Chapter 5: Let me hold you

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Chapter 5:

"My name is Chris, short for Christian" He replied while shaking my hand. My laughing was cutt short by a knock on the door. "I'll be right back" I told Chris and Lanna, They nodded. Slowly I got up and opened the door, I saw a very panicked looking Eric. "I saw a car parked outside who came? are you alright? are you hurt?" Eric said while breathing heavily, I don't know why I did this but I put my hands on either side of his face. "I'm fine why are you so worried? Are you okay? And your  friend Chris came with his partner" I said quietly and quickly removed my hands from his face. "Sorry I don't know why I freaked out" He smiled but it was forced. I moved out of the way and let him in, He walked to the living room. Why was he so scared I was going to get hurt? I took a deep breath and walked back into the living room.  "Boy you got a nice one just like I did" I heard Chris say while wiggling his eyebrows. I blushed and almost fell over and squealed. Everyone's head  snapped over at me. Blushing harder I looked down and sat on the other end of the couch Eric was sitting on.

"Come closer" I heard Erics deep voice ask well more like order. I looked at him and scooted a little closer I was now an arms length away from him. I could hear Lannas giggles. I felt a his protective arm wrap around me and pull me into Erics side I gasped while he did that. "What are you doind?" I whisper-yelled. He ignored me and stroked my arm.

What is happening? I tense as his hand touches my bare skin, he notices and moved  his hand. "Macy you look scared" I hear Chris chuckle. My eyes quickly snap over to him and I blush. I shook my head. "Shut up" I hear Eric say.  "Um can you uh... let go?" I whisper to Eric. "No please let me hold you just for now" He whispers back and  runs his hand through my hair. I look into his eyes and nod. I rest my head on his shoulder. Chris, Lanna, Eric and I all laughed and talk for about one more hour then they had to go.  Me and Eric said goodye to Lanna and Chris and made plans to hang out again.

I felt Eric lift his arm of me once they left. I don't know why but I wished he would hold me again. I looked up at him he look at anything but me. He has been acting weird today. "Eric what's wrong?" I ask.


"Eric don't lie and tell me what's wrong"

"Like I said nothing"



"Eric!" I yelled frustrated.

He looked at me intensely, shook his head and walked away. Uhhh! I've know this guy for like two and a half days one second he has me feeling some type of way and the next he doesn't care... Shaking my head I walk into my bed room and sink into my bed. I really would love to hear my family's voice. Hesitantly I grab a phone. I'm only aloud to call them five times, Uhhhhh I hate this. I slowly put the phone back down. "Mom what am I supposed to do" I sigh. I close my eyes but then I hear talking, Eric walks is the room on the phone I pretend I'm asleep.

"No don't you lay a hand on her!" He yells

"I don't ca-"


"Okay I will give you the money"

"yeah whatever" He hung up the phone. Who was he talking to? What does he mean don't lay a hand on her? who is her. Suddenly I feel jealous I don't know what's happened to me. I feel a dip next to me then hands stroking my hair. I keep my breathing quiet. "I know your awake and that you hear all that" He sighs. My breathing stops and my heart rate picks up. "Stop pretending or I'll make you" I hear a bit of playfulness in his voice. What does he mean make me? Suddenly I feel the blanket being ripped of my body then hands on my ankles pulling me of the bed. I scream "Stop!". He does then I realize the my shirt has lifted up so much you can see my entire belly. He was looking at it, feeling uncomfortable I quickly pulled my shirt down. He shakes his head and then looks up at me with his beautiful green eyes.

Beautiful? why did I say that.

"Sorry" I say quietly. He shakes his head. "I shouldn't have been listening to your call" I add. "I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have forced you to let me hold you... to be honest I don't really know why I wanted to" He said while rubbing the back of his neck. I felt sad that he didn't really want to hold me. I think he noticed. "That came out wrong" He said with his eyes looking scared. I laughed and waved my hand saying it's fine. We both sat there in silence. "Since we are going to get married in a few years let me take you on a date" I quickly look at him with a smile. "I would like that" I admit. "Good me too" he says with a smile of his own.

Erics p.o.v

I'm an idiot!! I shouldn't have asked her on a bloody date! what if they see her with me... what would they do crap crap crap! I try not to show the emotions I'm feeling show only face. I look at Macy and my heart tightens. She is blushing and is twirling her hair in her fingers with a smile plastered on her face. I don't know why the stupid machine had to pair me with her, She looks so fragile... But damn is she beautiful. Before I know what I'm doind I'm drooling. Like actually drooling like it's coming out of my mouth. I hear Macy giggle as I wipe at it frantically. I blush crimson. I never blush. Man what is happening. I look away from her. She places her small hand on my arm making me blush more. "What were you drooling about" She asked.


"Nothing I just had my mouth open for to long" I lie smoothly. well at least I think smoothly. She nods. I get of the bed. "Our date will be tomorrow at 7 am I have an idea" I know it's early but I wanna take her on a little old fashioned date. I think she might like it.  She gives me a questioning look but then agrees. "Okay well I should go make us dinner" She says. "No you don't have to I could hire someone to do it" I tell her. She shakes her head "No I love cooking actually we never really got to now each other so how about we bond together while making some food?" She asks.

I don't know how to cook. I look at her face she is giving me the puppy dog eyes... Her lips are pouting and her eyes are wide open looking directly at mine. How can I say no to that? I sigh "Okay okay please stop" I laugh. She  throws her fist in air and whispers victory. She grabs my wrist and drags me towards the kitchen.

"Let's begin"

hi guys!!! I know it sounds like I am taking things for them too fast but I have my reasons 😏 Any way I hope you like this chapter

Love- P

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