Chapter 6

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Tessa was scrolling through the pages of the book. "Once Upon A Time," she murmured to herself. She stopped and traced Will's picture in the book with her fingers lightly, "Will...I wish you could here me right now, we're doing all we can to bring you back..Snow has given me hope, that I will see you again," tears dropped on the pages, she couldn't look away...every shadowhunter, downworlder, she knew was in this book, including, "Magnus Bane!"
"Hmm? What was that Tessa?" Emma said as she walked over to Tessa, tying her hair.
"Emma, Magnus Bane, I could get him to come here, he can help us out... Do you think Regina will help too?"
"Not...right now..I don't think it's best because of.."
Tessa knew what Emma was talking about. "It's.. not really fair is it..I Just came back from the underworld..and, it's sad that Robin Hood died...maybe I should to her..I know what it feels like to lost a love one."
"Tessa, wait, Regina isn't a shadowhunter.. or a vampire, or..any downworlder."
"I know, and you're scared she might go back to being the evil queen."
Emma was about to ask how Tessa knew that.
"Your mom told me."
"Other than, Magnus...there has to be some shadowhunters that can help, right?"
"Them," Tessa pointed to the book, showing a picture of a fire red headed girl and a blonde hair boy. "Clary Fairchild and Jace Herondale."
Emma frowned looking at the picture closely "Oh my god.."
"I.. I know her."
"We met before..." Emma eyes widen as she grabbed her cell phone, scrolled through her contacts and pressed the call button.
Meanwhile, New York Shadowhunter Institute...
Clary felt her phone vibrating as she picked it up and saw the caller ID. "*faint gasp* Emma Swan."
Jace came up to Clary, "is everything alright?"
"Yea..uhm..just, gotta take this call," she smiled trying to make sure Jace doesn't get too suspicious as she walked into her bedroom she answered in a whispered tone, "Emma, this is a surprise.. isn't a good time to - what?- who- what book?" Clary's eyes widen, "we'll be there!" Clary hung up. "Jace!" She called out.
Jace came in holding his seraph blade.
"We've got a mission."

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