Chapter 9: flashbacks

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Chapter 9:

"Great" I mumbled tiredly. I hope Eric has cooled down a bit from yesterday. My phone suddenly rang and Beyoncés song 'Formation' was playing through the living room, today I had slept on the couch not wanting to be near Eric. I picked up the phone and put it on speaker to lazy to put it on my ear. "Hi?" I answered my voice sounding as tired as I felt. "Hi Macy its Lanna! also Eric was the one who gave me your number!" I hear her yell excitedly. I sit up and smile. "Lanna hi! how are you?" I ask.

"Good thanks, I was wondering if you would like to hangout today?"

I think about it for a second. Eh I don't wanna stay here with Eric soooo. "Sure!"

"Great! I think it's time we go shopping"

"I agree with that" I laugh.

"Okay I'll pick you up in like an hour or so. Byeeee"

"Bye bye" I chuckle and put the phone down. I get up of the couch and walk to the bathroom, strip myself of clothing, and walk under the hot water. I love showers for two reasons 1 because I am alone so I can think 2 because no one could tell I was crying. I am not crying right now because I don't want to waste tears on Eric of all people. I walk out of the shower once I'm done and slap myself... I left everything in our room great. I wrapped a towel around myself and walk quietly towards the bed room, the door is already open so I step inside Eric is asleep on the bed, he looks so innocent sleeping his dark hair ruffled and cuddling a pillow.

I wish I was that Pillow... WAIT WHAT no I don't he is a jerk and he can keep his hands to himself. I shake my head and walk over to my closet opening it. I was looking for a bra and underwear then I heard Erics voice say "What are you-" I screamed cutting him of. My towel fell off to... but I quickly grabbed it so my whole back and front are exposed but my butt and you know are covered. I blush a dark red but thank god I'm facing the closest still. My towel has fallen off kinda in front of Eric. ERIC. "Im s-sorry" I stutter and slowly lift the towel back up and turn to face him. His eyes have turned a few shades darker. "What are you doing" He hissed. "Grabbing my clothes I'm going out" I respond. He chuckles. "Well then hurry up" He says his eyes return to there normal shade of green as he walks out the room. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I walk in front of the mirror once I got dressed, I am wearing a mid thigh light pink  dress that clenched the waist and then flared out lightly, also on the waist was cut outs on each side. I loved this dress when I saw it in the closet, and I through on a pair of white Keds . Smiling I sit down and do my makeup I applied a light weight foundation and concealer, bronzed up my face then did winged liner and a pink/nude matte liquid lipstick. Happy with the results I make my way down stairs and sit in the living room waiting for Lanna. I saw Eric in the kitchen and walked over there, I don't know why I did but oh well I am thirsty. Eric looks towards my direction, he freezes for a second and runs his eyes over me. Feeling self-conscious under his gaze I walked over to the cupboard to grab a glass. Yippee I can't reach it, it sucks being short. Standing on the tip of my toes I tried reaching for it again yet another fail. "ughhhh" I grunt. "Why did they have to be on the top shelf" I whisper to myself. Suddenly I feel a chest press up against my back and see Erics arm grab the cup for me. He bends down to my level and whispers softly in my ear "To keep you away" He says answering my question. A shiver runs through me and I try not to show it. Try that's the key word here. Why is he so good damn rude but nice. UGH. I scrunch up my face. "Thanks" I say with my teeth clenched. I fill the cup with water and drink it, I hear the door bell. Putting the cup down I opened the door and saw Lanna and Chris. "Hey guys!" I say happily. "Hey!" Lanna and Chris say at the same time. Then my face scrunchs up.  "Oh, Chris wanted to come he said he wanted to see you and Eric again" She states.

"did someone say my name?" I hear Erics deep voice ask from behind me. "Hey Eric! ohhhh you should join us" Lanna says brightly. Oh no please god no I'll do anything but please no.

"Sure, let me just change quickly"

Who knew 6 words can change someone's mood in 6 seconds. Eric noticed my mood and came over to me. "Don't want me to come along do you" he whispers yet again. I ignore his coment. "Just hurry up" I spat done playing nice. He shot daggers at me with his eyes and walked away. I'm surprised I didn't flinch under his gaze. Shaking of the thought I turned to Lanna and Chris who are both smirking at me. "What?" I ask. They both shake there head.

Erics p.o.v
(I don't wanna write to much in this point of view)

I slip on a gray v-neck shirt just as my phone rings. I pick it up knowing exactly who it is "What do you want now?" I hissed through gritted teeth. "I already gave you money and started being rude to poor Macy what else do you want!" I say louder. "Hurt her." was his simple response. "I am hurting her" Then it hit me he wants me to hurt her. "You sick bastard no no no no" I want to yell but I can't. Why won't he let me be happy.

~Flash back~

"Mom are you okay?" My little 5 year old self asks with tears in my eyes. "I'm fine honey" She says holding my little form in her arms. He did it again he won't stop. I sob In my mothers arms. "I want to be strong like you when I grow up" I say thinking out loud. "sweetie you already are"

He came back in the room. "Hey champ" He slurs with a bottle in his hands. "Dad please stop" I say crying. "You weak pathetic little thing grow up!" he yells. The last thing I feel is a bottle hit my head and my mothers scream.

~Flash back over~

"No I will not become you, you may prove points from time the time but you are sick and foolish let me say this again I will never become you" I hang up hearing his laugh.

"Eric lets go" I hear Macy's innocent voice say. I grunt in response.

"Let's go"

this chapter has me feeling some way not a good one ugh I hate his 'Dad' with a burning passion

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