted mine onto his shoulder and intertwined my fingers with his. He pulled me close and started swaying to the music in the background. I followed his lead, this is fun I gotta say. He smiles at me and I smile back. I realize how close are faces are and blush. I wounder what he looks like under the mask. I bet he wounder how I look to. I could feel sparks going through my body when he shifted his hand on my waist. "What's your name?" He asks quietly. "My name is Macy Steele" I reply. "What's yours?" I ask. "Eric Dixon" He says With a smirk. Why do boys smirk so much? "Okay everyone the choosing is over when you exit through the door you will be given a key and an address to your so called house" I heard a woman say through the speaker. I started to move but he kept his hand on my waist, I felt uncomfortable with it on me so I shook his hand of. I've only just met the guy. We walk side by side to the door. "Names?" Asked a woman behind a desk. "Macy and Eric" I anwserd. she noded and passed me a bag. I took it and Headed out the door. I followed Eric to his car and man was it pretty, the outside of it was a silver and inside the car the seats were made of leather. Eric held the passenger door open for me, I smiled as thanks. He walked around the car and got in the drivers seat. "Can you open the bag so I can see what's inside?" He asked. I nodded and opened it, The first thing I pulled out was the key, then the next thing I found was the address, there was one more thing inside it. There was an envelope I looked at Eric who was as shocked as I was. I opened the envelope and found a letter first.

"Dear, Eric and Macy

We always give a surprise in each bag to everyone so here's yours we hope you enjoy it." I read out loud. I stuck my hand in the envelope and grabbed something when I pulled it out it was lots of cash. I gasped I've never seen so much money in my life.

The government now is so rich, They could give someone a few million dollars and it wouldn't even leave a dent in there back account. Eric rolled his eyes. "Who cares about that I have much much more in one of my credit cards" He said in a cocky tone. I hated the way he said that. "Well my family wasn't rich" I said in a rude tone. Oh god. My family wouldn't want me to talk to him like this. "Sorry" I said. He just scanned my face. "No I'm sorry for being Cocky " He said quietly. "We could use this money for clothes cause we didn't get to bring any" I suggest. He nods his head and starts the car. I pull something else out of the envelope it's another letter.

"Don't worry about buying clothes we already put that in the house" I read out loud again. "So nevermind" I say shyly. He nods. He looks at the address and starts the car again. I hear the engine start, then he pulls out of the parking lot. I decide to make conversation with him. "So are you going to miss your family?" I ask. I see something flash in his eyes. "No" Was all he said. "Are you?" he asked. I nod my head feeling tears biuld up in my eyes. He noticed it and gave my hand a squeeze then let it go. The rest of the ride we stayed quiet but it wasn't awkward silence it was nice.

I had fallen asleep. When I woke up I was in Eric's arm with his jacket over me, I squealed then he looked down at me and put me down. I realized we both haven't taken are masks of yet.

I keep his jacket around my shoulders it was cold out now, Man that must've been a long drive. I look at the house and gasp. It was quite a big house, the colour was cream on the outside, it had little trees around it with a beautiful front and back yard. we walk up to the door and Eric puts in the key then opens the door. Wow. This house was beautiful. It had too stair cases going upstairs, the floor was made of white marble, The walls were also white, there were a few house plants here and there. I ran around the house looking at all the rooms and trying to get remember what is were.        Oh no.  oh no no no no no. There is only one bed room... Eric looked at me wierd "What's wrong" He asked.  "There's only one bedroom" I whispered. he shrugged like it was no big deal. Breath Macy I thought to myself. "I'm going to go take a shower" We both say at the same time. "I'll take the one upstairs" Eric says. I nod. We both head to our room to get are clothes. I open one closest and see a beautiful selection of skirts, shorts, pants, and dresses. There are only a pair of shorts in here that I could wear as pj's, I sigh loudly. I grab my underwear then turn around to see Eruc looking at me. He takes of the shirt he was wearing as pj's and throws it to me. "I know you can't find pj's so just wear this" He said. I tried so hard not to look at his body, I failed hard and let my eyes look at his torso. I saw him smirk, I blushed thanked him for the shirt and ran into the bathroom. How did his mask not fall of? I shrug and take mine off, then I take of my clothes and hop in the shower. There was a vanilla scented body wash and shampoo in there. I Washed my hair with the shampoo and body with the body wash. Man did it smell good. I hopped out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror, It's time to show him how I look, I put on the pj's, The shirt was huge on me it went all the way Down to my knees, I let me wet hair flow down my back then dried it with the hair dryer. I stepped out of the shower and walked into our bedroom. I saw him standing there with just sweat pants on no shirt and saw the muscles on his back. He heard my foot steps and turned around, My eyes went right to his face. Holy.

He had These big bright green eyes that looked even more intimidating because of his dark hair, he had a chiseled jawline, high cheekbones. He had a some beauty spots on his face too like near his thick dark eyebrows and full lips. He was hot. I saw him smile at me I smiled back. "Cute dimples" He said quietly. I blushed. "nice eyebrows" I said awkwardly. He smirked. I noticed I wasn't talking to him by looking at his face I was looking at his abs. I quickly shifted my eyes. I look at the clock it's 9. My brothers bedtime. The memory of his made my heart clench. I was tired. "I'm going to go to sleep" I say while yawning. Then I realize we are going to have to share a bed. No I can't not yet. "I'll um sleep in the living room" I say not looking at him. "No" He says. "I will be sleeping in the living room". I try to tell him he doesn't have to but he already grabbed a blanket and a pillow and left. Feeling guilty I walked into the comfortable bed and closed my eyes. I heard the door open. "Goodnight" Eric said. "Goodnight" I reply as sleep takes over...

how do you think of this chapter and please give me any tips on writing stories this is my first time wrighting one anyway lol


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