Chapter 10

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"So, Gold knew about you all before?" Zelena asked cradling baby Robin in her arms.
"That bastard knew about this whole time and didn't tell us," Emma said bewildered.
"Why would he? He's Rumplestiltskin. The Dark One. He would've never told us, instead he sends us in this goose chase in the underworld and here in search of that shadowhunter!" Regina said rising her voice with a mixture of sass and frustration.
" that "shadowhunter" has a name, and very quite good looking if I do say so," Will said in a faint egotistical way taking a bite out of a green apple. Tessa couldn't help but smile a little. Will came back. She rested her head on his shoulder.
Flashback ×××××
Everyone was at Granny's talking about Robin (Hood) and comforting Regina in anyway as possible. Suddenly the Diner and the whole of Storybrooke shook for a quick second as Hook barged in asking if Emma and everyone was alright.  Hook had answered questions about his return after the underworld. Regina, however had a look of sadness, anger and frustration in her face for a second and remained quiet.
A few minutes later Clary went inside the Diner and walked up to Emma, "Emma, are you ok?" Clary paused and looked around, "is...everyone, ok?"
"Yeah, we're fine, just...what was that?" Snow asked.
"Bet it was Rumplestiltskin,  no doubt," Zelena said. Clary tensed up a little, *Rumplestiltskin*...she was about to tell Emma about what Rumple had told them, when, the wall at Granny's Diner glowed in beautiful purple as three people stepped out of it.
"Am I fashionably late?" A guy asked, as his cat eyes looked at Clary.
"Magnus, you came!"
"Only, cause you told me pretty boy (Alec) was here," he paused and wiped away a piece of lint from the counter ," and that there is a chance of getting Will back."
"I'm here to make sure Clary's still safe as possible."
"Luke!" Clary hugged him. Then she turned her attention to the other boy, who's hair and eyes were silver. Clary approached him, "Brother Zachariah...I mean,  Jem," she smiled.
"Clary Fairchild, pleased to meet you again," Jem smiled.
Jace, Alec, Isabelle and Tessa came inside.
Magnus and Alec looked at each other for a nanosecond before Alec walked fast and kissed Magnus.
"Thank you for coming," Tessa said softly touching Jem's hand. Her eyes welling up.
"We'll get him back," Jem assured her.
Meanwhile in The Underworld××××
Will was going through the "Once Upon A Time" book at The Blind Witch's Diner.
"You," Cruella walked up to him looking angry as ever. "People have been leaving the underworld, going about there blasted ways, now give me that book so I can see how to stop them from leaving," she demanded.
Will looked up and set his drink on the table. "What if I said no? What will you do? Kill me? Oh, that's right, you can't," he said with a sarcastic tone and a victory smirk on his face.
"Blasted shadowhunter, " then, she had a thought came to her and she smiled like the devil ," now that you and those other shadowhunters and downworlders and what not are in the book, there's  a possibility that YOU can come back and go to your dear wife."
Will tensed up, he got up and walked out of the diner and headed his way to the docks.
"Satan's mistress," Will called out as he walked up to Jessie.
"What do you want, I was on my way to King Arthur."
"Did you know about this?" Will held up the book,  "did you know that we could've returned?"
Jessamine gulped and looked away.
Will's expression went from confusion to realization, "you knew? You knew and didn't tell me."
"Why would I ever want to tell you. "
"You could've at least told Emma, or Henry, or could've even told Hook."
Jessamine face was swollen from stubbornness then sighed as she looked up,"when Killian left, you could've left with him."
"You know how much I -" suddenly the pages of the book started flipping through and stopped at a very particular and new page.  Will's eyes widen, "Jem..Tess.."
Jessamine looked at it, "Tessa Gray..." she gulped remembering, "Nate."
The dock started to quake as a big drawing of a circle with a star inside of it appeared and began to swivel and swirl.
"It's a portal!" Jessie and Will exclaimed. Will looked at the book and saw Magnus, Alec, Jace, Izzy, Clary, Jem..and Tessa, holding hands around the circle.
"Go," Jessie said in a softer voice...I don't think I can face them again...besides.. *sigh* I'm, somewhat friends, with Cruella De Vil," she chuckled at that last part. "Will, the portal isn't going stay long, go before Cruella sees this."
Will was going to say something when the portal started shrinking...," I'll tell them I saw you."
Jessamine smiled and nodded as Will jumped into the circle.
His tombstone from the graveyard tipped.
Storybrooke, The Woods××××
Tessa clutched on to Will's stele , praying to the heavens as the shadowhunters concentration was on Will. Suddenly the ground shook and an explosion fell making them fall backwards on the ground, smoke from the circle cleared up. Tessa got on her feet and stood in astonishment. There he was...he's here.. standing at the center was,  "Will!" Tessa shouted tears of joy ran down her face as she ran into his arms embracing him tight.
"Tessa," glad as ever,  slight tears streamed down his face as he embraced her back with passion. He began giving her kisses on her face.
"Hello Will."
William looked up, "Jem... *turns his head and sees Magnus* Bane..."
"Welcome back Will," Magnus said as he winked at him. "I'd like you to meet Alec, my boyfriend."
Alec smiled.
Will looked at the four shadowhunters. He stopped and looked at Jace. "Well...I Am better looking than my great great great grandson."
"Excuse me? No, no see that's where wrong."
As Will and Jace argued about who was better than who, Tessa, Clary, Alec, Izzy,  Jem and Magnus smiled and chuckled a bit.
"Magnus, what're you guys doing here-?" Emma and was walking towards them along with Regina and stopped..."'re back."
"Nice seeing you again Emma..where's that pirate who thinks he's devilishly handsome?"
Izzy spoke up, "there's something we need to tell you... it's about Rumplestiltskin.."
End of Flashback ××××

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