Chapter 8

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Storybrooke,  Present Day...
"What, IS this place?" A girl with long black hair and dark brown eyes asked fascinated.
"'s says it right there Izzy," Clary pointed to the sign that said ' Welcome To Storybrooke '.
"And we're suppose to believe that the fairy tales from the actually story books...are real?" A next boy with black hair and blue eyes said, looking a bit similar to the other the girl with black hair.
"Says the shadowhunter who deals with fair folk on a daily bases," Clary said with a hint of sass.
Jace took out his seraph blade as he saw a shadow approaching them. Izzy (Isabelle) took out her whip, and Alec (the other boy) took out an arrow.
"You can put those away, it's ok, " Tessa said as she walked up to them, smiling, "hello."
"Tessa Gray?" Jace asked in astonishment.
"Yes, hello Jace,  Isabelle, Alec...and Clary."
The four shadowhunters were speechless.
"Did you call Magnus?" Tessa asked.
"I did, he said he was on his way," Alec said with a faint smile.
"Good "
"And..." Clary hesitated, "we also got two of the Silent Brothers to come...including Brother Zachariah..who really isn't a Silent Brother anymore but still..."
"Jem.." Tessa whispered. "Thank you, come with me."
"Are we really in a actual story book?" Clary asked Tessa as they walked up to the apartment.
"Yes.. and there's more, don't worry, Emma will explain."
"Emma? Emma Carstairs is here?" Jace asked confused.
"No..Emma old friend of mine," Clary said sounding a bit nervous, remembering the last time she saw her.
The apartment door opened, "Tessa."
"Hi Snow." Tessa smiled. "Come on in guys,  it's ok."
The four shadowhunters stepped inside looking around.
"I'm sorry, did you just call her Snow?  As in, Snow White?" Clary asked.
"Yea, that's me, Oh, Tessa, we're going to Granny's Diner, to see Regina and let her know that.."
"I know.." Tessa nodded.
"Ok what's going on?" Jace asked.
"Jace, there's a chance that..Will, can come back... and I'll show you," Tessa held out a book.
"Once Upon A Time..." Clary said.
Emma walked in and stopped..., "Clary.."
"Tell us what's going on, why are we here," Alec demanded.
Emma explained everything to them, how they (the shadowhunters and downworlders and the fair folk and demons) came into the book.
"So, that's why you can you see us? That's why you know almost everything about us?" Clary questioned looking at the book.
"Yes, Clary, do you remember the man I was running after?"
"The demon." Jace corrected her.
"Yes, when, you told me it was a demon..I, didn't really believe you..I'm sorry."
"'s ok.. I'm glad you called me," Clary assured her.
"Emma, needs to go, to the diner soon, Will's stele,  is here, in Mr. Gold's Pawn shop,  we need to find it." Tessa said putting on her coat.
"Right," Alec got up,  "and,  who, exactly Is Mr Gold?"
Isabelle looked at Clary, "we'll find out when we get there."  And with that, Tessa and the four shadowhunters left.
"Swan.." Hook placed his hand on her shoulder.
"I have to Regina this in private.." Emma said hugging Hook. 
"I love you," Hook placed a kiss on Emma's head.
"I love you too."

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